I hardly ever say Merry Christmas OR Happy Holidays. If I'm in a good mood I usually say, "Humbug!" and if I'm in a bad one I invite the cheerful celebrant of the holiday season to attempt a volant copulatory thrust at a circumrotatory toroidal pastry, though in somewhat more colloquial terms, And BTW, like all spoiled brats and obnoxious exhibitionists, if we just ignore her--well, she'll never go away but at least WE'LL be ignoring her.
@31 Worse, it challenges whether she even has a fifth-grade reading level.
@52 Srsly? You want that image floating around in your brain? Srsly?
@58 Dude, you can just say, "Peace." With the right inflection, it's truly enigmatic. Works year-round, too, although you might get taken for a stoner. Add in a "...my Brother," and you should get an even more interesting reaction.
@71 You should google the definition of "misogynist," you ignorant troll. And, if you expect tolerance from others, you should learn how to practice it yourself first. But don't expect agreement. No one has to agree with anyone else. That's the very nature of freedom. 'Tis a pity your crowd doesn't understand that.
dude, you left out Winter Solstice! So oppressive to the pagans! (Just kidding. Happy Holidays!) Clearly I've been listening to the Lovecast for a long time, I totally heard this in Dan's voice in my head, complete with tonal variation, exasperation and presentation values.
When people wish me "Merry Christmas," my first thought is, "are they fighting the war on Christmas?" I don't want to be a part of their creepy Fox news fueled conservative Christian war. I feel like I'm being tested by weirdos, and I resent that.
You are leaving Rohatsu, December 8, which is the observance of the Buddha's enlightenment in Japanese Buddhism. It's sort of like Zen Easter, with lots of meditation instead of chocolate bunnies. Happy holidays.
If Sarah was "of the world" the secular Left would love and defend her because frankly, many on the Left actually suffer from the defects that they project onto Sarah, but they enjoy a kind of immunity from self appraisal by way of associating with their phony compatriots. One will not find a more mean spirited, intolerant bunch than the Left. The worldly author of this article is just a repackaged bigot of a different sort, it is self evident that he has never really taken the time to understand a conservative, too self absorbed perhaps with the “need” for the world to understand him.
Oh Dan, let me help you cheer the fuck up and recover from your short but painful stint reading Palin's book...
It's 2013. It's a whole new age.
I'm a liberal 43-year-old woman who has proudly raised a daughter who loves Christmas to it's absolute traditional core. The tree, the decorating, the family time and wrapping gifts with custom-made bows, the music and even Christmas caroling which she attempts to do with her friends... all of it. We believe in Santa in our house and there are still gifts from him under the tree Christmas morning. She was the room mate at college that decorated the room and bought stockings for all her friends. She's going to a party this weekend where she and her friends are making their own Christmas album... and ever year since she could plan her own parties, she has her own in the days following the 25th. God, my girl loves and honors Christmas.
Except for the Christ part. LOL
My husband and I raised her "religion-free" with the thought she would choose what she wants to believe when she grows up. I'm closer to a Buddhist than anything else, and her dad is a recovering catholic.
And my daughter, well she wears a star of David and has decided she wants to be Jewish. She plans to officially convert at some point. However, she insists she will be a Christmas-celebrating Jew... and I'm convinced my very modern, feminist, pan-sexual daughter is going to revolutionize the world and start her own religion.
I'm proud of her. I've raised her to be strong and socially conscious. She's part of what I call "The Big Gay Club" at college, or more accurately, the Gay-Straight alliance (LGBT) club. She cheers and spreads the news when gay marriage is legalized in yet another state. She's outraged when there is news of persecution. She wants to be a writer and her concentration in college is Gender Studies. She gave her final speech in public speaking class on transgender issues and she gives Safe Space training on campus to professors and staff so her college can officially become a Safe Space for the LGBT community.
She's quirky and smart, she's proactive and socially aware. She's compassionate and kind and cares so much about others. She wants the world to change for gay and transgender folks and she's the good jew I apparently raised who wants to celebrate Christmas in the biggest way possible.
So enjoy that tidbit Dan, and we'll hope that Sarah Palin chokes on it.
