It drives me crazy that the media tend to equate all types of sex work. I've heard many arguments against prostitution from otherwise liberal, intelligent people because they assume that legalizing prostitution will mean legalizing the violent and coercive stuff that sometimes accompanies streetwalking.
on a more neurotic note, "grandfather of 68" is both making me laugh and making my eye twitch. rephrase!
His crime was allowing sex workers to have a nonprofit public forum. How dare he??
Albuquerque, New Mexico will not tolerate such shameless, immoral behavior as free speech. It's a fine, upstanding place, where sex workers can be seen, and used, but should not be heard.
The morals police foist their agenda onto society by shaming people who engage in activities that they deem inappropriate. But isn't it the people who have a prurient interest in the private lives of others the ones who have the problem? We (the sex positive community) need to make a point of ridiculing those who take inappropriate interest in the goings-on in other people's bedrooms.
The idea that Flory's reputation will suffer is one that far too many people accept as axiomatic. Why? We can discuss this amongst ourselves endlessly but we need to throw this back in the faces of the busybodies until society makes them out to be the fools.
Why is it that cops no longer bust gay bars or go after anal sex practicers, but bust two consensual adults looking for companionship. Kind of a big freaking joke when you consider that federal law enforcement is having to explain why they sold automatic weapons up to and including .50 caliber MGs and M-16s to Mexican drug cartels and used in actual murders. All the while, the guy who merely wants to "holster" his "weapon" is jailed.
You got it right, Matisse! Ask any escort in any major city and she will tell you that the local escort review boards are what keep her safe. Thank you for drawing attention to this!
on a more neurotic note, "grandfather of 68" is both making me laugh and making my eye twitch. rephrase!
Albuquerque, New Mexico will not tolerate such shameless, immoral behavior as free speech. It's a fine, upstanding place, where sex workers can be seen, and used, but should not be heard.
The morals police foist their agenda onto society by shaming people who engage in activities that they deem inappropriate. But isn't it the people who have a prurient interest in the private lives of others the ones who have the problem? We (the sex positive community) need to make a point of ridiculing those who take inappropriate interest in the goings-on in other people's bedrooms.
The idea that Flory's reputation will suffer is one that far too many people accept as axiomatic. Why? We can discuss this amongst ourselves endlessly but we need to throw this back in the faces of the busybodies until society makes them out to be the fools.
Crazy weird world we live in, man.