I read a couple weeks ago in one of the last good comment strings that Fnarf was done with Slog because it's gotten pretty bad. But it's clear that you guys are working on it, and it's been better for a few days. Maybe invoking his name will summon him? Is that what you're up to?
My mom is 82 and has never owned a computer. She doesn't have a Facebook page, has never tweeted, emailed or googled. But she knows what all those things are, she knows who Kim Kardashian is, and what an avatar is. My elderly mother knows as many rude words as urbandictionary. I am in awe of her.
Yeah so spend five months on a fishing boat and you'll see that your life is every bit as pointless and disjointed as it is when notifications organize your day like sands in the hourglass. Meatspace in contemporary capitalism is overrated.
Interesting, life without the internet. I'm 65 and I like the interaction on this site and the ease of getting the news without reading the horrid Seattle Times republican bullshit. Who is Fnarf?
A few months ago, I spent a week off the grid in a little cabin in Michigan. Did it make me want to never have the internet again? No. Was it an amazing way to refresh and regain perspective? Yep, and I'll certainly be doing it again.
...couldn't have said it better.