Columns Jun 10, 2010 at 4:00 am

How to Ruin Everything


Hmm. A little abstract, no detail to make it real for the reader. Can't even tell what the relationship between anon and suicidal person was. But, the lines "fuck you across the void" and "memories turned to poison" are kind of evocative.

Overall grade: c-minus. Don't bother seeing me after class.
I'm on the fence regarding who is the more selfish of the two...

...leaning towards anon.
Maybe if you stopped personalizing it and making it all about yourself you would feel better.
Well, it had to feel good to write it out, so I'm on board with this I Anon.
Odd. My best friend just killed herself last week. I'm not really sad she did it. Kinda bummed we won't be having any more fun times but that was her choice. A little bit pissed off I've got to deal with her idiot family between now and the service. Otherwise, it's just like we stopped being friends and drifted apart only way more immediate and definitely final. I will miss her but she doesn't care. So maybe I won't.
you killed yourself, and clearly that was all about me me me me me me me. how fucking narcissistic can you get?
he's dead. he can't hear you and he doesn't care. your words have no impact.
why are comments on here so damn judgmental? first of all, people submit their feelings into a column called "I,Anonymous" because they probably feel guilty for how they feel and to express themselves without being judged. When people die and/or commit suicide, it's expected that people are sad. But, people think its weird for someone to be pissed-the-fuck-off at the dead person for reasons like Anon mentioned. The dead person doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, and the people they left behind have to clean up their messes. My uncle died last week because he refused to go to the doctor and get medical help. He knew he was sick. the whole fucking family knew he was sick. But, then he dies because of his stubbornness. I'm sad but I'm also pissed off that he dead in this manner when he had a lot to live for.

second of all, who are any of you to judge "who is more selfish". This person wanted to vent about a fucked up situation, not get commentary over who is more selfish or narcissistic.

chill the fuck out people and stop judging
Paging Dr. Kubler-Ross to Stage Two...

I'm sorry, Anon. People often don't think rationally when they're that depressed.

Now, get thee to a therapist, post haste.

And, jerks in the comments, karma is a bitch.

Except for you, 9...that was funny. Who said a psychology degree wouldn't come in useful?

None of us are getting out of this alive. So Anon's subject left a bit early, rather than face more soul-crushing misery and despair.
Now Anon knows a tiny fraction of the pain his/her subject was in. Selfish, indeed.
Ditto "get thee to a counselor".
#8: Thank you for being a human.
You know, I actually relate to this one... I no loger feel the raw, white hot anger at him that I did when the wound was fresh but, 12 years ago, someone I adored offed himself and I found it almost impossible to grieve because all I could think was "You ASSHOLE! What? You spend 30 years making yourself larger than life just so you can leave a bigger chasm in everyone's soul when you blow your brains out?"
I'm sorry for the writer here because it appears that there was a rift in play at the time of the suicide and s/he's right- it's cheating. No fair to use a permanent exit to get the last word.
You folks who are getting all up in arms about commenters being such meanies, can really go fuck yourselves. By submitting an "I, Anon" people are INVITING criticism. It might even be more healthy for a person to get some blunt, "mean" criticism than to be uncritically given fucking ((((HUGS)))). Blech. How do you know you want to hug this person? Maybe he or she drove the suicide to do it! Did you ever think of that? Maybe he or she is just mad because the person isn't around to abuse any more!

But we'll never know, because there are zero details given. Karma is a bitch indeed. A mythological, made-up, pretend bitch.
Ruthless, ruthless fuckes....
There's nothing more selfish than killing yourself. Anon is right to be pissed.
it's not about if anon has a right to be pissed. it's about what the fuck are you going to do when the shit hits the fan? bitch about it or keep your head up high knowing that you got what it takes to make it through toughest times you could imagine?

and how can anyone speak such hate about someone who was supposedly enduring the same pain? this person is not you, this person couldn't handle the reality of the situation like you could. this person acted upon the only "answer" they thought they had.
it's their loss for taking their own life.
you who empathize with anon make it sound like the suicide victim is chilling in heaven with everyone he loves and is thumbing his nose at anon.

anon is the stronger one because s/he is still here and alive. i think strong enough to take a little criticism about picking up and moving on with your life.
@5 a little too much personal info seeing as we don't know you.
@most commenters: Man, you guys are real assholes.
@assholes: You guys are assholes.

A response like this is pretty much all that's stopped me from killing myself in the past. I think you have a right to resent someone you love killing themselves. It's kind of a bullshit way out, no matter how trendy you Seattle folks think it is.
Oops. Double post; I thought it ate my first one. My bad.
It probably felt real good to get that all out.
My sympathies to anon. When the light of my life went out in the same way I was too destroyed to ever be angry, but everything you said is very valid and well put.

But I would hope primarily that anyone else considering a similar exit would read this and reconsider. I think my friend would be staggered to have thought at the time that over six years later that there would still be so many people crying over his death from the pits of their souls or how many lives of people who loved him his death would actually ruin in both the short and long term.

