Kink-o-phobia is still rampant, and people who think that you're into everything just because you're into something abound. How can we change that? If the example of gays is anything, I think by coming out -- so that people in general learn that kinks are simply things that make us feel sexy, not intertwined networks of perversion that drag us down into Doctor-Moreau-like animality.
I'm wondering if it's more disquieting for someone to hear "I might be bi" than "I'm bi" from his or her partner.
I have a feeling that if you confidently assert your bisexuality, it shows that you've defined and accepted your sexuality and you're not into some "discovery phase" that will lead to gayness.
@ 4 - Dan thinks scat is a "fetish too far", as he's stated a few times, so I doubt he would advise HINT to tell his GF that he really would. And in this instance, unless HINT actually is into scat (which I doubt, since it takes him longer to answer that question), I also believe HINT shouldn't. His GF doesn't really sound scat-positive, from his letter.
@4, @6 -- I agree with Ricardo above: the girl-friend is not scat-positive, she's simply fishing for confirmation of the ages-old prejudice that a kinkster is essentially a pervert who'll do anything disgusting, and whose humanity has been tarnished by unhealthy (Satan-driven) desires.
I definitely had a thing for one of my past boyfriends to wear my silky lingerie. He had just the right body for it. Sadly, he was pretty lukewarm on that idea and it never happened. It wasn't a big part of my erotic fantasies but had he complied, much bunny sex would have been had by all.
Sahara29, I groaned out loud, too, but probably not for the same reason you did. That site did NOTHING for me. Not guys? Yeah, they're ripped and all that, but how hot can I judge them to be if I can't see their faces? I am sorry but color me SO not interested.
It might be time to bust out the old lecture about the woman who dumped her BF because (dear "BOB"!) he liked to rub her feet every day but it turned our to be a *bad thing* since it was a (OMG) fetish.
I saw a reference there in the response but I'm too lazy to go dig up the link; maybe that's HINT's job.
First, I would like to thank Dan for bringing up the issue, and also for doing so in a much more positive manner he used to in past years.
Some not-so-scientific statistics: Anywhere between 5% to 20% of men like to dress up in women's clothes on occasion. Many find it "sexually stimulating", and much to most people's surprise the vast majority of us are actually straight.
For more info check the term “bigender” on Wikipedia
As someone who enjoyes dressing up as a woman on occasion the site mentioned in the column didn't do much for me. I like the real things, made for women and modeled by them. But if watching some hunks in lingerie is what it takes to encourage women to ask their male lovers to dress up for them, and for the men not to freak out and know that "it's alright", then I'm all for it.
Oh yes, Sahara 29 @ 9 and 10, wish I was that boyfriend.
HINT's girlfriend is being a bitch. She is conveniently ignoring the factor in her approach, that the things that she is hypothetically asking him to do also are things that hypothetically she would love him to be doing to/for her, even if they probably would be distasteful for him.
If she is going to turn his being generous and accommodating and trying to please her into something bad...well, I guess that's the last load of dishes or laundry or garbage or whatever he needs to help her out with. Any time she wants something out of him that would make her happy, but would be a bother for him, he can just laugh and tell her, "Nope, sorry, I'm raising my standards."
(At least 'til she admits she was being a complete shit and apologizes for setting him up and then laughing at him.)
HINT needs to be dumped. She's not Hinting because she wants any of this stuff. Its classic Kinkphobia thinking all kinksters are into everything. And she's saying it as a put down. Making her better. also, I suspect she's laying ground work to say "see? See? It was all his fault! He was a pervert!"
HNH go for it! Nothing confirms or ends a suspicion better than just going out and trying it.
Poor HINT. It seems like people into foot fetishes have such a hard time despite the fact their fetish is so easy to accommodate. Seriously, I have friends who PAY people to rub their feet.
God bless you, BPG! As a bi (rounded up) woman into crossdressed straight boys I would just say a) you have a really wonderful fetish that can provide you and your girlfriend with a lifetime of opportunity and fun and b) if she's not that into it, maybe you should keep looking? This isn't one of those things that's gonna go away. I think the conventional wisdom is that there aren't that many straight girls into crossdressing, but I know several and that's not even through an organized kink community. It may go against the usual advice here but I would also say that letting your discomfort and uncertainty show when you tell your girlfriend isn't the worst thing. I might have been scared off if the first crossdresser I met was like, "this is me, baby, love it." But a line more like "Hey I have this really kinky thing I want so badly I'm dying for it and I'm afraid to tell you," lets her be like "ZMOG no I'm so understanding, you can tell me anything." I would also say talk talk talk before you actually do it. Let her start to work her mind around the possibilities. Good luck! Hope she likes shopping!
Not sexy. It's like wearing a sombrero and large fake moustache, it looks like a silly halloween costume. There is no way I would not burst out laughing in bed.
The other cheap trick about what HINT's girlfriend is doing is that she is painting him as being the one who is excessively twisted by pretending to have excessively twisted fetishes herself and then excoriating him for indulging her in them. Her (hypothetical) interest in being shat on says nothing whatsoever about whether HINT is himself interested in that sort of thing. But there she is pretending HE is the horribly naughty one, when being shat on isn't even his fetish.
Hey, Stupid Girlfriend: you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
HNH: try not to be so pessimistic! If I liked a guy who turned out to be bi, I'd find it hot - and be willing to let him explore with other boys while still maintaining a relationship with me.
