There is a cat meowing Al Gore right after this part of the show.
There is a cat meowing "Al Gore" right after this part of the show. MSNBC

Seattle is famous! Seattle City Council member Mike O'Brien went on All In with Chris Hayes last night to talk about the city's opposition to the port's Arctic drilling deal.

Prominently mentioned: the port's "verbal nondisclosure" agreement that kept the deal secret for months. O'Brien also made it very clear that he believes opposition to Shell in Seattle could muck up their Arctic drilling plans for good, and that the lease can still be undone.

"What I do believe for sure is when the people in charge decide this is a bad idea, we can unwind anything," O'Brien said. "So right now the city is figuring out all the things we can do to say, hey, this doesn't make sense. And whether it's through the legal action or the port commissioners changing their mind and undoing the mistake that they made, we're going to make sure that all those options are on the table."

Watch the rest below. Stay tuned for the cat meowing "Al Gore" at the very end.