To the Editor: I have a few comments on Riz Rollins' wrestling story ["Theater of the Absurd," June 24]. First, it was very well done. When my boyfriend took me to my first live wrestling event, I was a casual fan, and didn't really follow the twists and turns of the storylines. Luckily, even the greenest, non-wrestling-watching moron can discern the good guys from the bad guys by their music, costumes, and the other fans' reactions. Riz captured this perfectly.
I do have one correction. The wrestler with the mannequin head is Al Snow, not "The Head." "Head" is the mannequin head's name. Al is supposed to be psychotic (in a thoroughly lovable and non-threatening way), and believes that Head speaks to him. Sometimes, Head says something Al doesn't like. That's why Riz saw Al kicking Head.
Wrestling is something of a guilty pleasure. It's not the type of thing that an intelligent, straight female is supposed to be into. It's full of big-breasted bimbos, beer-swilling, hairy-backed, chauvinistic men, and obscenity-laden, blood-splattering action. But wrestling fans — myself included — don't watch in spite of these things. We watch because of them.
Beth Podel, via e-mail
Dear Editor: Regarding your story, "Flushed" [Jill Wasberg, June 24], I attended a number of shows at the Colourbox between 1993 and 1996 (culminating in a show I performed while in a short-lived band). I can offer another reason why the Colourbox went belly up: It sucked. Yes, there was a bad odor on some occasions, but what stunk even worse was the pissy attitude of the bartenders, the door people, and the soundmen. Compared to places like the Crocodile or _______ (fill in the blank), walking into the Colourbox felt like stepping behind the walls of a prison. This could be one reason why Steve Johnson found it "difficult to book talented bands." And speaking of prison, the acoustics would have been better in one. The sound system at the Colourbox was not appropriate for the long and narrow room, and I can tell you from experience that the sound on stage was even worse.
While I mourn the fact that there will be no new music venue to take the Colourbox's place, I won't mourn its passing.
Mike Huxwell, Seattle
To the Editor: How about not accepting any more cigarette advertising?
Brad Howard, Bellingham
To the Editor: Having grown up in the South during the '60s and the early '70s, I was used to seeing busing as a tool to enforce segregation. Every morning, I saw black children bused past white schools that were closer to their homes in order to maintain the racist status quo. White people [who] complain about busing when their children were bused in the attempt to achieve a relatively integrated school system [make me furious]. These same people were mute when busing was used to maintain segregation.
When I read about Ms. Spracklin ["Kids Change Everything," Josh Feit, June 24], it just brought home the idea that a lot of Seattle "liberals" are completely hypocritical. They've always pointed their fingers and clucked about how bad the South was and is. Well, as Malcolm X stated, "the South is anything south of the Canadian border." If the supporters of I-200 were truly serious about a colorblind and equitable society, then they would immediately go into their homes, clubs, churches, workplaces, and neighborhoods, and start the process of fighting racism.
I never write to newspapers, but this time I had to. I applaud The Stranger and particularly Josh Feit for writing about this situation. This article only reinforces the fact that The Stranger is an outstanding source of news for anyone who wants information and not the corporate pap other mainstream publications put forth in this area.
Collier Woods, Seattle
To the Editor: I read with fascination the letter from Time, Inc. (representing People magazine), demanding compensation for the use of their cover ["Suite 1225," June 24]. I had wondered how you pulled it off, and much to my delight, you just did it! Congratulations are in order, but I'm wondering, how did you respond to their demands?
Greg Kirkos, Boston
Dear Stranger: I hate to keep beating a dead horse, especially since PCC's carcass really stinks. But I [just] read another pathetic spin letter from a co-op apologist ["Suite 1225," June 17].
Kathy Blackman states in her letter to The Stranger, "Every single letter we received regarding the China boycott was printed in the Sound Consumer." Well, not every letter, Kathy. My July 2, 1998 letter of resignation from PCC was never printed in the Sound Consumer, or anywhere else. Here's part of it: "I loved Kathy Blackman's contrived piece of dis-information in the July Sound Consumer: 'Opinion on whether or not to continue the boycott was fairly equally divided and quite strongly held. This split closely re?ects the results of the vote we had several years ago....'"
What a blatant misrepresentation. First of all, the China boycott vote was two years ago, not "several." But even worse is the Big Lie regarding the membership's stance on the boycott. It took a substantial effort by members to force the board to put the boycott up to a vote. The results? Eighty percent of those voting favored the China boycott! I don't call that "close." Maybe Blackman needs some courses in remedial math.
In my letter, I further castigated the board for weaseling around the China boycott by dragging in Amnesty International as a foil. As a member of Amnesty, I strenuously resented PCC's outrageous exploitation of this dedicated organization.
My final protest against the board's betrayal was to cut my co-op card into pieces and mail it back with my letter of resignation. That was nearly a year ago. So, when that China vote came up this month, I wasn't around to play patty-cake with morally bankrupt yuppie scum. I'd already voted with my conscience.
When I joined the co-op 20 years ago, it stood for something besides 12 different kinds of pesto. To Kathy Blackman, the PCC Board, and the rest of the weasels who voted for green tea over human rights: Happy 10th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square. I hope you choke on your fucking pasta spirals.
Jef Jaisun, Seattle
To the Editor: Interesting article ["Paid to Pray, Katrina Woznicki, June 17] in your last issue. One thing, though, puzzles me: Wasn't there a charismatic upstart in first-century Palestine who kicked over furniture and drove out some of the church's staff because they insisted on merchandising God?
I think he was making a statement on religion.
Of course, I could be wrong.
James Warren, Des Moines
Hey, Dan: Enjoyed the Queer Issue [June 17]. Was wondering if you consider sluttony and goth deadly sins as well?
Ed Cosgrove, via e-mail
To the Editor: I wish The Stranger had seen a copy of the letter I wrote, which elicited Mark Sidran's amazing response ["Sidran: Socialist or Weirdo?" by Josh Feit, July 1]. I deliberately avoided confrontation in my letters to Mr. Sidran's office. There are hundreds of people sleeping outside tonight in Seattle. Most want to remain law abiding. When all the shelters are full, I don't know what to tell homeless people when they ask me where they can go that is legal and relatively safe. I thought I could get advice from the city attorney. He had no answer.
Now let's see if the city council can provide some guidance. If the lawmakers and the city attorney can't tell me what "legal habitation" is for those sleeping outside against their will, I guess common sense and compassion will have a renewed chance.
Rick Reynolds, Executive Director, Operation Nightwatch
Dear Stranger, Did I really read that correctly? Samantha Shapiro ["A True Living Legend," June 24] starts off by saying, "Wynonna is greatness," and insinuates that the rest of the piece will contain more of the same praise. However, in reading the rest of her article, it is difficult to discern whether she LIKES Wynonna or HATES her. I was just wondering if it would be possible for you to clear that up for me, please....
Misty Parsons, New Albany,Indiana