Not all women think "bi" means "secretly gay" and not all women think boy/boy action is gross or a dealbreaker. Have faith. :)
I would also take exception to the advice to HNH. Men are pretty slutty, and gay men are no exception. But HNH should also expect a lot of rejection from the gays too, maybe more so than with women. Women are pickier about things like income and status (and men who suck dick) but gays or more superficial about looks, fitness, age, dick size, sex role (top or bottom), etc. Maybe it would be less hurtful to him to start experimenting with men, since it sounds like he's not as interested in men, and so maybe this would be a good place for him to get a thicker skin regarding rejection. Or maybe not. Just something to consider.
Sorry for the typo, but there was an "or" that should have been an "are".
And HNH should stop worrying about lost time. He's young and if he keeps in shape and takes care of his health, he's got a LOT of time to catch up. Early 20's to mid 30's are the best times of all to be a single and available man. When he's worrying about rejection, maybe he should keep in mind all this lost time he's been so worried about and just decide to go for it. Rejection sucks, but you'll find that once someone rejects you, if they are kind of jerks about it (and they usually are) you will find yourself not liking them so much and feeling relieved you didn't get involved or in bed with them.
And one advantage of starting off experimenting with men is he will get hit on a lot (unfortunately most of those hitting ons will not be very welcome). Straight men are sluts (sleeping with skanks even when they could do much better) because it's a lot harder to get women into bed than men. They can't say no to what seems like a rare opportunity. Once he finds himself being the rejector more than the rejectee (even though being the rejector is no more pleasant, IMO), he may realize he is not so desperate for sex after all and not obsess about his age or lack of experience.
Pleeeze,#25, do you live under a rock or what? Do you REALLY think AIDS went through the gay community like wildfire "just because"... and not because the average gay guy has anywhere up to 15-20 separate "contacts' in a WEEK? There's a REASON why most of them are in diapers by the age of 40!
HINT needs to DTMFA. It sounds like she's not interested in taking his sexuality seriously and she's going to keep jerking him around (not in a good way) until he gets fed up with it. Which, given that he actually said "I'd shit on you if that's what you really want," is going to be a good long while. So unless he's getting off on being humiliated as well, he'll be happier elsewhere.
To HNH: There are straight women out there who are very happy to be with a bi guy. I am such a woman. My now-husband came out to me as bi early on in our relationship, and we've been having a wonderful and hot mongamish journey together. Dan is right about building your confidence so that you will start attracting the right kind of partners who will view your bisexuality as a plus to the relationship.
Also checked out the x-dress site and agree with other straight crossdressing fans that the clothes being made for men and modeled on gay-looking men makes it less sexy.
@ 31 - "gays [are] more superficial about... sex role (top or bottom)".
I can't see how that could be construed as a sign of superficiality. You can't changed how you're wired inside, and if you don't like either fucking or getting fucked, well you just don't. It's not a whim; it's how you are.
HNH- Go for it! I'm a bi girl dating a bi guy, and I find bi guys hot. We can do things like watch movies together and freely comment on the attractiveness of the characters of either sex. It's a lot of fun! I like it better than dating a straight boy, because I would feel awkward going, 'Oh, he's hot!' to a straight guy. It would probably make them uncomfortable.
On the subject of the link- Those guys are not in any way my type. But I did manage to find one pic that turned me on, so I'd say it's the clothes.
That's just me, and I enjoy genderfuck behavior in most forms. Dress a woman up like a man or a man in traditionally ladies clothes, and you can bet that I'll be front and center cheering my throat sore and getting turned on.
Beyond that- HNH needs to learn the wonders of early disclosure and coming out. I tried to disclose to anyone I found attractive BEFORE the first date- before either of us even asked the other out. Yes, I was sometimes rejected for being Bi. Sometimes they didn't outright reject me, but I could tell they were judging me (Just as HINT should realize his girl is being judgmental and DTMFA).
I was ok with that. I'd rather be rejected before getting invested than after. Mostly I didn't even think of it as me being rejected for being Bi; I thought of it as me rejecting them for not being right for me.
I dated other Bis, I dated straights (the lesbians in my area were very bi-phobic), got a few people to finally come out as Bi, and eventually got married to someone who had been trying to date me for 10 years (knowing I was Bi the entire time).
Don't think of it as them rejecting you. If they seem skeeved out by a bi guy, just be friends with them (honestly just friends, not friends-hoping-for-more). They may change their minds as you challenge their stereotypes.
And honey, don't say you "may be bi". Find a guy, test drive it, and then come out. Someone who thinks they may be bi is much more scary to potential partners than someone who knows who they are.
I'm a straight girl in a relationship with a straight guy, and when watching movies and TV we freely comment on the attractiveness of the actors/characters. We're straight, not blind, and neither of us takes offense.
@1 I completely disagree. Case in point: Gays, and even more: Furries.
When you open up about one kink, you are guaranteed to see that you have at least 1 or 2 others. And when you are open about it, you go searching for an internet community that serves it. You find other people--who all like the 1 but each like a different other 1 or 2. Thus, intertwined networks of perversion.
don't have a lot to say about the column except, BPG, what the what were you thinking waiting two years (and contemplating marriage!) to tell her about your kinky side?!?! FAIL.
The link however...the dude is hot. Insanely hot. He can wear whatever he damn well pleases, I'm still going to rip it off and jump on him. As for the average fella wearing panties, sure, what the hell, go for it. I still think they look better on chicks (ftr, when it comes to sex I'm only interested in people with a penis), but if it makes you happy, then it makes me happy.
HINT's girlfriend is a total asshole. Telling him to "raise [his] standards" implies that she sees indulging a sex partner in anything not totally vanilla (anal fingering is weird enough to ask about?) as a bad thing. It's not just kink-phobic, it's sex-negative.
I've also never really understood why sexualizing feet is seen as any more strange than sexualizing any other body part; we don't hear about people flipping out over a partner wanting to kiss or caress one's neck or thighs, do we? How are sexy feet really that different than a sexy ass or pretty face?
