Blogs Sep 2, 2014 at 11:06 am


On what is turning out tone a shitty day, posts like this bring a smile to my face..
Thanks Dan!
Uh-oh. . . .
I don't get it
Oh come on. There is nothing wrong with Rasmussen's tweet. Stop being so bitchy and let the man share that he had a good time at a picnic.
cool; so your husband is a green anarchist? finally waking up to the nightmare of globalism and centralization.
Yeah, no. Tom was fine, Terry comes off as a total dick, and you sound like an asshole too.
Wait, why the fuck does Dan get to make fun of people with disabilities? Guess he only cares if you insult gay people....
Rasmussen only needed to add #Ferguson on the end and it would have been perfect.
Electronic proximity of politicians and, uh, non-politicians. You have to admire the mechanism for not only enabling, but sky-writing, many conversations that would never take place in real life.
I don't follow the Tweeter so may not get this, but what's wrong with the original tweet? Not cynical enough? Too sincere?
What @6 said. Seriously mean and catty.
@3, @4, @6, @10 -- Yeah, I don't get it either. What was wrong with the original tweet?
this is the first time in a few years when i DIDN'T go to the labor council's picnic, and i believe that the only thing that is a bigger waste of time than going to the picnic is following tom rasmussen on twitter. seriously, why are you reading his tweets?
Terry Miller sounds like LWBGAH.
So, if Terry doesn't want to get typical politician tweets, why is he on the tweet list for a typical politician?
Well, he's a politician. The uncensored truth ("So many hawt biatches at the picnic today. SaraJane and I ended up at the Motel 6 snorting blow off each other's junk.") will never end up on Twitter.
Formerly known as the William Rufus King County Labor Council picnic.
Terry may not be getting enough sex or he's getting too many hormones. He should write you a letter.
What #6 said, Terry and you both come off as assholes. Though it IS good to be what you eat! :)
I'm afraid it's Terry that comes across as a 12 year old mean girl.
What 4, 6, and 11 said.
Sorry, Dan, but this is a dick move. The guy writes a simple, nice email about his Labor Day and you and Terry have to dump on him because his tweet isn't cool and hip enough for you.

Following and occasionally taunting public servants is just part of being an engaged citizen. Do any of you know who the chair of your city's transportation committee is? Do you make any effort to hold them accountable when they do things like withhold funding for safety infrastructure? Trolling negligent and hypocritical politicians is one of the few acceptable forms of trolling.
Is this an inside joke between you, your husband and Tom Rasmussen? I ask because most of us out here don't find the humor in it, and to be very frank, Terry comes off as a arrogant dick. I know Tom and he's a good man, and his tweet was just a basic statement about a picnic he enjoyed - he said nothing that deserved such a bitchy response.

While I agree with you, Dan, on most things, this seems mean spirited and unprovoked, and you should be smart enough to not use phrases like "developmentally-disabled 12 year old" as a pejorative.

I think the lesson here isn't that Terry "maybe" needs to work at sounding less like a jerk on Twitter, but rather the both of you need to not be bitchy and mean to decent men like Rasmussen. No "maybe" involved.

Very disappointing, Dan.
Never let friends or loved ones tweet while drunk.
Tom should have tweeted a photo of himself in a speedo or maybe some kind of harness.
Tom's just firing up his core constituency - little old ladies.
There are SO MANY OTHER THINGS to pick on Tom about, and you pick this?
Also, It's one thing to be bitchy, Dan dear - that's part of your charm, and one of the reasons I adore you. But you don't need to bring people with disabilities into it. Particularly children with disabilities, and especially when all you are doing is defending your husband's somewhat pointless tweet. You could have just said it was "childish" and left it at that.
Dan, at your advanced age, you really should know when to apologize for your husband and let things go. That behavior is expected in your 20's, can be questionably charming in your 30's, inappropriate in your 40's and beyond that it just shows you as an old bitter queen.

