Poets Derek Sheffield, William Dunlop, and Michael Spence will be reading their poems. Sheffield and Spence have both been published in Poetry Northwest. Dunlop, an English professor emeritus of the UW, has published one poetry collection, and used to write about opera and soccer for the Seattle Weekly. Frye Art Museum, 704 Terry Ave, 622-9250, 7 pm, free.


Herman has compiled not one but two books of animal photos encaptioned by pithy Shakespeare quotes, in her quest to tell us what our pets are really thinking. One's called Meditations for Dogs, while the other is called Meditations for Cats. Her next book will be Meditations for Chickens, which will use this famous quote by Shakespeare: "Every fowl is unfortunate born/For all their noble dreams end up in a stew." Barnes & Noble, 990 102nd Ave NE, Bellevue, (425) 462-4500, 7 pm, free.

FRIDAY 12/21


An inspired reading of the stupid Dr. Seuss classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, followed by another inspired reading of Chris van Allsburg's The Polar Express. Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 S Main St, 624-6600, 11 am and 1:30 pm, free.



Author of The Mindful Traveler: A Guide to Journaling and Transformative Travel will answer questions on what Buddhism, Taoism, and other Eastern philosophies are all about. The reading is for those who have just moved to the Northwest and are under the impression that Jesus Christ is the savior. Barnes & Noble, 2700 NE University Village, 517-4107, 11 am, free.


A reading of The Mitten, a Ukrainian folk tale adapted and illustrated by author Jan Brett. This actually looks like it might be okay (for kids, that is). Barnes & Noble at University Village, 517-4107, 2 pm, free.

Poetry/Open Mics

* HYPOCRISY--Formerly known as East India Trading Co. Mon at 7:30 pm; sign-up at 7 pm. Coffee Messiah, 1554 E Olive Way, 208-1188, free.

POETRY ANDANTE--Thurs at 7:30 pm. Cafe Allegro, 4002 University Way NE, 634-2310, free.

SCRATCHING POST--Poetry open mic, all ages. Thurs at 8 pm; sign-up at 7:30 pm. Mr. Spot's Chai House, 2213 NW Market St, 297-2424, free.

RE-BIRTH--Thurs at 7:30 pm. Zodiac Cafe, 605 E Broadway, 720-4502, free.

RED SKY POETRY THEATER--The granddaddy of poetry open mics. Sun at 7 pm. Globe Cafe, 1531 14th Ave, 324-8815, free.

STAGEFRIGHT--Youth open mic. Come express yourself to the masses--for aspiring writers and performers ages 14-24. Second and fourth Wed of every month. Richard Hugo House, 1634 11th Ave, 322-7030, 7 pm, free.

SEATTLE POETRY SLAM--Wed at 9 pm. Sit & Spin, 2219 Fourth Ave, 441-9484, $4.