Merry Christmas, Dan! Just kidding. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your clear-headed, honest, and insightful outrage at this buffoon of a human who thinks she can fool all of the people all of the time. As long as there is an army of shit-spewing, racist, homophobic, Duck Dynasty imbeciles around, there will be backward-thinking generals like Palin leading the bogus war on Christmas. I'm trying to imagine how many hours Christ would be throwing up after being introduced to the twisted, madhouse lunacy of Palin's bitter hatred for anyone who doesn't believe the fucking mindless, heartless crap she believes. Man the buckets, men. She's coming back again!!
Never mind that the REAL "war on Christmas" is being waged not by secular humanists or those who dare to practice other religions . . . but by the corporate money whores who insist the only way to celebrate is by trampling people in WalMart while seeking the next best deal.
I used the phrase, "Happy Holy Days," for years in mixed company and more often than not even in total Christian company. Every one knows what it means and take it to be something greater than just "Merry Christmas" or "Have a Blessed Christmas." Be that as it may, grouping a new year celebration with all the others as "Happy Holidays" is a great deal better than "Bah! Humbug!" Palin is adored by her fellow mirror kissers who have not much more than basic depression era schooling enforced by the hubris of the "We are better than the whole world" attitude of the group that named themselves "The Greatest Generation." I am sorry there are intellectually weak groups, there always have been and there always will. Jesus said, "The poor will always be with us," maybe that includes "poor of the milk of human kindness," Palin is certainly one of those.
She might have great bras, but I doubt that at her age she has 'great' breasts. It would be interesting and typical if she would show us nd put the issue to rest. That might add a new chapter to the book, as well.
It's obvious to me that Mr. Savage simply doesn't have much of a life if he must spend his time bashing a book that he knew wasn't to his taste. It's so interesting that people like Mr. Savage proclaim that conservatives are "the haters." If his article isn't hate speech, I don't know what is.
I find this article sad, and as judgmental and nasty as they come. I wish you the best (truly), but cannot bring myself to respect your hard edge and your overall approach to writing.
Do you actually believe the story of Sandy Hook is true???
You can't just uncover her tits, and not let us look... WHAT do I have to go to a bookstore (is there such a thing anymore) and flip through to find it. REALLY?!?!?
Ummmm yeah... "or Sarah Palin is a shit-talking pimp who makes money playing to the carefully cultivated persecution complexes of conservative Christian rubes who wouldn't know what religious persecution was if it sat on their faces and shit in their mouths."
Stupid people like to reinforce their stupidity. It's a badge of honor, like really fake looking tits.... "do you know how much my husband paid for these?" The monthly payment, or total?
Merry Chrismas to Sarah Palin, may she be inspired by the baby Jesus, whose name inspired the holiday, and quit hating Hate is so Satanic of her. Jesus wasn't a a narcissist, but Sarah Palin only wants to be "christ"-like to anger people... just like Jesus.... right?
Thank you, thank you. I just moved to a new city, connected by social media yet I am feeling alone. Then the A&E blow up put Facebook on fire,and although many of the 455+ friends I have on my Facebook are right wingers, leaning to the Tea Bagger side, (why I keep them is another story) I have never been so challenged by their idiocy. Reading your post today was like a physical uplift I laughed at the insanity and found a comrade. Thank you, thank you.
I usually say happy holidays because I work for a company that interacts with people of many different cultures. When did I say Merry Christmas? When a Christian woman started ranting at me that I am going to hell and the Bible allows her to share those beliefs ... Etc etc... Said Merry CHRISTmas to remind her to be Christ-like as the Bible actually says they should be...
Wow, lots of visitors and trolls today!
@15: I feel the same. The joy of expressing seasons greetings of any kind has been taken away as we all overthink it now.
@140 I don't know what's wrong with you and your fellow right wing idiots, gun fetishists, anarchists, and christofascists, but the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was all too real. Whatever you've been listening to or reading is worse than the worst of the agitprop that spewed out of the iron curtain countries during the Cold War. You worry about Satan at all? Well, those commenters who are making you question the existence of the elementary school massacre, well... that's the voice of Satan.
@140 If you're one of those "Sandy Hook was a hoax" loons then I hope you choke while eating Christmas dinner, are revived, and then choke again on your next bite.