@ 47 - I'm sure some people in this world would like us all to go back to the bedsheets-with-a-hole thing (or whatever the method was to avoid bodily contact) and de-sexualize every part of the body.
HNH didn't give a description of himself. If he's 4'9" and weighs 300 pounds, he's going to have trouble no matter who he approaches, but especially guys. I have met some really ugly dudes who were half my age that I wouldn't even have coffee with. That said, if he's just shy, he needs to take a chance and simply ask somebody out already. Here's a helpful hint -- look in the mirror and honestly assess your own looks, then approach someone who is slightly less good looking and go from there. That is, for guys. I have no idea how to ask girls out, since I've never done it.
HNA: do NOT lose hope. I cannot stress this enough! I'm 27 and three months in to my very first relationship, and it's been awesome. There were times when I really thought that sex was never going to happen, that I was just too afraid and anxious and undesirable for x y or z reason and I was going to die a virgin... It took a lot of work (therapy, anti-anxiety meds, etc) to get to a place where I was okay with myself as is. Once that happened, meeting guys and dating just fell in to place (well, sort of: it was still scary as Hell but I could white-knuckle it better).
I doubt it's going to take you another four years to start dating like I did, because you don't sound as messed up as I was. Take Dan's advice: do what you need to work on that self esteem, recognize that you haven't been wasting your life, then grit your teeth and get on a dating site or something. You'll be FINE. Also, the bisexual thing? I CANNOT express to you how hot that is, you can TOTALLY work that to your advantage!
My theory about HINT's girlfriend is that what she's trying do do with her questions is to make him say no to indulging a (hypthetical, extreme) fetish of hers, so she can feel ok about not indulging his.
HNA: do NOT lose hope. I cannot stress this enough! I'm 27 and three months in to my very first relationship, and it's been awesome. There were times when I really thought that sex was never going to happen, that I was just too afraid and anxious and undesirable for x y or z reason and I was going to die a virgin... It took a lot of work (therapy, anti-anxiety meds, etc) to get to a place where I was okay with myself as is. Once that happened, meeting guys and dating just fell in to place (well, sort of: it was still scary as Hell but I could white-knuckle it better).
I doubt it's going to take you another four years to start dating like I did, because you don't sound as messed up as I was. Take Dan's advice: do what you need to work on that self esteem, recognize that you haven't been wasting your life, then grit your teeth and get on a dating site or something. You'll be FINE. Also, the bisexual thing? I CANNOT express to you how hot that is, you can TOTALLY work that to your advantage!
Caralain @26
”… it looks like a silly halloween costume. There is no way I would not burst out laughing in bed.”
Laughing is actually not a bad start, could have been much worse with “You pervert, get out of here right now!!!”
If you’re laughing you may be a playful person, and if you’re playful then you may have noticed how aroused your partner is while “dressed up” and how it can benefit you right away.
And if you still let him dress up on occasion then think of what it is you want him to do to you in return, what kind of scenarios/role plays you may have in mind as well as other fantasies you may think of. Use it to your benefit… as well as his.
Cross dressing can be lots of fun for all involved!!!
HINT's girlfriend is an ass. Really, after a foot fetish, thumb in the ass? I'd consider that kind of assplay on the less common end (aha, see what I did there) of "standard." By no means does everyone want it or ask for it, but it's pretty tame and harmless. If my partner asked for it, I wouldn't consider it a kink.
Then POOP? What kind of weird mental process is she using?
And dude, you don't always need some kind of hostage situation (her desired kink) to start indulging your kink a little. I'd normally just say "just ask her" but with her attitude, I can understand why you feel you need a strong bargaining chip.
HINT, you DO need to raise your standards ... by either leaving her or laying down some ground rules re: her treatment of you. It's OK for a partner to be shy or hesitant or even against a fetish, but casually and frequently teasing you this way is pretty dispectful and thoughtless.
It's very kind of you to think this may be her strategy of covering up her kink, and it may be (unlikely...) but it's unproductive. Ask her straight up, and while you're doing that, tell her not to be such a dick. Like you say, revealing a fetish is pretty personal.
@47, John
A lot of women don't like their feet. Personally I'm somewhat on board. First off: feet are dirty and I'm into cleanliness. Second of all, I broke one of the bones in my feet when I was little and it's a little misshapen as a result. That being said, when my boyfriend asked what I would do if he were a foot fetishist I said I would suck it up and try to go for it. Just a little perspective. Lots of women feel good about the traditionally sexualized parts of their bodies, not so much with feet.
@ 57 - I also don't like my feet much (and I'm a guy), or my ass (or lack thereof), but I think that you have to learn to enjoy the fact that other people might really be turned on by parts of your body that you don't feel good about... and that's how you become increasingly comfortable with them. Worked for me!
For HINT: By raising your standards, she means, "Putting your penis in my vagina should be everything you've ever dreamed of. Since it's not, there must be something wrong with you. Now I'll make fun of you." DTMFA
He certainly broadened my horizons (at about the age of sixteen); my best friend and I were mesmerized. Two good little girls watching RHPS for the first time, and I still remember that astonishing feeling of arousal and wonder. One of us said to the other something like, "Is he..." and we both said, "YES."
Omg. I wish I could convince my husband to dress up in girly, frilly things. Or like Tim Curry a la Rocky Horror. He did once, years ago when we went to go see RHPS, and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Men in lingerie, especially with boots on, holy sweet Lord.
The pictures in the link were hot to me... but now I have to spend my day searching the internet for more.
