Warren Throckmorton just published a statement from Dalton Roraback, a former coach at Mars Hill Church. Roraback says he was forced out of Mars Hill for asking questions about the church's recent scandals—officially, Roraback's head coach told him that he displayed "a divisive spirit." You should go read the whole first-person account. But if you need a taste, you should read this paragraph, in which Roraback describes a church in crisis:
People are fleeing Mars Hill by the droves every week. Tithing is down. The church is in emergency mode. In place of the old Mark who was able to lay out the Gospel with such passion, his sermons contain less about Jesus each week. Instead, we hear Mark using Scripture to make himself look like the Apostles and those who speak out against him look more like the enemies of the early church. It’s chilling to listen to, and unfortunately, I believe that many people are completely unaware that they are being manipulated with such ease.