I'm going to keep saying Merry Christmas when I want too. In fact, our cards say Merry Christmas this year when I usually buy Happy Holidays out of respect for my non-Christian friends. But I'm pissed at the attempt to take Christmas away from me. So, I will say Merry Christmas and celebrate quite happily in my secular humanist fashion. Going to bake my Christmas cookies now.
I don't usually read posts like this but I was thoroughly entertained! I am sorry you had to review this book but so glad you started to! What a riot. Merry Christmas haha. Oh, and for the rest of the days, Happy Holidays too!!!
I doubt that Palin even knows Christmas is a pagan holiday (Saturnalia - the Roman feast honoring the god Saturn) railroaded by Christians. There is substantial biblical evidence that Jesus was born in September. At the very least, the early Christian calendar was different than our modern calendar, placing Jesus' birth on January 6.
Just think, ron4arts can't even write a program that determines every prime number between 1 and 250,000,000,000,000 in under 5 minutes(Writing the program, not compiling the answer set).
There's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" or whatever else you want to say to wish someone a good holiday season. If you treat "Merry Christmas" as some kind of polemical statement -- pro-religion, pro-right, anti-Semitic, anti-gay, anti-Muslim or whatever -- you are letting Fox News and the lady outside Walmart dictate what the phrase means. The hell with their agenda. They don't own "Merry Christmas" any more than they own the holiday itself.
I wouldn't get offended if someone said to me "Happy Hannukah". I say "Merry Christmas" because that's what I say, no ulterior motives. Maybe there is still a huge difference between Canada and the States, maybe i'm being naïve, but I think this mole hill has definitely turned into a mountain.
Dan, I urge you not to let the right-wing assholes take Merry Christmas away from us. Like every good American, I drink green beer on St. Patrick's Day. I wish people a Merry Christmas, you bet I do. And I wish them a Happy Hannukah. Happy Easter. Gung Hay Fat Choy, Happy New Year and Shanah Tovah! We own the holidays, too.
Has anyone commented on how much fun it was to read your review, for the language, for the images? Few book reviews have given me so much pleasure to read. You are a lucky man that you get to give the world so much enjoyment.
I did a (more serious) review and takedown of the book, below. And, BTW, Sarah gave us recipes. Perhaps you'd like to do the same for your snowball cookies?
In the Christmas-devoid city of Marrakech for the winter break and was cheerfully told "happy Christmas!" by the waiter last night as I left a restaurant. The blonde hair gave it away I'm guessing. I have to say, the cheer without being aurally waterboarded (auralboarded?) by 400 versions of "This Christmas" is a great middle road.
To be technical, which for the sake of upholding simple logic, at least, is what we should be - there is a fucking holiday every day of the year. In fact, there are multiple holidays every day of the year.
My birthday, your birthday, his birthday, Father's day, National dick sucking day, National Wet Ball sack day, and National Saxophone day, among others.
Dan, her rack is as fake as every other Palinese myth. It's water bras. The rack comes and goes in a matter of days.
Has anybody ever seen her showing some skin there ? Never ; while her legs, we've amply seen them, and more of them that we evr wanted. Why the breast shyness ? Because there's nothing but deceiving garnment there. She's faked a pregnancy, she's faking a rack, nothing out of her habits there.
What is not a myth though, is that her daughter's waistline has several times expanded until it can't be hidden any more, and the daughter has reemerged months later with a "godson" baby in tow. But the only acknowledged Palin grandson is the one from the RNC.
As Saul said to Carrie in the Showtime series HOMELAND, "you are the smartest and dumbest fucking person I have ever met." One could substitute Sarah for Carrie.
Pat Riley, Best Selling Author who actually wrote his own book, EXECUTIVE DECEPTION
I'm not waging a war on Christmas, I'm waging a war on idiots. Which unfortunately constitutes about about 50% of our population. I do wonder what goes on in the minds of Sarah and Ann Coulter. Do they really believe the crap they spout or are the just in it for the money and notoriety?
I'd like to not only wage war on Christmas but win the war. "Christians" have hijacked a pagan festival as a religious holiday. Look it up. Besides, because they claim it has such deep religious roots I'm taught to hate it. Throw your Bibles at me if you must but religion is entirely man-made and so is X-mas.
