Metropolitan Living magazine shut its doors last week. Launched in 1999 by the former publisher of The Employment Paper, the free slick monthly profiled local celebrities and reviewed fashionable restaurants, all aimed at "professionals who participate in their community and whose annual household income averages $150,000." A trade magazine named it one of 1999's top new mags, alongside such national titles as Cosmo Girl and Wrestling World for Kids. But apparently there weren't enough Jaguar dealerships or male-plastic-surgery clinics to support it.

Patricia Ryan, 56, owned Belltown's Two Bells Tavern from 1982 to 1999. She turned the rundown little bar on a low-foot-traffic stretch of Fourth Avenue into the virtual living room for the then-burgeoning Denny Regrade arts community; it's survived as a refuge for regular folk left behind by the neighborhood's gentrification. Ryan died on August 4, after a seven-year bout with cancer. Her survivors include artist and curator Rolon Bert Garner, who worked as a part-time bartender for Ryan in 1982 and married her two years later.

Maureen Reagan, 60, once vocally contradicted her dad on abortion rights and the ERA, and served on U.N. status-of-women committees.

Christopher Hewett, 80, starred as the beloved butler on TV's Mr. Belvedere from 1985 to 1990, regularly dispensing valuable advice to the kids and putting Bob Uecker in his place.

Jorge Amado, 88, was Brazil's most beloved novelist and one of the world's most translated authors. His 32 books include Gabriela, Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands, and Showdown.

Larry Adler, 87, was the world's foremost jazz harmonica player (he preferred the term "mouth-organist"). Born in Baltimore, he'd lived in London ever since his liberal views landed him on McCarthy-era blacklists.

Lorenzo Music, 64, was a key writer-producer on the MTM sitcoms, including The Bob Newhart Show and Rhoda. He then launched a career in cartoons, principally as the voice of Garfield.

Jerseys All-American Sports Bar at 7th & Virginia and its upstairs annex the 700 Club, finally closed. Owner Chris Clifford had spent years battling the police and City Attorney Mark Sidran, whom Clifford alleged had conspired to run him out of business because of the black clientele at his hiphop nights. What finally did the place in: plain ol' gentrification. The building (which also housed the studios of photographers Charles Peterson and Mark Van S.) will be razed for a high-rise.

James A. Corbett, 67, co-founded the Sanctuary Movement, a church-based effort in the '80s that brought hundreds of Salvadoran and Guatemalan refugees into the U.S.