I once watched a group of guys in the U-District pick up a smart car and place it (right side up) on the sidewalk. I don't know if they were trying to free up a parking spot of just pranking someone.
I'm guessing these assholes won't go after Hummers and BMW's. Yes make sure the middle class knows you hate them, but don't give a shit about the super rich. It's "We are the 99%" not "We are the unemployable by choice, even though we grew up in privilege."
What political statement could that possibly be? Smart Cars are not a sign of privilege; they're small, affordable city cars. The only statement being made here is "I am a douchebag". Probably frat assholes.
And Will in Seattle thinks they're really puttin' it to the Man. What a fucking idiot you are, Willie Boy.
I wouldn't mind doing this at 7:30 am in georgetown, where 3 of those are parked in the no parking lane and traffic is backed up for a mile on airport way.
So throw a brick through Vermillion and you're a vandalizing d-bag, but tip over someone's car (an eco-friendly car) and you're making a political statement. Fuck off.
Guillotines at 11
And Will in Seattle thinks they're really puttin' it to the Man. What a fucking idiot you are, Willie Boy.
garden variety vandalism
Next question.
You know, the mass of the vehicle in question might have something to do with it.