I left Zimbabwe because it's run by a guy like Trump. His name is Robert Mugabe. He maintained power by dominating the rural vote and claiming that all of the country's problems were caused by white people. Those in the city knew better and tried to warn rural voters that his main political program was not the nation but himself. But, no, nothing could change their minds and the nation sank into the misery it is still in.
I left that country and placed my hopes in the US, a democratic society. It had, after all, very big cities and a rural population that appeared to be in decline. It would never become a Zimbabwe. I was wrong. The US is going to become a Zimbabwe—indeed, the whole world is heading in that direction. People like Trump don't go away like a bad dream, and the damage they cause lasts for a very long time.
Nevertheless, Don't blame third-party voters for this mess. The race was not supposed to be this close in the first place. The situation was already in the shitter, and we have to accept that fact. Even a close race would have been bad. What we have to do now is no longer pretend that things are any where near OK. They are very bad, and, yes, the poor in America are going to suffer. But where as I could leave Zimbabwe, I and all of us cannot leave the US. This country is the end of the world. You can not turn your back to it and flee. You have to face it, face and challenge your worst fears. Shit just got real.