For HINT I agree with a lot of the postings here, his girlfriend is egging him on in a kink-phobic way. What also needs to be said though, is that when she says "Raise your standards!" she is hearkening to a sex-negative philosophy taught to a lot of women: the idea that if a woman lets a guy "get away with" some unconventional sexual desire, she is therefor less of a woman and more of a "whore."
The sad thing is that this is not a rare phenomenon, women are raised to think of sex as a weapon. She is stuck in that standard.
Yeah, that site does nothing for me. Not positive here, but it might actually be because the guys are just TOO ripped. The texture from the pantyhose and silky undies just looks weird next to such an intense six-pack.
HNH: I took my boyfriend's virginity when he was 24- he'd never touched boobs before, and his only previous experience was with a conservative Christian girl when he was 21. The thing about that paralyzing fear of rejection is that once you start risking rejection, you'll realize that it's really not so bad.
I can't believe that store has been around since 1988 (according to their About Us) and I'd never heard of it! Most guys look damn silly in clothes designed for a female body just because the fit is wrong. But lacy, satiny, frilly stuff made for a male form.... yummy!
I like how Dan advises "You should be somewhat apologetic about waiting two long years to lay all your kink cards on the table."
It's the "somewhat apologetic" part, like there's some sort of apology scale, based on mathematical calculations designed, I presume, by an intrepid team of Swedish mathematicians, which, thus deemed this to be a "somewhat apologetic"-worthy offense.
HNH, I'm a woman who's dated both straight guys and bi guys, and there was something extra-hot about the bi guys. Not every woman is open-minded about bisexuality, but some women will like you BETTER for your being bi, so it all evens out.
I didn't know I was into guys wearing lingerie until I looked at that site! I am not turned on by pictures of hot men at all, usually. Time to have the kink talk with the boyfriend, I think, and see if he would be up for some satin panties. I really hope so!
The guys on that website are as hot as they come. For me, a straight girl who likes her men well, very manly, they are hot in spite of the satin and lace. And yet, I see the appeal of tight fitting garments on such tight and well structured bodies.
Oh, Tim Curry in Rocky Horror. Barry Bostwick in RHPH from the floorshow scene, too.
Men in lingerie are totally hot.
The model in the xdress website is incredible, but I'd probably like that lingerie on average-looking men, too.
HNH, you'll be fine. Just relax and ask people out.
Bi-Pantyhose guy, maybe you could pretend you've just had the idea: how about if you put on a pair of your girlfriend's pantyhose. I suspect that once she sees how turned on you are in them, she won't have too much problem accepting at least that kink.
HINT, your girlfriend sounds fearful. Rather than hoping she is testing the water to tell you about her bigger kink, start an honest conversation with her. If you really aren't into scat, tell her that you were trying to be supportive, but that you don't think you could actually poop on her. Reassure her that it's HER you are interested in, not merely her feet, and then see if you can reassure her that the confession of your foot fetish isn't the thin end of the wedge--that you won't come to her in two months telling her that you have a less-common fetish. And show her that old Savage Love column that #29 found.
Lastly, I'm straight and so are the guys I date, and I've never had any difficulty telling commenting on the sexiness of men in movies we watch together, same as none has ever seemed inhibited about expressing his admiration for any of the actresses. And it doesn't bother me to hear it when a guy does that. Generally, I agree. I recognize beauty and/or sexiness when see it, regardless of the gender of the possessor.
I concur with everyone here:
HINT's girlfriend sounds horrible.
Bi guys are HOT.
And Tim Curry in RHPS was crazy exciting to my 17 year old naive eyeballs (and I'm not usually into that). Maybe because he was a transvestite DOM!
@81: I don't think that HINT's girlfriend sounds horrible; I think she sounds worried and unsure and fearful. I think that rather than try to let her know that he would do literally anything she asked of him sexually (perhaps in an effort to model ggg-ness to her), HINT should de-mystify the "strangeness" (to his girlfriend) of his kink. Maybe she thinks that a foot fetish is a sort of "gateway" kink, and his interests will escalate to kinks that are really beyond her ability.
I wish it were true that bi people can't be biphobic, but sadly it's not true. It ranges from bi women not believing bi men exist, bi men/women believing 'everyone is bi really' and in one specific case, a famous bi woman saying she'd only sleep with lesbians, not bi women..
If I had to offer advice to HNH, I'd note an appreciable number of women will turn you down if you're bi. If it's up to you if you want to be completely upfront, wait a while or stay secret.
Staying secret does a great dis-service to the bi community, but sadly it also helps you get laid by women. There are women who won't care; many of them will openly or secretly be bi, if my experience is anything to go by.
I would underscore that. They are not having a conversation yet. So far they are just making test jabs. What they really need to do is have a long, honest talk about sex. It sounds like she is really phobic of anything anal (it's dirty!). Maybe they should get into why that is.
I'm not finding the lingerie guys hot at all. I think I'm very gender normative or something because I like my men very masculine (and satin is not included in that) and my women very feminine (butch bull dyke bodies and dress/presentation style is not included in that). The lingerie guys look ridiculous to me. But hey whatever floats your boat.
HNH, I am dating someone whom is bi. My current boyfriend of almost 4 years even thought he may just very well be gay at one point too. (He even came out to his parents) When being young and confused he a few relationships with girls and sometimes boys. Then along came me.
I had not a clue about the fact that he was "bi" till after we first had sex. When he told me, I have to admit that I was scared, because I at first thought that maybe he would turn out to really be "gay" or something like that. But I realized that was stupid and that would make me a bit of a bigot in a way. We talked about it and it helped to put my fears at rest. After we had talked about it I realized that I wasn't really afraid of the fact that he is bi. It was more about him leaving me.
