路 The Gregorian calendar was originally developed by someone named Greg.

路 Vidal Sassoon collects shih-tzus and is straight.

路 Pedestrians always have the right of way.

路 You neither starve a cold, nor feed a fever.

路 Convertible cars are more dangerous than motorcycles.

路 The same fungus used in making cheese is found in athlete's foot.

路 Film star Patrick Swayze is Congressman Henry Hyde's nephew.

路 Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Space Needle.

路 The kids in The Blair Witch Project are really dead, and have been replaced by look-alikes.

路 Swimming while eating will enhance your performance.

路 Jean-Claude Van Damme is not really Austrian.

路 Some cricket matches take as long as three days to play.

路 Lesbians can smell better.

路 The pads on dogs' feet continue to grow after they die.

路 Actress Mira Sorvino won an Oscar.

路 Wearing thong underwear causes anal fissures.

路 Gulden's Mustard is nature's own Rohypnol.

路 TV's Frasier is a practicing Scientologist.

路 Reese's Pieces were originally conceived by Steven Spielberg.

路 Lifting weights causes male pattern baldness.