People who kill themselves often can't see the love that is right in front of them and all around them, or assume that they are so insignificant that people will get over their deaths soon enough. Not so.
sometimes the brain know when it's time to go before the body does and the ensuing death results in a lot of anger and hurt feelings from those who do not understand. people say it's the most selfish thing you can do but it seems that there are also a lot of selfish feelings from the deceases's loved ones. i lost someone very close to me after he decided to take himself out. i was never angry at him and was actually glad that he was finally at peace.
@24 yeah, but wouldn't it have been great if he could have been at peace without killing himself? Not that death is exactly peace, it's just the absence of existence. And he's definitely not experiencing peace like he would have been if he had stayed alive and become happy.
Death of a friend or loved one generally sucks. We all deal with it differently. Everybody who thinks they have some kind of insight into the person who wrote this is just another typical 20 to 30 something resident of Seattle who has nothing better to do than read I Anon at work (present company included).
I, Anon has every right to be pissed. And maybe other people thinking of killing themselves will realize what an asshole thing is to do and get some rather widely-available help instead.
Inability to feel love from others is not readily understood by those who do, but true for most suicides.
Suicidal thoughts began at age 5 for me and continued into my 40's. After a year of counseling and 10+ years of anti-depressants, I can now realize how much I'm loved and would be missed. But 43 years of 'loveless' existence can be pretty tough.
boo freakin hoo
I don't know, I have lost a few friends to the suessicide disappearing trick. I was happy for them, their pain was over. I always left it with this; I hope you got the answer you were looking for.
I'm with #6 on this. Blaming the person who committed suicide for the pain you are left with will not fix you. People kill themselves for one reason, and only one--the pain of living becomes unbearable to live with any longer.

"Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain."

People blaming the person who succumbed to the pain will never be able to move forward, because playing the blame game never fixed anything. It may be a response to your own guilt, but the only thing to do with that is what several other commenters said--"Get thee to a therapist."
Anon: I hope you find some peace eventually. When people kill themselves they are not exactly sane. You can't expect an insane person to act rationally and think of others. That said, Anon has every right to be angry, it's part of the process of dealing with the whole sad affair.I've had friends who killed themselves as well. It sucks, but I also know that it wasn't my fault that I couldn't "fix" the people who did themselves in.
Having had someone kill themselves in my home, and seeing the effect if caused on friends, family, and acquaintances, I know exactly where anon is coming from.

Suicide: nothing beats it for selfishness.
Suicide is the most SELFLESS act a person can commit. It shows lack of attachment and loss of ego, not excessive narcissism. Not everyone cares about the attention, they just need help in crisis. If it was narcissistic the person would stick around to focus on themselves still. Maybe the fact that you all focus on how YOU feel about suicide and not what the depressed person is going through shows you all are the ones who are narcissistic. I think it's partly what has happened to people's lives and personalities nowadays that has made people so depressed and hopeless about life and mankind. Nobody gives a shit anymore, we don't have time and there's too many people to value one over the other. Good luck and try to have some empathy and compassion. You never know what positive impact it could have that you don't see...
I agree with "thats not right". Until you are in that dark state of mind, you cannot judge someone for taking their own life. Obviously this person was mentally ill. Selfishness has nothing to do with it, although it's hard to believe that. Anyway, it's normal for Anon to be angry. After all, anger is one of the 5 stages of grief...
Selfishness has plenty to do with it. Or rather, self-centeredness, if you make a distinction.

I was once in this state of mind and I COMPLETELY judge my past self for it. When you're suicidal you think that ending your "pain/suffering" is so much more important than anything else, including how much you would hurt your family and friends by killing yourself. Now looking back at it, it is horrifying that I'd considered it, especially because I found out much later in life that my father's sister committed suicide in her teens. I cannot imagine what that would have put that man through to lose his child in the same way.

So yeah, unless you have some sort of incurable terminal illness that causes you daily ACTUAL severe physical pain, that's pretty damned selfish IMO.
haha, look at all the drama from someone saying "fuck you" to a dead person. get a life people.
@32: "You can't expect an insane person to act rationally and think of others."


"When people kill themselves they are not exactly sane."

Sometimes true, sometimes false. It is possible to commit suicide while sane. Depression is not the same thing as insanity, although they can be experienced simultaneously.

(((HUGS))) to you, Schick.
"Karma is a bitch indeed. A mythological, made-up, pretend bitch."

I like this line a lot, if for no other reason than that most people who say that karma is a bitch are bitches themselves. If only those people were as made-up and pretend, though they don't need to be myths.
don't you just hate when that happens
I gotta say, you might feel better if you were able to forgive, anon. If you really did love this person when they were alive - and you say you did - then hating them now they're dead is only really harming one person, and it ain't them.

But, of course, there's a process. Grieve. Be furious. I just felt the need to point out that being furious won't really make you feel better, and it certainly won't undo what your friend (I think?) did.
anyone who has ever survived a suicide knows where Anon is right now. & Anon - good on you for acknowledging it. I promise it will get better w/ time and distance, but right now, it's just evil. good luck


"So yeah, unless you have some sort of incurable terminal illness that causes you daily ACTUAL severe physical pain, that's pretty damned selfish IMO"

Really? Really??? Well, tell my depressed brain that it's not feeling ACTUAL pain, then.

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