Anyways, to make a long story short. It isn't about the fact that someone is gay/bi. It is about love. I hope that we as society will move past these titles and just love each other. You will find someone. Just keep looking and see a therapist about any of those lingering fears you have.
Mr UK - How is believing in universal bisexuality biphobia? I'll grant your first instance, and I can see the third as possible (though I'm cautious about pinning -phobic on private, personal decisions; I shouldn't call a bisexual person who wanted to date only other bisexual people a monophobe just on that bit of data alone). I suppose one might make the case that believing in universal bisexuality means that the bi-identified aren't quite such superspecialawesome snowflakes, but to my tired eyes it looks more like erasure or ridicule of the non-bisexual.
I originally feel madly in lust with my husband while watching him emcee a production of Rocky Horror - in costume. So, yeah...the boys on the cross-dressing site are hot. I find confident cross-dressing very sexy. I'm kind of the opposite of 87, because I like my men in touch with their feminine side and my women in touch with their masculinity.
Hunter78, it isn't about that for me. When I think about my significant other/boyfriend with another guy, it turns me off faster than you can say "23 skidoo".
Hunter 78, I don't find bi guys any hotter than straight or gay guys, and, like you, I don't understand the blanket hottness-rating that straight women are giving them. but I find individuals hot on a person-by-person basis, anyway, not as a result of their sexual orientation.
Maybe straight women who find bi men particularly hot feel less threatened by their boyfriends'/husbands' interest in men, as there is no way that they (the women) could provide what the men are attracted to and therefore aren't in direct "competition." Or maybe it's a case of having twice as much to fantasize about or see.
Why oh why are none of my boyfriends ever foot fetishists? Couldn't there be a match-up site for people who love to have their feet fetishized and the foot fetishists? Ooh, maybe there is. Bye.
@89 - Do you ever fantasize about two women getting it on? Whether one of the women is your gf/wife/s.o. doesn't really matter... It's just hot, that's all! And no, not everybody is going to "get it", but you don't have to. You have your sexuality, and I have mine. There's nothing there for you to "get".
What a stupid fucking question.
It's a cliche that men find lesbians hot. If you can wrap your head around that then you can understand why girls like bi guys.
@82: Well, yes, but it would be a lot simpler for her to just ask "Do you have any other kinks I might need to be worried about in future?" and for him to scratch his chin, think a minute, and reply, "Nope, feet are pretty much it for me." Problem solved.
Instead, she is taking this passive-aggressive tactic that makes him into some kind of twisted bad guy for being open to taking care of HER. Again, that's completely ass-backwards. Asking him what fetishes of hers he is willing to cater to tells her nothing about what fetishes of his she is likely to face. If he doesn't have a particular fetish, she isn't ever going to see it, end of story. Making the situation be that SHE has that big scary fetish, and then lambasting him for being willing to indulge her, is fucked up.
Personally, I hope she gets a job where she's on her feet all day, and after coming home day after day with aching dogs, only then realizes she has successfully scared her boyfriend away from her feet so badly that he's afraid to even mention them, let alone give her a foot massage.
@89: "Do you fantasize them sucking cock while they're fucking you?"
Yeah, sometimes. Is that supposed to be ... crazy? I fantasize about my BF with another man, with another man while I watch, and with another man AND me, etc.
On another level, it's this kind of ... understanding. Bi-guys find guys hot, *I* find guys hot, so we can enjoy guys together.
It's kind of like why I also find the idea of women appealing. It's a cliche, but knowing the woman I'm with can feel almost exactly how I feel with the same stimulation is crazy sexy.
I must admit that I’m pleasantly surprised to find such a high percentage of women here who find cross dressing men to be sexy.
I wonder if the same ratio can also be applied to the “general public” out there, or maybe SL readers are simply sophisticated GGG’s.
So if you care to share please tell me what your take on this, does the subject ever come up while discussing sex-related issues with female friends, and what will be the best way for a man to bring this up to a woman. Thanks!
@57: "First off: feet are dirty and I'm into cleanliness."
Might I suggest that you have not yet had the experience of a really well-administered foot bath?
Feet are not a fetish for me, meaning I find nothing particularly sexual about the foot itself. On the other hand, feet are very sensitive body parts, and can be very responsive when they are being treated nicely -- including a sexual response on the part of the owner of the foot. I've had more than one report of what seems to be an accupressure point running from somewhere in the arch to somewhere in the crotch.
@98 (avast2006): I agree that HINT's gf is not reacting well, or maturely. But first of all, she likely doesn't see his foot fetish as "being open to taking care of HER"--she doesn't want her feet "taken care of," and might think that they're dirty, ugly, etc. Plus, the original letter didn't phrase it as an interest in taking care of his girlfriend. The lw is into feet for his own sexual gratification. I think that trying to pretend that he's giving her tired feet a massage out of consideration for her comfort would actually be a dishonest way to get his kink need met, and that it's preferable to be honest. I also assume that he has no objection to making her feel good, and that he would enjoy the foot-play more if it was a pleasurable experience for the gf, but that that isn't his primary desire where feet are concerned.
Bottom line is that they should have a real conversation.
HINT-your girlfriend is emotionally blackmailing you. A god's plenty of women find having a thumb up their ass during sex arousing. It's like she's the grade school kid who got you to admit to something, and now is going to blackmail you by saying "do this or I'll tell everyone how sick you really are."
HNH-I met my husband when he was 26. He was a virgin, and cut off a relationship with another girl who clearly had issues about her ex-boyfriend (I liked it that he was gentle, but not so gentle that he let someone walk all over him). He did manage to cop a feel once or twice, but that was about it. I personally didn't lose my virginity until I was 23, and I'm torn between wishing I'd gotten it out of the way sooner, or waited. This is long, but don't give up hope. But I'll tell you straight up what kills the chances of late in life virgins.... they don't PUT THEMSELVES OUT THERE. I have another friend who was rejected once on a dating site, and summarily decided that she was destined to be single. I also have a brother in law who won't risk rejection either.
