To all you gun-hating folk who will surely use the Littleton tragedy as a soapbox for your misguided views: Please go, as soon as possible, and FUCK YOURSELVES.

I'm sick of arrogant, whiny shits trying to impose their views on me and every other law-abiding firearm owner. I'm sure you don't want to be lectured on how much you drink, smoke, or whether or not you wear a condom while you fuck each other in the ass--so why should you have a say on whether or not I own a gun?

Many of you would be pleased to see cops kicking in doors and searching homes to confiscate weapons, wouldn't you? But what if they decided to take a peek inside your liquor cabinet, medicine chest, bookshelves, or your mail... how would that be? It would be like goddamn Cuba (where they jail the HIV-positive), or Saudi Arabia (where they kill women who cheat on their spouses), or perhaps like that mecca of human rights we know as the People's Republic of China.

If I keep guns in my home, or carry them legally with a permit (which involves giving the cops my fingerprints and my personal history), and use them for target shooting or hunting, how then, exactly, is this any of your business? It isn't. Period.

So go find some other cause which doesn't trample my rights or tread on my freedoms. Or if you must assuage your guilt about Littleton, then try being nicer to those dumb-ass Goths.
