My girlfriend and I drove to Seattle from the small college town where we live to have a threesome with a man my partner found on Craigslist. We are both women and lesbian-identified, and one of us is "gold star." We wanted to have a threesome with a male-bodied person, but we didn't want to do it with anyone from our small community. We also wanted someone who presented slightly feminine and wasn't controlling or toxic. And we thought we found him—via e-mail and text, our girly boy was funny, thoughtful, and sexy. Then we met in person. His photos had to be at least 10 years old, and he'd lied to us about being a nonsmoker, which was a deal breaker for us. When my girlfriend told him we weren't interested after all, he blew up our phones with angry text messages until we blocked his number. We didn't want to run into him on the street, so we barely left our hotel room. We had lots of great sex with each other, though, so the trip wasn't a total loss. "STEPH"
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