

Was Hannah Krieg the model for the cover art?


What an awesome start – "It's impossible to hire police or get drug users or homeless off the streets, so don't vote for anyone who will even try!" Just vote for this exasperating list of Decline Managers to keep everything the same, but worse!


“the most tenacious lefty elected official this sorry town has ever seen” is a long-winded way of saying ‘all hat, no cattle’


This election season for once feels…normal? Not unhinged (hinged?)? But maybe that’s because this is a fairly unremarkable lineup of candidates. Pity me for having to vote in District 4. And The Stranger got the School Board exactly wrong. Incumbents have not been good stewards of the budget (the District runs out of money next year) or sounded alarms on a 15% drop in enrollment over the last three years. Why are voters gluttons for punishment??


Typical Stranger. In District 5 a ringing endorsement for the candidate with a goofy name and progressive pedigree, who to be fair seems quite credible and capable, but not nearly as much as the overqualified candidate with actual experience who holds the same progressive ideals but also wants to hire more cops. Be smart Seattle, pick the progressive who also wants to hire more cops.


Thanks for the list of who and what to vote against!


@4 District 1 and 4 are the seats that will decide the direction of the council. Ron Davis is Kshama light, make no mistake about that so I don't pity you but celebrate that you have a vote in a critical district. I encourage you to use it wisely and help the city start to reclaim some semblance of public order and stop enabling the addicts, activists and criminals who for too long have shamed people into thinking appeasement is the same as compassion.


who's the write-in candidate challenging Strauss?


For those that are new to Seattle, The Stranger reflexively just endorses the farthest left candidate in the race. It doesn’t matter how extreme or unqualified they are. Because Seattle is a place with progressive values, people blindly support the Stranger list of candidates. Essentially we are following the model of the MAGA right. Reasonable people are purged because they lack ideological purity. A shift to District elections 10 years ago exacerbated the problem by making it easier for more extreme candidates to win seats. This is why Seattle has gone from being a well run and livable city to a dysfunctional and dystopian place.


@10 Gosh, as tempting as it is to vote hundreds of dollars of extra property taxes a year onto everyone in order to build a miniscule amount of cheaply constructed future decrepit housing units, I'm going to have to vote "No" on this one as well! Maybe they'll figure it out and ease up on zoning eventually, which might actually make a difference, but don't hold your breath.


I am completely underwhelmed by Tammy Morales. Her office's complete indifference to the arson spree on Rainier that destroyed five businesses and at least two residences, as well as the situation at 15th and Jackson tells me everything I need to know about her.

Time for a change, even if it is a crypto Republican (Republicans are horrible people,)


The Stranger, you got this race right, specifically on the School Board race for District 1 and 3. Vote Rankin and don’t let Debbie Carlsen fool you with her magic wand approach to fixing the budget nightmare, and her tokenizing of the LGBTQIA+ community, we know better.
And vote Briggs because YOU CANNOT TRUST a school board candidate like Ben, who sends their offspring to PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Oh the hypocrisy.


Raindrop dear, Republicans are useful only as cautionary tales or to teach recalcitrant liberal politicians a lesson. They’re absolutely incompetent when it comes to governing, lack any qualities of leadership or ethics, and are rife with sex problems and religion-based neurosis.


Raindrop dear, it could be worse. This could be Omaha.


Raindrop dear, we’re you looking at a visitors guide from 1963? Brandeis has been gone since the mid 80’s, and there are exactly four old-school steakhouses left.


Y'all are great, thanks for another season of trying to help this city be more livable and inclusive!


Yeegads and gadzooks! Zoolander beauty images selling city hall wares. Buy now and SAVE !!! Glamorous Gilroys Rocky Balboa


awheeler, your city Seattle cries, cries and cries. Beyond your words their crying daily goes on. Folklife next May. Gonna B there. Year 2040 in mind.


While my default heuristic on local elections is to look at who the Stranger endorses and who the ST doesn't endorse, this falls apart WRT school board. The Stranger is showing again their lack of knowledge on the district. Readers would be better served looking at Melissa Westbrook's recommendations at Even the ST (sic) is better.


Definitely rooting for the progressives in this election.
That way when the next election comes around and nothing has changed…at all, we can see The Stranger put the blame on phantom republicans.


How do we keep Mosqueda from graduating her mediocrity up to the County Council, where she can hang out for decades?


Andrew Lewis doesn't deserve to be on SCC. He has no spine and has shown time and time again that he capitulates to the far left, which have damaged this city.

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