Now that the US Supreme Court has made it illegal for states to ban same-sex marriage, The Stranger is taking a celebratory look back at some of the lesser-known trailblazers on the road to this historic civil-rights victory.

Volume I: Cory Levinton, Straight Guy Who Wore a Dress to a Party in 1994

"I mean, it was just kind of in the air, you know? I didn't, like, think of myself as an agent of social change or whatever. I just thought, like, basically, 'Why shouldn't I be able to wear a dress to a party if I want?' I remember talking to this one dude, a big fucker who'd just gotten out of treatment in Missoula, who was all, 'When I first saw you, I was gonna kick your fucking ass on principle, but you actually seem kind of okay.' I think his name was Block? No, Brock! He gave me a kind of weirdly extra-long hug when the sun came up. Anyway... I wasn't a cross-dresser—though if I had been, that would've been fine, too. I just did it like twice, or maybe three times. Then my girlfriend at the time said she thought it was embarrassing, so I stopped. I don't wanna take too much credit. A lot of people made real sacrifices. But it's nice to know I played a part in laying the groundwork." recommended