I assume DJ is the adult in your household, right?
Oh dear on Terry's twitter handle. A bit "I am Mrs. Norman Maine" for modern day sensibilities.
Omigawd, Dad, you're embarrassing me! Can't you tweet, like, something good even ONE TIME.
The real story here is that Terry managed to post something on social media without mentioning whichever tacky overpriced Mr Turk garment he was wearing.

#InsufferableShill #FlauntingBourgeoisPrivilege
It gets better, Tom.
"SaraJane makes wonderful cookies".. Yeah, bet she does. And the rest.
For fuck sake. Rassmussen says something innocuous and you assholes jump all over his ass.

What'd you want him to say? A quote by Proust? Do a Black Power salute? What?

Or maybe something Herzog-ish like:
"This picnic reminds me only of death. So many animals suffered to provide pleasure. Tonight we weep for lost souls"

No matter what he said some other dick like you or your husband would be on his case.
Pretty dickish. Might be more effective to save your outrage for actual problems.
This makes my drunk, stupid, and regrettable posts here and on Facebook seem slightly less drunk, stupid, and regrettable.

Thanks for me feel a little better about myself :-)
Why is Uncle Terry yelling at Granny Tom?

It sounds like Granny Tom had quite the eventful day at the retirement community and that Uncle Terry wasn't invited for cookies and storytime.
Terry sounds like he needs a visit from Sara Jane's sister, Mary, then he might appreciate just how goooooood Sara Jane's cookies really are.

Just a pinch full of Mary makes the cookies go down, the cookies go down, the cookies go the most delightful way.

Listen to Catalina, Dan. She's absolutely 100% right.

Shame, shame, shame on you...both.

First, Terry attacks a defenseless, old queen for his pablum political post then you defend Terry's behavior by using a special needs kid as an insult.

Shame, shame, shame...tsk, tsk.

Go to your room - Terry and you both - and think about what you've done....and I better not hear any giggling or fooling around in there.
"Had a bomb ass time chillin' with my peeps at the Labor Day picnic. SaraJane's cookies are off the chain son!"

Are you fucking kidding me with this SLOG post?
Did Terry threaten you with something to get you to post this Dan? I mean seriously, Terry's tweet could've stupidly stood on it's bitchy own, but why would you feel the need to write its own stupid and bitchy corollary if not for that?

I now have sympathetic feels for Tom Rasmussen and it takes a very special kind of "talent" like this post to engender that sort of thing.
You know what, I was a developmentally disabled 12 year old and I could (and did!) write circles around just about anyone else in my eighth-grade class at the time. Developmental disability does not preclude being gifted, or really anything else, and even if it did, it would remain a shitty and ableist way to insult someone.
I take it two ways.
1 - Terry is upset that West Seattle District's CMTom came all the way to Woodland Park and didn't stage a Sawant-like protest over the elephants at the Zoo.…
2 - It's not cool to tweet about delicious cookies when the event is past. Terry wants some cookies, badly.
This is a job for Miss Manners. The world would be a much better place if people simply were more CIVIL to each other.
SaraJane may just start marketing those wonderful cookies, after finding fame on twitter and here. So Terry and Dan, just doing their bit to encourage enterprise. Start cooking, SaraJane.
@36 - "dumbest fucking Slog post of all time" certainly HAS to be a Mudede post, no?
You'all finished slam ducking Dan and Terry?
Cause I just wanna hijack this thread for one sec.
WTF Black Keys? You coming all the way to Australia and not doing a concert in Brisbane or anywhere in Queensland? Being one of your No. 1
Fans, I am mightily sad.. Shame on you two, shame.

I thought Dan & Terry would be a bit more likely to slam duck each other.
Ah yes, see my mistake. Thank you kindly at 53: DUNKING
Was the word I meant.. Don't dare ask what a ducking is..
Terry comes off the best in still photos, and even then he 's looking a little too juiced. It Gets Better!!
@35 +1.

