Cops Jun 26, 2024 at 9:02 am

Protester Accuses Cops of Wasting Everybody’s Time and Money

Cutting board ruler for size. Carmen Woodson



Glad that these brave protesters are getting the word out not to buy a cheeseburger because something something genocide or whatever.


So am I to conclude that the Stranger is ok with people covering its signs with stickers accusing the paper of supporting terrorism and genocide?


As petty as it is preposterous. What a crock.


Not really a fan of McDonald’s. I think the last time I had a burger from there was during The Plague.
Big Mac sounds good all of a sudden.


Sounds like a waste of public money, but did get us this chuckle: “… claiming the company supports genocide doesn’t amount to an expression of hate or an incitement of violence against a group based on their race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.”

Yeah, claiming that some entity “supports genocide” is an expression of pure love and tolerance towards that entity.


@tensora Facts do suck when you have to defend the indefensible.


Cops wasting time and money?
Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!


@7 Saying that you condone genocide isn't a hate crime. Quit your whining or even better, grow a conscience.


@8: So, my leading with, “Sounds like a waste of public money,” read like a defense to you?

What color is the sky in your world?


@7 Corporations are not people. They have no human rights for another to respect or disrespect. Not surprised that you are not intelligent enough to understand that.


@1 Raindrop, if your statement isn't ironic, it might be one of the most brain-dead, slop-eating comments I've seen, and it marks you as a fearmongering victim who should be living in Coeur d'Alene instead of whichever Seattle suburb you're crying about STICKERS from.


How I Pike-Pine for the long-lost days of the Seattle Music Scene. Back then, within a few days — perhaps a week at the utmost! — of some local radical stickering a McDondald’s for genocide, I could, whilst relaxing over a drink at the Off-Ramp, savor the dulcet tones of “Cheeseburgers for Genocide,” as the opening act for both Stenchgrinder and the Posies.


If you ask me, a waste of sticker material.
Like Parisians who were going to make personal deposits in the seine before Officials swam in it, I'm sure her pals plastered that sign.
Does genocide or famine mean the
same as 25 or 50 years ago? 78?
I think not.
Usage makes words mean less, or more. What a waste.


Seattle cops are pussies.



why not just label
it "TERRORISM!" and
Murder every Last stickerer?

Calling for an End
to Genocide - or Calling Out
a soulless Corporate entity, LLC bitches
that feeds you Poorly and which supports
a Fucking Genocide is surely NO fucking Crime

it's an Act of
Fucking Patriotism
tho the Capitalists'll
have a Fucking Hernia*
if word like That gets around.

Calling out a fucking Genocide
ain't a Fucking Hate Crime
it's attempting to
End One.

let the
Trials fucking Begin

*that's your Cue


@18: So, my leading with, “Sounds like a waste of public money,” read like a defense to you?

What color is the sky in your world?


This isn’t a waste of my tax dollars. I want a city free of vandals. Defacing signs of businesses isn’t free speech, it’s vandalism. It makes me associate criminality with your cause.
Palestinians support terrorists like Hamas by wide margins. They are the real people seeking germicide. Get your shit together, liberals.


@15 Great post. Genuinely loved it, spot on, and I, too, miss that music scene of bygone years.

As for the headline, "Pro-Palestine" is the corporate media framing of all acts of resistance to US support of the actions in Gaza. No particular reason TS needs to follow along with it, as it tacitly implies "Anti-Israel" thus furthering the goal to conflate anti-semitism with all criticisms of the Israeli government or military. "Pro Human Rights" or "Genocide Resisters" are each more apt.

Lastly, I am hardly surprised by this petty act of retaliation from our police/court system at any sign of criticism of the corporation/Israel connection. They have lost a sizeable chunk of the masses, can't understand why, and are lashing out. But I am curious how, specifically, McDonalds supports genocide. It would hardly be surprising.


Those that are against funding Israel are clear about it. Stop funding zionist Israel with our billions of tax money. Zionism is a fascist, racist death cult. Check out scholar Norman Finkelstein's descriptions of this available on youtube and elsewhere.

The federal government is funding mass murder, torture, dismemberment, imprisonment of a population without human rights. Its called Genocide.

Do not expect people to be silent about this. We will not and cannot accept that this is done in our name. There are corporations that fund this and they should and can be exposed. BDS has a huge impact on helping to stop this ongoing horror by psychopaths.

We cannot bear to view the results of the siege imposed on babies, children, women and men by zionist Israel. We will speak out and continue to protest until these war crimes done by this federal government is stopped and Palestine is free.

We are doing what the resistance is nazi occupied countries did. The American people are being betrayed by those in power and all that agree or allow that genocide continue.


Critical thinking is helpful not fascism.


@23 Preach!

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