Dan, I'm a (lapsed) Jew who moved from Seattle to Austin almost two years ago. I've savored your biting wit for as long as I can remember, and would love some of those Christmas cookies. But I suspect Austin is a bit of a schlep, so let me just wish you, your handsome husband and the rest of your family very HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
@11 - I think you've misunderstood your interpreter friend. And you're confusing me.
*A*merican *S*ign *L*anguage - A.S.L.
*A*ustralian *S*ign *L*anguage - A.S.L.
He evidently was signing in Australian Sign Language but when you said ASL, and since this is an American blog, it's kind of confusing. It implied that he was signing American Sign Language and just adapting it to Australia's deaf community, and that American Sign Language is somehow universal and can be adapted to Australia's deaf community, which it can't. There are no universal sign languages. All of the English-speaking countries have their own signed language. The U.S. and Canada share ASL but the UK/Ireland, Australia and South Africa have their own uniques sign languages. The same goes for the many Spanish-speaking countries of the world, or any country, for that matter.
Sarah Palin came to Austin a few years ago on a book signing tour. I sent her an email inviting her to stop by my house for a few bong hits. That bitch didn't even have the courtesy to reply. I guess they don't teach good manners in Alaska.
#192. Don't take it personally. Sarah has probably smoked her share of the Wasilla area's own "Matanuska Thunderfuck"...and she may just have become too much of a weed snob to try your stash.
No, she shouldn't choke Dan. That's not nice. It's Christmas (and Hannukah, and Kwanzaa, and Winter Solstice......). And besides, really they are so entertaining. It's getting to be like an inside joke that we get and they get, but her fans are too stupid to understand.
I would have thought they had given up on the crap complaint of a "war on Christmas". From Time magazine , December 24, 2008 : "From 1659 to 1681, showcasing one's holiday spirit in Boston could cost you a fine of as much as five shillings. That's right-- Christmas used to be illegal.......Christmas was so inconsequential in early America that after the Revolutionary War, Congress didn't even bother taking the day off to celebrate the holiday, deciding instead to hold its first session on Christmas day, 1789. It took almost a century for Congress to proclaim it a federal holiday."
Great essay, delightfully wrapped in a review. (Or is this a review wrapped in an essay?) Either way, wonderful and on point. Wish The Stranger has more of these from you, Dan! Happy Holidays!
Is this seriously a whole article mocking Palin, what, five years, six years after the fact? For the love of god, move on, man. As a conservative let me lay it out for you. Most of us don't take Palin too seriously. But we do take the left's incessant, relentless mockery very seriously. One of these days, a Republican will win the Presidency, and/or retake the Senate. It's inevitable; sometimes Team A wins, and sometimes Team B wins. The incredible disrespect - the a priori assumption that all conservatives are a combination of evil, stupid or ignorant - has set back the possibility of political reconciliation by decades. Which is fine as long as your side is in power. That will not be the case forever, obviously. Time to stop mocking and start listening - even to the Sarah Palins out there.
I tried to read your review and some of the comments, but couldn't finish... so much hate. It's just sad that people can get so worked up over someone else's beliefs. That's not tolerance people.
Merry Christmas. I don't mean that in an offensive way, just in the spirit that I hope you can find happiness. That's all anyone has ever meant with Merry Christmas, and to discard the sentiment because you hate someone is the saddest thing of all.
It's hilarious how Sarah can drive libs batshit crazy! Way to go, Sarah. I love seeing a foul mouthed, so full of himself lib stomping about and foaming at the mouth. Sarah, you go, girl!
The leftists in responding to this column are more pathetic than Savage himself. The crying, whining, bitching, and moaning over, "Fox News is taking our Merry Christmas away!" has to be some of the loudest, most short sighted, ignorant bullshit yet spouted out of the myopic left.
What's the matter? Obamacare such an obvious failure that you have to jump on this as if it is a manufactured controversy? Ignore the strong atheist and pagan double teaming people have been doing since the '90s trying to "educate" the public that Christmas is just a retooled pagan holiday —and most are so ignorant they mistakenly think it is a retooling of Saturnalia— and it is offensive to non-Christians and so no one should say, "Merry Christmas."