Okay, what is hot about bi dudes? Are you kidding me? Um, everything, at least for me as a straight woman. I am into hot men, and I am insanely turned on if hot men are into each other. So I find gay guys totally hot too, but the problem there of course is gay guys do not find me totally hot. So getting the amazing combo of a guy into other guys and also still into me (as a chick) is like hitting the damn jackpot.
And Gloria, totally agree, those are my top 3 fantasies!
HNH - You simply have to learn to accept that some people will reject you JUST AS YOU WILL REJECT OTHERS.
I'm exclusively attracted to bears and chubs, and many among them have been told awful things about their body - but they're hot to me. And I've rejected many guys who could be models.
It has nothing to do with how nice you are inside or how goodlooking you may be, it's just that no one in this world is everyone else's fantasy.
I can't say I find cross-dressing men sexy, but - that site has step-ins! Actual step-ins, made of silk. There was I, thinking I was going to have to make some because I can't find women's ones anywhere. But no! As long as my hips will fit in the small size - I can always take in the waist - I can have a proper pair of camiknickers. If not from a source I'd ever have imagined.
HINT, dump her and when she asks why say you're raising your standards. God what a bitch. Who wants to date that asshole bully from the 5th grade who would set you up and make fun of you anyway?
@102, 107: Well, I suppose it depends on what she thinks is going to happen when he goes to town on her feet. If she thinks he's going to just use her feet as his sex toy, I don't imagine there is much in it for her.
On the other hand, I suspect he is perfectly capable of giving her feet some genuinely nice attention. She gets her feet pampered, he gets his rocks off. What's not to like? Where does this "honesty" foolishness fit into the equation? If your feet are getting the royal treatment, what the hell difference does it make what my motivations are for doing it? Sounds like you aren't happy with anything your partner does for you unless your partner is somehow suffering in the process.
I have a feeling that if you confidently assert your bisexuality, it shows that you've defined and accepted your sexuality and you're not into some "discovery phase" that will lead to gayness.
Fuck, I groaned out loud looking at that lingerie site.
no, scratch that,
there's something about hot men in women's lingerie.
I saw a reference there in the response but I'm too lazy to go dig up the link; maybe that's HINT's job.
First, I would like to thank Dan for bringing up the issue, and also for doing so in a much more positive manner he used to in past years.
Some not-so-scientific statistics: Anywhere between 5% to 20% of men like to dress up in women's clothes on occasion. Many find it "sexually stimulating", and much to most people's surprise the vast majority of us are actually straight.
For more info check the term “bigender” on Wikipedia
As someone who enjoyes dressing up as a woman on occasion the site mentioned in the column didn't do much for me. I like the real things, made for women and modeled by them. But if watching some hunks in lingerie is what it takes to encourage women to ask their male lovers to dress up for them, and for the men not to freak out and know that "it's alright", then I'm all for it.
Oh yes, Sahara 29 @ 9 and 10, wish I was that boyfriend.
If she is going to turn his being generous and accommodating and trying to please her into something bad...well, I guess that's the last load of dishes or laundry or garbage or whatever he needs to help her out with. Any time she wants something out of him that would make her happy, but would be a bother for him, he can just laugh and tell her, "Nope, sorry, I'm raising my standards."
(At least 'til she admits she was being a complete shit and apologizes for setting him up and then laughing at him.)
beat her to the punch and DTMFA
Poor HINT. It seems like people into foot fetishes have such a hard time despite the fact their fetish is so easy to accommodate. Seriously, I have friends who PAY people to rub their feet.
I. Beg. Your. Pardon?
Hey, Stupid Girlfriend: you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.
Not all women think "bi" means "secretly gay" and not all women think boy/boy action is gross or a dealbreaker. Have faith. :)
And HNH should stop worrying about lost time. He's young and if he keeps in shape and takes care of his health, he's got a LOT of time to catch up. Early 20's to mid 30's are the best times of all to be a single and available man. When he's worrying about rejection, maybe he should keep in mind all this lost time he's been so worried about and just decide to go for it. Rejection sucks, but you'll find that once someone rejects you, if they are kind of jerks about it (and they usually are) you will find yourself not liking them so much and feeling relieved you didn't get involved or in bed with them.
And one advantage of starting off experimenting with men is he will get hit on a lot (unfortunately most of those hitting ons will not be very welcome). Straight men are sluts (sleeping with skanks even when they could do much better) because it's a lot harder to get women into bed than men. They can't say no to what seems like a rare opportunity. Once he finds himself being the rejector more than the rejectee (even though being the rejector is no more pleasant, IMO), he may realize he is not so desperate for sex after all and not obsess about his age or lack of experience.
I can't see how that could be construed as a sign of superficiality. You can't changed how you're wired inside, and if you don't like either fucking or getting fucked, well you just don't. It's not a whim; it's how you are.
So, yeah. Bi guys are hot. ;)
That's just me, and I enjoy genderfuck behavior in most forms. Dress a woman up like a man or a man in traditionally ladies clothes, and you can bet that I'll be front and center cheering my throat sore and getting turned on.
I was ok with that. I'd rather be rejected before getting invested than after. Mostly I didn't even think of it as me being rejected for being Bi; I thought of it as me rejecting them for not being right for me.
I dated other Bis, I dated straights (the lesbians in my area were very bi-phobic), got a few people to finally come out as Bi, and eventually got married to someone who had been trying to date me for 10 years (knowing I was Bi the entire time).
