We need to clear up some confusion surrounding the piece in our last issue about juicing pot leaves. To be clear, we didn't fuck up writing this thing; our readers fucked up reading it. As Lester Black wrote, when you drink pot juice, you can't get high because you are only drinking THCA, not the closely related chemical THC. Only when you heat THCA does it turn into THC, and that's what gets you high. Raw juice alone won't get you high. "BUT WHAT ABOUT EDIBLES?!?" you illiterates kept e-mailing us. Well, dingus, just because that brownie you are shoving into your face isn't currently hot doesn't mean that its components weren't heated at one time. That's what happens in a fucking oven. It's also what happens when concentrates are made, concentrates that pot processers then cook with. It's called decarboxylation, asshats.