That you pathetic excuses for human beings think you are somehow sticking it to the man by either refusing or continuing to use the phrase, "Merry Christmas," just shows how absolutely delusional you are. You are sticking it to no one. Use the phrase, or don't use the phrase as you will, the vast majority of the US, much less the world, will not care two shits either way. What people will judge you on is your character, and so far the only rational judgment is that you all are whiny children who somehow inhabit the bodies of adults.
- G. K. Chesterton
@52 Srsly? You want that image floating around in your brain? Srsly?
@58 Dude, you can just say, "Peace." With the right inflection, it's truly enigmatic. Works year-round, too, although you might get taken for a stoner. Add in a "...my Brother," and you should get an even more interesting reaction.
@71 You should google the definition of "misogynist," you ignorant troll. And, if you expect tolerance from others, you should learn how to practice it yourself first. But don't expect agreement. No one has to agree with anyone else. That's the very nature of freedom. 'Tis a pity your crowd doesn't understand that.
Peace, all my brothers and sisters and OPOTGS!
I'm reading about you in Jared Diamond's latest right now.
Then you go and warm the cockles of my frozen heart.
What can I say, I love you guys.
It's 2013. It's a whole new age.
I'm a liberal 43-year-old woman who has proudly raised a daughter who loves Christmas to it's absolute traditional core. The tree, the decorating, the family time and wrapping gifts with custom-made bows, the music and even Christmas caroling which she attempts to do with her friends... all of it. We believe in Santa in our house and there are still gifts from him under the tree Christmas morning. She was the room mate at college that decorated the room and bought stockings for all her friends. She's going to a party this weekend where she and her friends are making their own Christmas album... and ever year since she could plan her own parties, she has her own in the days following the 25th. God, my girl loves and honors Christmas.
Except for the Christ part. LOL
My husband and I raised her "religion-free" with the thought she would choose what she wants to believe when she grows up. I'm closer to a Buddhist than anything else, and her dad is a recovering catholic.
And my daughter, well she wears a star of David and has decided she wants to be Jewish. She plans to officially convert at some point. However, she insists she will be a Christmas-celebrating Jew... and I'm convinced my very modern, feminist, pan-sexual daughter is going to revolutionize the world and start her own religion.
I'm proud of her. I've raised her to be strong and socially conscious. She's part of what I call "The Big Gay Club" at college, or more accurately, the Gay-Straight alliance (LGBT) club. She cheers and spreads the news when gay marriage is legalized in yet another state. She's outraged when there is news of persecution. She wants to be a writer and her concentration in college is Gender Studies. She gave her final speech in public speaking class on transgender issues and she gives Safe Space training on campus to professors and staff so her college can officially become a Safe Space for the LGBT community.
She's quirky and smart, she's proactive and socially aware. She's compassionate and kind and cares so much about others. She wants the world to change for gay and transgender folks and she's the good jew I apparently raised who wants to celebrate Christmas in the biggest way possible.
So enjoy that tidbit Dan, and we'll hope that Sarah Palin chokes on it.
But it's nice she was able to give ol' Dan an opportunity to work up some mocking hate during this season of hate.
Do you actually believe the story of Sandy Hook is true???
Merry Christmas.
Ummmm yeah... "or Sarah Palin is a shit-talking pimp who makes money playing to the carefully cultivated persecution complexes of conservative Christian rubes who wouldn't know what religious persecution was if it sat on their faces and shit in their mouths."
Stupid people like to reinforce their stupidity. It's a badge of honor, like really fake looking tits.... "do you know how much my husband paid for these?" The monthly payment, or total?
Merry Chrismas to Sarah Palin, may she be inspired by the baby Jesus, whose name inspired the holiday, and quit hating Hate is so Satanic of her. Jesus wasn't a a narcissist, but Sarah Palin only wants to be "christ"-like to anger people... just like Jesus.... right?
@15: I feel the same. The joy of expressing seasons greetings of any kind has been taken away as we all overthink it now.
Happy Holidays
I doubt that Palin even knows Christmas is a pagan holiday (Saturnalia - the Roman feast honoring the god Saturn) railroaded by Christians. There is substantial biblical evidence that Jesus was born in September. At the very least, the early Christian calendar was different than our modern calendar, placing Jesus' birth on January 6.
Nor does expecting people who didn't study mythology (Brought to you by McDonald's) to know inane stories from eons back do you much good.