Don't think of it as them rejecting you. If they seem skeeved out by a bi guy, just be friends with them (honestly just friends, not friends-hoping-for-more). They may change their minds as you challenge their stereotypes.
And honey, don't say you "may be bi". Find a guy, test drive it, and then come out. Someone who thinks they may be bi is much more scary to potential partners than someone who knows who they are.
I'm a straight girl in a relationship with a straight guy, and when watching movies and TV we freely comment on the attractiveness of the actors/characters. We're straight, not blind, and neither of us takes offense.
A great line from it, spoken in an upper-class supercilious English accent:
"Forty missions over enemy territory in bra & panties."
When you open up about one kink, you are guaranteed to see that you have at least 1 or 2 others. And when you are open about it, you go searching for an internet community that serves it. You find other people--who all like the 1 but each like a different other 1 or 2. Thus, intertwined networks of perversion.
End of debate.
The link however...the dude is hot. Insanely hot. He can wear whatever he damn well pleases, I'm still going to rip it off and jump on him. As for the average fella wearing panties, sure, what the hell, go for it. I still think they look better on chicks (ftr, when it comes to sex I'm only interested in people with a penis), but if it makes you happy, then it makes me happy.
I've also never really understood why sexualizing feet is seen as any more strange than sexualizing any other body part; we don't hear about people flipping out over a partner wanting to kiss or caress one's neck or thighs, do we? How are sexy feet really that different than a sexy ass or pretty face?
Well that is just nbot true. There is nothing I love more tha bisexuals accusing each other of internalized biphobia.
I doubt it's going to take you another four years to start dating like I did, because you don't sound as messed up as I was. Take Dan's advice: do what you need to work on that self esteem, recognize that you haven't been wasting your life, then grit your teeth and get on a dating site or something. You'll be FINE. Also, the bisexual thing? I CANNOT express to you how hot that is, you can TOTALLY work that to your advantage!
I doubt it's going to take you another four years to start dating like I did, because you don't sound as messed up as I was. Take Dan's advice: do what you need to work on that self esteem, recognize that you haven't been wasting your life, then grit your teeth and get on a dating site or something. You'll be FINE. Also, the bisexual thing? I CANNOT express to you how hot that is, you can TOTALLY work that to your advantage!
”… it looks like a silly halloween costume. There is no way I would not burst out laughing in bed.”
Laughing is actually not a bad start, could have been much worse with “You pervert, get out of here right now!!!”
If you’re laughing you may be a playful person, and if you’re playful then you may have noticed how aroused your partner is while “dressed up” and how it can benefit you right away.
And if you still let him dress up on occasion then think of what it is you want him to do to you in return, what kind of scenarios/role plays you may have in mind as well as other fantasies you may think of. Use it to your benefit… as well as his.
Cross dressing can be lots of fun for all involved!!!
Then POOP? What kind of weird mental process is she using?
And dude, you don't always need some kind of hostage situation (her desired kink) to start indulging your kink a little. I'd normally just say "just ask her" but with her attitude, I can understand why you feel you need a strong bargaining chip.
HINT, you DO need to raise your standards ... by either leaving her or laying down some ground rules re: her treatment of you. It's OK for a partner to be shy or hesitant or even against a fetish, but casually and frequently teasing you this way is pretty dispectful and thoughtless.
It's very kind of you to think this may be her strategy of covering up her kink, and it may be (unlikely...) but it's unproductive. Ask her straight up, and while you're doing that, tell her not to be such a dick. Like you say, revealing a fetish is pretty personal.
A lot of women don't like their feet. Personally I'm somewhat on board. First off: feet are dirty and I'm into cleanliness. Second of all, I broke one of the bones in my feet when I was little and it's a little misshapen as a result. That being said, when my boyfriend asked what I would do if he were a foot fetishist I said I would suck it up and try to go for it. Just a little perspective. Lots of women feel good about the traditionally sexualized parts of their bodies, not so much with feet.
If I think the concept hilarious, what does that make me?
He certainly broadened my horizons (at about the age of sixteen); my best friend and I were mesmerized. Two good little girls watching RHPS for the first time, and I still remember that astonishing feeling of arousal and wonder. One of us said to the other something like, "Is he..." and we both said, "YES."
The pictures in the link were hot to me... but now I have to spend my day searching the internet for more.
The sad thing is that this is not a rare phenomenon, women are raised to think of sex as a weapon. She is stuck in that standard.
I can't believe that store has been around since 1988 (according to their About Us) and I'd never heard of it! Most guys look damn silly in clothes designed for a female body just because the fit is wrong. But lacy, satiny, frilly stuff made for a male form.... yummy!
It's the "somewhat apologetic" part, like there's some sort of apology scale, based on mathematical calculations designed, I presume, by an intrepid team of Swedish mathematicians, which, thus deemed this to be a "somewhat apologetic"-worthy offense.
And Thank you Dan for that link!!! <3
Still, one does give Mr Savage some points for the context. His motivation is clear enough.
Thank you, Dan, for the link.
Men in lingerie are totally hot.
The model in the xdress website is incredible, but I'd probably like that lingerie on average-looking men, too.
HNH, you'll be fine. Just relax and ask people out.
Bi-Pantyhose guy, maybe you could pretend you've just had the idea: how about if you put on a pair of your girlfriend's pantyhose. I suspect that once she sees how turned on you are in them, she won't have too much problem accepting at least that kink.
HINT, your girlfriend sounds fearful. Rather than hoping she is testing the water to tell you about her bigger kink, start an honest conversation with her. If you really aren't into scat, tell her that you were trying to be supportive, but that you don't think you could actually poop on her. Reassure her that it's HER you are interested in, not merely her feet, and then see if you can reassure her that the confession of your foot fetish isn't the thin end of the wedge--that you won't come to her in two months telling her that you have a less-common fetish. And show her that old Savage Love column that #29 found.
