HEY PAT CASHMAN FANS: Have you missed the cheese-grater voice of Lisa Foster first thing in the morning? Starting Fri 11/12 your wait is over! Lisa's back on the air, playing prickly pear to Pat's geoduck on KOMO-AM 1000. If you can stomach traffic reports every 10 seconds and the senile ramblings of Paul Harvey ("President Clinton is the spawn... of Satan. Good DAY!"), this morning team's got it goin' on... old school!

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SUPER-SONIC CATWALK: Sat 10/30 at the freaky Catwalk, Zenon spotted new Sonics Ruben Patterson and Brent "Vanilla Ice" Barry. He notes, "Rube's pecs were lookin' tidy in his vinyl tank top (yum!) -- and he had a DOG COLLAR around his neck! Brent, meanwhile, was WAY out of place in flannel and Dockers. So out of place that he got BOUNCED by a brother who made Mr. T look like a little girly man!"

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SEXY GRANDPA Paul Newman thrilled a bunch of UW screenwriting students when he showed up at class Tues 11/2! Turns out Paul -- who, according to Modern Maturity mag, is one of our planet's sexiest seniors at age 74 -- is an old friend of instructor Stewart Stern (screenwriter for the James Dean classic Rebel Without a Cause). Budding screenwriter Sunny had to read aloud in front of ol' blue eyes, and she sighs, "I had monster butterflies in my stomach!" As expected, Paul was charming, loose, and informal -- he munched on take-out Chinese, and told a funny story about the good old days. 路路路 According to Mr. Showbiz, Paul's got a couple of projects on the back burner: Merchant-Ivory's Diary of a Mad Old Man, and Straight Man, co-starring sexy grandma Susan Sarandon!

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HOW STUPID ARE THEY? Dateline Hollywood: Variety magazine says "newcomer Colin Mortenson" -- of MTV's The Real World: Hawaii, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! -- has been cast in NBC's midseason comedy M.Y.O.B. As fellow Real World addicts know, Colin is the dopey 19-year-old "reject" glommed onto by dysfunctional sorority girl Amaya. 路路路 Variety reports, "The series, from executive producer Don Roos (The Opposite of Sex), revolves around a teen runaway (Katharine Towne of The Bachelor), whose search for her birth mother results in a new relationship with a snooty aunt who works at a high school. Colin plays a not-so-bright office assistant" at the high school. What's next, Suddenly Justin? Amaya McBeal? How about Everybody Loves Ruthie?

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MEANWHILE, AT BUNIM-MURRAY.... Not content to rest on their dubious laurels (and piles of money), the Real World masterminds are doing a series for ABC! Just green-lighted is an untitled "reality" TV show in which boy-band impresario Lou Pearlman (BSBs, 'N Sync) puts together a brand new "culturally diverse" boy band, and follows them from audition to smash hit -- and the boys have to live together in a house in Orlando! Ego + Testosterone = Top-notch Entertainment!

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MAMA MIA! Nigel spotted teen idol Giovanni Ribisi (Pete from the embarrassing Mod Squad) on Thurs 11/4, waiting in line for the bathroom at KeyArena after the Sonics game. "There's no mistaking those eyes!" said Nigel. According to Mr. Showbiz, Giovanni's latest release, the "dark gun-control comedy" All the Rage, made a splash at September's Toronto Film Fest.

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AND DON'T YOU DARE FORGET! Enter to be a contestant in The Stranger's fabulous "Arena of Brains" game show! Win prizes AND snuggle up to local rock celebs! YUM!

And how was YOUR week? shirley@thestranger.com