People have been flying model aircraft in Magnuson Park at least as long as it's been called Magnuson Park.
If you want to get all self-righteously outraged about drones, pick a better example.
And for heaven's sake, if you're annoyed and you can locate the people flying the toys, how about maybe SAYING SOMETHING TO THEM before issuing a long passive-aggressive whinge from your high seat of media-access privilege?
Magnuson and Carkeek parks are the only ones where operating drones or model airplanes is sanctioned, but good luck finding that info on the Parks Department's website. The increasing use of drones in parks is on the radar, however.…
That sounds awful, however I'm ok with using drones to rid the parks of that long standing menace that is couples discussing their relationships within earshot of others. Indoors or out, no one want's to hear your vacuous, navel-gazing nonsense. Stop subjecting others in your quest to re-imagine "us" or the culmination of a week long whine about how you don't feel supported by whomever you're fucking.
@15 - Totally agree on the nomenclature, but unfortunately that horse is outta the barn.
Also, weird that there was multiple drones flying at once—sounds like we need a park ordinance about breaking the fourth wall.
You live in a city. The correct thing to do is to be cognizant of the presence of your neighbors. Keep it down to a dull roar, don't invade personal space, and recognize that there are certain limited and small pockets of geography where we should all be able to escape to a moment or two of relative quiet and calm. If you can't do that, you should consider moving to a rural area where it doesn't matter as much how badly your parents failed to teach you basic manners when you're out in public.
Seattle Parks page is pretty clear, though probably should be edited to specifically include drones. From… "Please, no motorized model airplanes on the hill...If you want to fly a radio-controlled model airplane (which you can't do at Warren G. Magnuson Park), check out the clubs that have members-only fields in King and Snohomish counties.…"
Kathleen, I am wondering what kind of stuff you're ok with in the park?
Conversation? Relationship navel gazing is ok, but what if they were discussing how much they hate The Stranger?
Radios? Does it depend on what kind of music?
People making out?
Smoking? Weed? Cigarettes?
Ball sports? Frisbees?
Small children running around?
There are so many things that people regularly do in the park that are ok with some and not others. It's just the way it's going to be. Everything is going to annoy someone. People picnicking should be banned because they might make the homeless uncomfortable. Children shouldn't be allowed within sight of the childless.
Yes, the drones might be a little more annoying since they make noise, but so do the boats on Lake Washington and the couples discussing their relationship.
If the drones are really ruining your picnic tell the pilots.
I'm trying to think of a way that Kathleen Richards could come off as more as a grumpy old lady screeching at the neighborhood kids to stop enjoying themselves in her presence but... nope. This is a pretty thorough rendition of that same old gripe about the youths of today and their newfangled fun.
Nobody cares what you think, Kathleen. Get over yourself.
Kinda surprised no one has really mentioned the potential invasion of your privacy. So many of those stupid things are equipped with super hi-res digital cameras that I'd be at least mildly concerned about some sketchy dirtbags getting video footage & doing who knows what with it. I guess I can sort of agree that it's not a real big deal from a noise/annoyance standpoint, but people are freaking skeevy ass weirdos. Fuck them.
I'm a big fan of slingshots these days...great park hobby as well. Just make sure you're firing away from actual people. Hitting a motorized mosquito is a worthy challenge.
Drones are annoying. In fact, most people are loud, obnoxious, and annoying. Whether it's a drone, a party, a motorcycle, leaf blowers, etc. It's all about selfishness. No one cares how they may impact others around them. They said the 70s was the 'me' generation. Wow, they had no idea what was coming..
FWIW, Amazon plans to use battery-powered drones, which they claim are quieter. I don't care, though; I don't want the damn things cluttering up the sky, even if they were perfectly silent.
Affordable telephoto lenses for consumer cameras have been available for half a century, and are a huge boon to perverts, but as a society we've somehow managed to cope with the technology without wetting the bed and calling for an end to amateur photography.
There's so much stigma connected to the word "drone." Drones are sinister things that swoop out of the sky, operated by personnel thousands of miles away, and drop bombs on babies, right? Talk about a bad rap! I salute you, Kathleen, for softening this horrible word to include things which are merely annoying. Eventually, with enough hard work from people like you, nobody will be the slightest bit concerned when they hear the word "drone."
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
you want quiet at Magnusson? go up on the hill south of 65th. otherwise suck it up.
If you want to get all self-righteously outraged about drones, pick a better example.
And for heaven's sake, if you're annoyed and you can locate the people flying the toys, how about maybe SAYING SOMETHING TO THEM before issuing a long passive-aggressive whinge from your high seat of media-access privilege?
drones: remotely operated vehicles operated by governments or businesses for surveillance or "package" delivery.
remote control toys: remotely operated vehicles operated, and sometimes built, by individuals for recreation
PS: 6 and 8, I love you.
Also, weird that there was multiple drones flying at once—sounds like we need a park ordinance about breaking the fourth wall.
Conversation? Relationship navel gazing is ok, but what if they were discussing how much they hate The Stranger?
Radios? Does it depend on what kind of music?
People making out?
Smoking? Weed? Cigarettes?
Ball sports? Frisbees?
Small children running around?
There are so many things that people regularly do in the park that are ok with some and not others. It's just the way it's going to be. Everything is going to annoy someone. People picnicking should be banned because they might make the homeless uncomfortable. Children shouldn't be allowed within sight of the childless.
Yes, the drones might be a little more annoying since they make noise, but so do the boats on Lake Washington and the couples discussing their relationship.
If the drones are really ruining your picnic tell the pilots.
Nobody cares what you think, Kathleen. Get over yourself.
Affordable telephoto lenses for consumer cameras have been available for half a century, and are a huge boon to perverts, but as a society we've somehow managed to cope with the technology without wetting the bed and calling for an end to amateur photography.