
Comic Sans.
The comic sans is for sure the best. Close second is the almost-joyful looking exclamation points.
@2: ++

Nothing says unworthy of your time and energy better.
I think the best part is where he invites you to "come down his street" but doesn't say where his street is.

Or have a gotten so old and un-hip that "come down my street" is a new sort of com on?
Wow, between this and Mike Huckabee hating on Doritos and you, it's kind of a red letter day!
Had to vote for the inspirational quote, purely for the "man what" factor. But it was a tough call.
Comic Satans
"Yeah, don't you dare come down my [ugh] street with your sick fucking faggotry [ooh] and all that stuff you do with dicks, and other guys [uuhh]. Don't you dare come to my house with your [groan] fag ways" [comes]
And now it turns out Dan is God's private little joke to piss off homophobic Comic Sans users.
We finally know Seattleblues true identity!
What’s so great about dikes?
That's my second-favorite Hans Selye quote ever — right after, "Chill out. Cigarette?"
This is why we can't have Comic Sans.
I see an opportunity for a neologism. Fag agenda = Fagenda.
Do these twits realize how much they sound like KKK bigots? I mean, just substitute one word....

Ask Holland.
@12: Ask the Dutch.
Hold on I think we have to confirm which street it is so we can be sure if Dan has walked down it or not. LW, c'mon, where y'at?
I see two misspellings.
I can't choose the best bit. They're all equally the best bit. I also liked "fudge packing", which means he reads enough Dan Savage columns to be a very unconvincing hater.
@21. And a comma splice. Though, I admit that I didn't see two misspellings (and I don't want to read it again to look), unless you count the lack of hyphen for "fudge-packing."
The comic sans is great, but that quote is victory!
@ Reminds me of “Dike Access Road” off i-5 near Kalama..
@12 - There's a more vulgar / hilarious answer, but I'm not going to say it.

The fact it's in Comic Sans just really takes the oompf out of it, the letter seems almost homey and welcoming, it's amusingly jarring.

Isn't "repugnant" and "disgusting" essentially redundant? Probably doubled for emphasis. Sorry, I'm nitpicking now.

Thanks for sharing Dan! (and LW... =O )
I'm Comic Sans, asshole!
If the dikes lose, then we'll all drown.
I bet you make really good fudge.
@22: "I also liked "fudge packing", which means he reads enough Dan Savage columns to be a very unconvincing hater."

Not really? It's a pretty common slur, ironic use originates from sincere use from trucknutz using good ol' boys like the LW.
Trying to pick the most ignorant part of that letter is like choosing between sticking your dick in a sausage grinder, a box full of wolverines or Sarah Palin. So many options!
Well if it's any consolation, that letter seems incredibly dated. It's vintage bigotry, like listening to the racist statement in the Civil War documentary. "What, people actually said those things?" So I guess that's a measure of progress.

At least a sausage grinder won't give you rabies. The other choices leave you with no dick and rabies.

Also, even though Pope Frank can't speak english for shit, he sure can write it. Dan, did you look for a Vatican stamp on the envelope?
Dan, is there any way you can write him back and ask for his address? Because I'll bet we could wrangle at least a few hundred "fags & dikes", their friends, family, and allies to all "come down" his street and pay this tool a little visit.
This is great! I would like to see more polls like this in the future. Comic sans was definitely the worst part.
I'm sorry you have to put up with crap like this in your in-box, Dan. Just know that for every ridiculous hater out there, there are a dozen people who are grateful for your existence and for the work you do.
@ 36 - As a general rule, his moronic haters are the best proof there is that Dan is doing extremely valuable and necessary work.
@30: I've only ever seen fudge packing discussed in Dan's column here. But then I live under a rock.
@ 38 - I remember first hearing "fudge packer" in the late 80s...
@9 - that was beer-spitting, coughing, teary-eyed from laughing so hard funny.
Homophobes hate homonyms.
Dikes don't get gribbles, unless they are in a loving relationship
Seattleblues is currently on sab-ban-ttical. Please enjoy this classic Seattleblues post from February 1st, 2014 instead:

I owe Little Danny Boy the Savage an apology. His little feelings were hurt by my correction of his (usual) ignorance of the most common facts- in this case whether Mrs Clinton had ever been president. So he had my comment pulled. Poor little pervert!

Ascribing your native mendacity and errant stupidity to one of the cocktail of venereal diseases you have was wrong, Savage. You're just not very bright or honest.
Is that better, Savage?
Maybe HUMP should be replaced this year by a revival of Tulpenmania.
I was torn between the fact that it's in Comic Sans and that he has pretty good spelling and grammar for someone so unhinged. But I went for the Comic Sans.
"...will continue to destroy..."

Because you and yours have been doing such a bang-up job of it.
@45 - Did we ever find out where he got his herpes?
I will be forever intrigued by homophobes who are so very interested in what gay people are doing. It's just so fascinating. Especially the christian and muslim ones who follow religions where the founders were too holy to touch something so vile and gross as a female body. That is some deep, weird psychological shit to wade through. I'm only upset that Carl Jung wasn't alive long enough to notice this (and perhaps write a book explaining it to the rest of us).
I'm straight by the way, and I still don't get it.
I love how a Bible thumping conservative Christian justifies the use of so many swear words.
Hate is always the right attitude!
The writer also did not use the Oxford Comma, which shows their ignorance right there! Shame!
Yeah, @37 nailed it - Dan deserves a lifetime of good fortune for this and many other times where he has put himself out in front.
Simply upst that I can't vote for all three simultaneously.
"You will not win"??? Um, I think the gays have damn well won. Game fucking over.
The writer didn't actually put that quote at the end, did he? Holy cow that is awesomecrazy!
@38: "I've only ever seen fudge packing discussed in Dan's column here. But then I live under a rock."

It's hard to find the exact origin of epithets, but I do see a slang dictionary date its popularity to 1985.
Shouldn't "fudge packing" be hyphenated?
Eliminate the hateful content, add in a few randomly-colored, giant-font words, and this could be a little note from my grandmother.

I should call my grandmother.
Also, the quote is obviously the best.
@59: The 1986 film "My Chauffeur" definitely had the words "packing fudge" in it, and no, I'm not especially proud that I know this fact, and no, I'm most certainly not "Zack".
One of my favorite scenes in Six Feet Under was from "Driving Mr. Mossback":

"“What words do you use” to talk about “fudge-packers,” Taylor asks Ruth and David. In a telling moment, Ruth can’t come up with any words; David simply responds “homosexual” matter-of-factly."

I wish I could find the video for just that scene... (although you can find the entire episode).
It's like it has never occurred to straight dudes who use the expression "fudge packer" that gay butt pirates actually take care of their hole hygiene before commencing with the corn holing. If there are any turds to be burgled down there, you're doing it wrong. The myriad colorful euphemisms about anal intercourse reveal more about straight guys' anxiety than gay guys' sexual practices.
@65, They also seem to do a lot of thinking/fantasizing about the "gay lifestyle." I dare say they would be very disappointed by the average gay's lifestyle, which does NOT consist of the frequent drunken, filthy, dirty dirty dirty, fudge-packing orgies that they fap to.
More proof that you can't use reason to argue someone out of an opinion they didn't reach through reason in the first place. I hope to God that none of his kids are gay, for their sake.
Actually, the "I am and forever" was my favorite part. Followed of course by Comic Sans. Also, I would have hyphenated "fudge-packing," but that's more stylistic.

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