Merry Christmas, from the bottom of my frozen heart.
I mean, since you're running with the premise he existed and all.
Maybe it's time you began mythologizing.
It's for your own good.
I did a (more serious) review and takedown of the book, below. And, BTW, Sarah gave us recipes. Perhaps you'd like to do the same for your snowball cookies?
UPS and FedEx drivers, for obvious reasons.
The Australian sign for "Holiday" is not what you described. The deaf down under are collectively going WUT.
CORRECTION: sign #2 of 3 signs is exactly as was described in #12. My mistake.
Sign #3 of 3 is pretty choice too: kinda like on Sprockets when Dieter says "Now I am happy as a little girl!"
My birthday, your birthday, his birthday, Father's day, National dick sucking day, National Wet Ball sack day, and National Saxophone day, among others.
Happy holidays to you, sir.
After all I woouldn't vote for a politician who
says " we have to pass the bill to see whats in it" intelligent nancyP.
" once they ( illegal Immigrants) are here its their home too" Stupid patty murray.
Why all the baised reporting ???
and Michelle Bachman- absolutely HOT.
Republicans- have hot women
Democrats- ugly women or same sex partners
Dan, her rack is as fake as every other Palinese myth. It's water bras. The rack comes and goes in a matter of days.
Has anybody ever seen her showing some skin there ? Never ; while her legs, we've amply seen them, and more of them that we evr wanted. Why the breast shyness ? Because there's nothing but deceiving garnment there. She's faked a pregnancy, she's faking a rack, nothing out of her habits there.
What is not a myth though, is that her daughter's waistline has several times expanded until it can't be hidden any more, and the daughter has reemerged months later with a "godson" baby in tow. But the only acknowledged Palin grandson is the one from the RNC.
Wow, betting that Sarah Palin knows something besides pulling money out of her followers' pockets is really taking a turn on the wild side there !
Just remember that Paul Revere debacle. And "in what respect, Charlie ?"
Congratulations on finding the perfect cesspool.
Pat Riley, Best Selling Author who actually wrote his own book, EXECUTIVE DECEPTION
a fist full of awesome..
thank you
*A*merican *S*ign *L*anguage - A.S.L.
*A*ustralian *S*ign *L*anguage - A.S.L.
He evidently was signing in Australian Sign Language but when you said ASL, and since this is an American blog, it's kind of confusing. It implied that he was signing American Sign Language and just adapting it to Australia's deaf community, and that American Sign Language is somehow universal and can be adapted to Australia's deaf community, which it can't. There are no universal sign languages. All of the English-speaking countries have their own signed language. The U.S. and Canada share ASL but the UK/Ireland, Australia and South Africa have their own uniques sign languages. The same goes for the many Spanish-speaking countries of the world, or any country, for that matter.
I don't believe you would know what a moron is if you found one in the mirror.
Could you use this in a sentence, please?
"I am a post-scientific individual."
Just to be safe.
Indeterminate.. things..
Of no particular color..
Or physical presence..
Or biological logic..
Does that work?
peace out my blurs.
'tidings of comfort & joy'
it makes me smile.
We know you are Dan. But it gets better.
We know you are Dan. But it gets better.
Merry Christmas. I don't mean that in an offensive way, just in the spirit that I hope you can find happiness. That's all anyone has ever meant with Merry Christmas, and to discard the sentiment because you hate someone is the saddest thing of all.
What's the matter? Obamacare such an obvious failure that you have to jump on this as if it is a manufactured controversy? Ignore the strong atheist and pagan double teaming people have been doing since the '90s trying to "educate" the public that Christmas is just a retooled pagan holiday —and most are so ignorant they mistakenly think it is a retooling of Saturnalia— and it is offensive to non-Christians and so no one should say, "Merry Christmas."
That you pathetic excuses for human beings think you are somehow sticking it to the man by either refusing or continuing to use the phrase, "Merry Christmas," just shows how absolutely delusional you are. You are sticking it to no one. Use the phrase, or don't use the phrase as you will, the vast majority of the US, much less the world, will not care two shits either way. What people will judge you on is your character, and so far the only rational judgment is that you all are whiny children who somehow inhabit the bodies of adults.