Lastly, I'm straight and so are the guys I date, and I've never had any difficulty telling commenting on the sexiness of men in movies we watch together, same as none has ever seemed inhibited about expressing his admiration for any of the actresses. And it doesn't bother me to hear it when a guy does that. Generally, I agree. I recognize beauty and/or sexiness when see it, regardless of the gender of the possessor.
Not interesting at all to me. Those guys are hot despite the lingerie IMHO.
HINT's girlfriend sounds horrible.
Bi guys are HOT.
And Tim Curry in RHPS was crazy exciting to my 17 year old naive eyeballs (and I'm not usually into that). Maybe because he was a transvestite DOM!
If I had to offer advice to HNH, I'd note an appreciable number of women will turn you down if you're bi. If it's up to you if you want to be completely upfront, wait a while or stay secret.
Staying secret does a great dis-service to the bi community, but sadly it also helps you get laid by women. There are women who won't care; many of them will openly or secretly be bi, if my experience is anything to go by.
I've found gay men much less judgemental
I would underscore that. They are not having a conversation yet. So far they are just making test jabs. What they really need to do is have a long, honest talk about sex. It sounds like she is really phobic of anything anal (it's dirty!). Maybe they should get into why that is.
I had not a clue about the fact that he was "bi" till after we first had sex. When he told me, I have to admit that I was scared, because I at first thought that maybe he would turn out to really be "gay" or something like that. But I realized that was stupid and that would make me a bit of a bigot in a way. We talked about it and it helped to put my fears at rest. After we had talked about it I realized that I wasn't really afraid of the fact that he is bi. It was more about him leaving me.
Anyways, to make a long story short. It isn't about the fact that someone is gay/bi. It is about love. I hope that we as society will move past these titles and just love each other. You will find someone. Just keep looking and see a therapist about any of those lingering fears you have.
Maybe straight women who find bi men particularly hot feel less threatened by their boyfriends'/husbands' interest in men, as there is no way that they (the women) could provide what the men are attracted to and therefore aren't in direct "competition." Or maybe it's a case of having twice as much to fantasize about or see.
What a stupid fucking question.
It's a cliche that men find lesbians hot. If you can wrap your head around that then you can understand why girls like bi guys.
Instead, she is taking this passive-aggressive tactic that makes him into some kind of twisted bad guy for being open to taking care of HER. Again, that's completely ass-backwards. Asking him what fetishes of hers he is willing to cater to tells her nothing about what fetishes of his she is likely to face. If he doesn't have a particular fetish, she isn't ever going to see it, end of story. Making the situation be that SHE has that big scary fetish, and then lambasting him for being willing to indulge her, is fucked up.
Personally, I hope she gets a job where she's on her feet all day, and after coming home day after day with aching dogs, only then realizes she has successfully scared her boyfriend away from her feet so badly that he's afraid to even mention them, let alone give her a foot massage.
Yeah, sometimes. Is that supposed to be ... crazy? I fantasize about my BF with another man, with another man while I watch, and with another man AND me, etc.
On another level, it's this kind of ... understanding. Bi-guys find guys hot, *I* find guys hot, so we can enjoy guys together.
It's kind of like why I also find the idea of women appealing. It's a cliche, but knowing the woman I'm with can feel almost exactly how I feel with the same stimulation is crazy sexy.
I must admit that I’m pleasantly surprised to find such a high percentage of women here who find cross dressing men to be sexy.
I wonder if the same ratio can also be applied to the “general public” out there, or maybe SL readers are simply sophisticated GGG’s.
So if you care to share please tell me what your take on this, does the subject ever come up while discussing sex-related issues with female friends, and what will be the best way for a man to bring this up to a woman. Thanks!
Might I suggest that you have not yet had the experience of a really well-administered foot bath?
Feet are not a fetish for me, meaning I find nothing particularly sexual about the foot itself. On the other hand, feet are very sensitive body parts, and can be very responsive when they are being treated nicely -- including a sexual response on the part of the owner of the foot. I've had more than one report of what seems to be an accupressure point running from somewhere in the arch to somewhere in the crotch.
Bottom line is that they should have a real conversation.
HNH-I met my husband when he was 26. He was a virgin, and cut off a relationship with another girl who clearly had issues about her ex-boyfriend (I liked it that he was gentle, but not so gentle that he let someone walk all over him). He did manage to cop a feel once or twice, but that was about it. I personally didn't lose my virginity until I was 23, and I'm torn between wishing I'd gotten it out of the way sooner, or waited. This is long, but don't give up hope. But I'll tell you straight up what kills the chances of late in life virgins.... they don't PUT THEMSELVES OUT THERE. I have another friend who was rejected once on a dating site, and summarily decided that she was destined to be single. I also have a brother in law who won't risk rejection either.
And Gloria, totally agree, those are my top 3 fantasies!
I'm exclusively attracted to bears and chubs, and many among them have been told awful things about their body - but they're hot to me. And I've rejected many guys who could be models.
It has nothing to do with how nice you are inside or how goodlooking you may be, it's just that no one in this world is everyone else's fantasy.
On the other hand, I suspect he is perfectly capable of giving her feet some genuinely nice attention. She gets her feet pampered, he gets his rocks off. What's not to like? Where does this "honesty" foolishness fit into the equation? If your feet are getting the royal treatment, what the hell difference does it make what my motivations are for doing it? Sounds like you aren't happy with anything your partner does for you unless your partner is somehow suffering in the process.