Send your unsigned legible confessions and accusations of 400 words or less, changing the names of the innocent and guilty, to "I, Anonymous," c/o The Stranger, 1535 11th Ave., Third Floor, Seattle WA 98122, or e-mail us at anonymous@thestranger.com.
For quite some time, I've been seeing Generation X-ers wearing T-shirts, jewelry, and tattoos depicting the Star of David. Sometimes it's just a six-pointed star, or includes the Lion of Judah, Bob Marley's portrait, or the African continent. I just went to yet another outdoor rock concert where I saw a young woman with a large Star of David tattooed in the center of her back. The people I'm referring to are neither Jews nor real Rastafarians. They are wearing the Star of David as a fashion accessory, and have adopted it as a countercultural statement meaning, "I smoke herb, and I like reggae music." There is no connection to Judaism or Marcus Garvey's and Haile Selassie's religious beliefs.
I am a third-generation Jewish American. To say that I find Gentiles appropriating the Star of David -- as a fashion accessory signifying that they smoke marijuana, or as a gang graphic -- offensive, appalling, disrespectful, insulting, and an outrage is an understatement.
The Mogen David does not mean "I smoke herb," nor is it a cool gang symbol. Sorry to inform you, but my "gang" had it first, and my gang is much bigger than yours. The Talmud, the book of Jewish law, strictly forbids tattoos. A tattoo of the Star of David is blasphemous. So stop it. I am a Jew, and I'm telling you that I am profoundly offended. Are you anti-Semitic or what?
-- Anonymous