Oh EMP, it is frustrating working in a place that has so much potential, and yet tries so hard to blow it.

Better hope there is never a fire in that place when you are there; we have been here a year, and still have not had any evacuation training. We were lucky with the earthquake. I guess the security officers probably know the drill, but wait, there are half as many now! How do you lay off almost half your security force right before the summer season? And then ask the ones you laid off to come back and help when you need them?! Then, to fire the exhibit maintenance people after months of hard work on our newest exhibit? That was low!

How about spending less money on new chairs for the bar and the (dumbass) VIP lounge, and more money on keeping good people around? And the new uniforms! Can we say, "camp counselor convention"?

And our biggest headache starts right at the top. Hey, Big Boss, get your fat head out of your ass. How about a little respect for the people who slaved away during the first couple months? We all understand cost-cutting, but don't do it while you hide away in your office.

You have a group of employees that any corporation would love to have--a dedicated, knowledgeable group. If you piss off enough people, things could go very haywire there.

I think Jimi Hendrix would be very ashamed to have his name associated with yours.