This was edited since this morning, right? Adding the parenthetical because so many people failed to understand that enjoying cookies is lethally unhip and shall not stand?
So about that tweet I sent Tom Rassmussen’s way: I totally meant it. And in response to some of your questions

If you don’t like Tom Rassmussen, why follow him?

The same reason I follow the President, the Mayor, and other city council members. They are politicians and local leaders. I want to have an idea of what they are doing and thinking.

What’s wrong with the original tweet?

 if you take it at face value. But here’s the thing that got to me: In the last year some newsworthy national and local events have happened and you wouldn’t know it from the Twitter feeds of our city council members. Virulently anti-gay Russia was about to host Olympics and what did the city council have to say about it? Nothing. (Sally Clark and Tom Rassmussen had to be badgered into speaking up.) In June two gay black guys were murdered here by a Muslim religious bigot. What have Tom—or ANY member of the city council—had to say about that on Twitter? Nothing. What did city council members have to say on Twitter about that officer writing tickets to people smoking pot? Nothing. And this week a 31-year-old Lesbian—a mother and a lawyer who worked for the ACLU—died blocks from Tom’s offices at City Hall. And what did Tom (or Sally!) have to say about her? Nothing. But Sara Jane’s cookies? Yummy!

Anyway, I was reacting to those nothings and other nothings when I tweeted last night. I didn’t know Dan was going to toss it up on Slog. Going to go and kill him now. Bye!

But before I go I have to ask
 why do our city council members even have Twitter accounts? Sally Clark’s last tweet (@sallyjclark) before today’s “enthusiasm” tweet was Aug. 14. Nothing about the murdered gay guys, or Sher Kung. Other than the odd ESPN retweet, Tim Burgess (@CouncilmanTim) last tweet was on August 3. Sally Bagshaw’s (@sallybagshaw) last tweet was May 28. Jean Godden (@Jean_Godden)? August 27. Bruce Harrell (@bruceharrell) July 31. Pathetic. Mike O’Brien (@CMMikeOBrien) August 25 about Bike Share. Nick Licata (@nicklicata) January 14, 2013. Seriously not a single tweet since then.

Kshama Sawant’s (@cmkshama) last tweet was August 30: “Saddened by the death of another cyclist on Seattle's streets. We must make them safer for bicyclists and pedestrians.” The day after Kung’s death—she was the only one who said anything about it, at least on Twitter.

There comes a point, when digging a hole, that you really need to stop digging......
I know spouses have to stay together, but this is ridiculous. You are either wearing the world's biggest pair of blinders or Terry has you fully dickmatized. Tom's tweet is a typical nonsensical politician's tweet. Terry's response is beyond dickish.
The CM twitter accounts are probably manned by staffers and all 140 characters are carefully considered, poll-tested, and then watered down into meaningless "engage the youth" trinkets posted after the next office meeting.
#57, thank you for the context.
I like that he has the Cascadian flag for his icon <3
Sean Kinney @40 - you made me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Thank you.
So much concern trolling; so much impotent, pompous outrage.

A hunk called out a public figure on twitter for being a nerd with misplaced priorities?! A faggot with an advice column likened said nerd to a retarded adolescent?!?! Get two ropes.
@64, for the record Dan is the one who decided to share this with Slog since he knew it would get a bunch of hits which is what The Stranger is all about. (See "How On Line Newspapers Get Revenue")
Twitter by definition makes everyone sound like a "developmentally-disabled 12 year old". At best.
Frankly, Terry, I would prefer my elected officials make policy statements in more than 140 characters, and save Twitter for its useful purpose of chatting about picnics.
"These people are not tweeting the things I want them to tweet! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!"
@47 Nailed you, Dan. Maybe Terry was feeling off-the-charts bitchy about probably the most non-provocative twitter useage ever, but your escalation exposed you as an abelist, sputtering jackass of epic proportions. Nice work.

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