
Charles: Have you read Andrew Ross's new book, Creditocracy, yet? I think you'd enjoy it.
Someone tweet this to Cienna Madrid, if she's still among the living.
That is our value to the capitalist system, a bag of blood to be drained dry.
This is funny; when I worked at a college on the Eastside, I came into contact with a woman who was obviously delusional in some sort of mental impairment-capacity. She's asking questions that make no sense, her voicemail greeting declared that she was a centuries old famous figure.

But, I thought to myself, she's paying her tuition, year in year out, for whatever different degree program/career path she's chosen this week.
There Will Come Soft Rains (August 4, 2026/2057)
The real tragedy is that she didn't have anyone to check on her other than her creditors and utilities. I wonder what was happening to all her mail.

She had a PO Box.

Given that her body was found in the backseat of her car and that she had recently been laid off, I wonder whether this was a suicide.
Wow, she must have been incredibly lonely... if no-one in her life knew she was absent from their circles enough that they should giver her a call or six and find out what's up.
@8 that's sort of what drew me to make the Bradbury reference. The machinery around her obliviously and dutifully trundled on maintaining the infrastructure supporting her house, yet she was so alone her entire world had ceased.
When we get depressed and think that things can't get worse, there is always someone, somewhere that has a problem worse than yours. Count your blessings, add up your friendships and your health, life is too short to be depressed about things you can not do anything about. Summer is coming, today was a beautiful sunshiney day, get a good night's sleep and call me in the morning.
Good Evening Charles,
Read about this a few days ago. Most sad. However, I've read more about it and I am beginning to think it was a suicide. I believe she, like many homeowners chose this kind of mortgage paying arrangement. I'm not convinced the "system" wanted her money let alone "needed for her death to continue in peace".
Germany led the U.S. in implementation of automatic bill-pay by many years. So the German press has been running these stories for a long time. Usually it's an old person found in front of the T.V. set, monthly state payments going into their accounts, monthly utilities and rent being deducted.

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