Elections 2023 Aug 21, 2023 at 9:00 am

Haven’t You Heard? Alex Hudson Is a “Council Extremist”

Big business is going to try to convince you that Alex Hudson is the president of antifa. COURTESY OF THE CAMPAIGN



Hannah, what did Luce Research say when you called to confirm what these voters told you? That seems to have been left out (or edited out?) of your story.


how Hard
can it Be?

all's Big Biz's
gotta Do is ask
tS's reactionaries.

they're here they may
or may not be queer
but they'll happily
steer us straight
into a 'Republi-
can' Hellscape
\Reich wing

so Save
your precious
Preciouses for a
Rainy day, Chamberses.


Fear is the mind killer.

I told them that I was most scared of Trump and Killer Clowns


Yes please to “effective progressives.” They should be here any minute?


“…we can punish the addiction and poverty out of people, which is the same strategy we’ve been using for the last several decades.”

Actually, NOT punishing thefts, assaults, and other illegal activities (e.g. appropriation of public property for private use, with neither permission beforehand nor compensation ever) has been Seattle’s policy for about a decade now. Citizens explicitly rejected allowing camping everywhere, and yet it happened anyway. So they want it to end.

But recognizing this reality would mean recognizing reality, and so the Stranger will instead continue confecting conspiracy theories, starring Seattle’s non-existent right-wingers.


"... starring
Seattle’s non-
existent right-wingers..."

would that it
Were so! not calling
for Exterminations here

(we'll save That for our
Reactionaries' 'answer'
to "the Least" of Us).


@6 they just don't get it. It's not about punishing the poverty/addiction out of people. You can't force people to change whether through punishment or via services unless they are ready to accept that change.

What is lost in this is what we do in the interim for those who choose to harm their surroundings, others or themselves until they are ready to make that change. TS and the activists would have you to believe that we should leave them on the street as their behavior/actions are just a symptom of their addiction but in doing so you expose innocent people to harm. Once someone has crossed the line and is no longer capable of managing their addiction without impacting others than its incumbent on society to step in and enforce consequences otherwise we end up where we are at today.

It's not about the addict....it's about everyone else impacted by the addict's behavior.


how will we Know
our Precious Billionaires
are paying THEIR Fair Share?

when our Homeless & Junkies
are no longer "living" Lives
of fucking Despair and
it's NOT just them
experiencing said
Despair -- it's

there's MORE than Enough
to Go Around. it's merely
concentrated in Too
fucking Few's tight
little Handsies &
that's Precisely
how they'll
Keep It.

fuck 'em:
the Causes:

right there's
the Cure.


@8: And they don’t get it because they simply don’t care. When the Stranger wrote about the glorious encampment ‘Cuba’ and his friends had built, there was no mention of the blizzard of thefts terrorizing the low-income and fixed-income residents of the nearby trailer park, courtesy of those same campers. The desire of parents to protect their kindergarteners from the violence erupting from an encampment near their children’s school caused the stranger to vilify those parents, but not to condemn the addiction-fueled violence endangering their children.

Now, having refused to care about the citizens of Seattle, those citizens have started returning the favor, via election results the Stranger hates. If the November 2023 elections in Seattle go the way of the November 2021 elections, will the Stranger learn anything? Magic 8-Ball says…


Hey Hannah, news flash: Tammy Morales is just Kshama Sawant without the bullhorn. Morales votes exactly the same as Sawant. And, ICYMI, District 2 had the lowest turnout, just 30%. So to call Morales' 52% Primary showing as one demonstrating strong support is simply ignorant. But then ignorant is what you do, along with demonizing any candidate who isn't on the far Left.


Associating a candidate with their most unpopular positions isn't a "smear." That isn't what that word means.

Any candidate who feels their positions have been mischaracterized should seize the opportunity to clarify their stance.


@8 - exactly. We can agree not to criminalize addiction (and we should absolutely agree on this), but we can also agree that you are not gong to smoke your fucking fentanyl in someone's front yard and steal their shit to pay for it.

As for "smearing," if pointing out that a candidate takes the same extreme positions as the outgoing Scarfed Menace is a "smear," I'll take the first brush.


‘However, the only council member who could qualify as far-left is lone socialist Sawant, who won’t be on the council to “align” with next year anyway.’

With all the advantages of name-recognition, incumbency, a nationwide (if not international) fundraising machine, and a local propaganda machine which included the Stranger, CM Sawant was nonetheless almost recalled by the most liberal and tolerant electorate in all of Seattle. Painting any potential successor as similar to her would thus be excellent campaign strategy for that candidate’s opposition. (And, as @11 noted, this paint can apply to any other incumbents with similar voting records.)


I got one of those shitty 'push poll' calls as well.

The big biz jackasses are so afraid of real people getting a voice in this corrupted city that they will spend whatever amount and lie to any extent to get their way.


lol, even TS's intended beneficiary of this article is fed up with their bullshit. Alex Hudson posted this on Twitter in response to TS article last night:

"This boogeyman rhetoric is so tired and unserious. D3 residents are sick of it and smart enough to see through it.

If you're more interested in policy than politics check out my detailed plans for how to help our city be healthy, safe, and thriving here: http://alexforseattle.com"


There are no conservatives in Seattle. And the progressive policies have gotten us here with not enough police and no incentive for criminals with guns or those stealing to feed addictions to stop harming society. I'm for Hollingsworth district 3 and Rivera district 4.


Democrats concerned with public safety = conservatives
Anyone wanna stroll with me down 25th Ave S (near Horton) past the new tent city and folks living in cars? You can bid on the bicycle skeletons outside the tents!


Is it a smear if it’s the truth?


I also got a call from a pollster a few days ago, but this was focused on the Andrew Lewis - Bob Kettle Council race for D7. My guess is it was an internal poll from one of the campaigns testing messaging as well as gauging support for each candidate. It wasn’t necessarily a push-poll, and it was quite lengthy. There was one Q about Harrell as well, and one about Olga Sagan. Overall this tells me someone’s spending some serious money on this race. I think it will be close and hard fought. I think Lewis is in trouble. I also think this is a bellwether race for the direction of the CC: More of the progressive (ineffective?) same vs shift to more moderate direction.


Not a conservative, but they can start with the fact that our "Progressive" city council is responsible for the complete breakdown of the social fabric of this city. In no objective terms could anyone claim our city leadership is competent at running the city in a reasonable way.

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