"Happy Holidays" could be offensive to non-religious Iranians (The Iranian New Year starts in Spring). So I say "Have a great winter!" If this is a "War on Christmas" you have to aim for the back of the head to hit Christmas in the nose!
Agreed, it will backfire. Someone wished me Merry Christmas yesterday, and my first thought was "you don't know if I am Christian, and I'm kinda offended you just presumed".
Never would have thought of that before Fox News made it a big deal.
The part that I find most intolerable is that they so aggressively wish you a merry Christmas during Advent, when joyful preparation is in order, and then drop the whole thing during the actual Christmas season.
Seriously, wish one of these Christmas Warriors a merry one the day before Epiphany and watch their confusion.
I remember watching a few minutes of one of her speeches back when she was running for something. She made a comment about not wearing her wedding ring while working the crowds because with all the handshaking it would dig into her fingers. IIRC she said Todd kept it in his pocket for her. Then she said something like how it wasn't a fancy ring because they didn't have much money when they got married, but it didn't matter to her. OK, so far so good. A cute little aside.
And then she said something like "I don't care what they say, it's about the meaning of the ring, not what it's made of." The crowd roared, with that Republican-blood-lust sound they make, like when someone talks bad about unions or socialized medicine.
Suddenly Democrats were people who didn't care about love, only big diamonds. I thought it was interesting that (a) it would occur to somebody to make such a remark, and (b) that it worked on the crowd.
And #8, Amen. They all tear down their trees on December 26th and look at you like you grew an extra head if you, say, exchange gifts with your family on Epiphany.
In a demonstration best seen live, an ASL interpreter of my acquaintance related a story about a show he interpreted in Australia. In preparation, he researched the sign language of Australia so he could be understood by the locals. In the course of the show, he had to say something about the chorus's regular "holiday shows" and was stunned to find that in Australia, "holiday" is signed by the circling of upturned fists at waist height, both middle fingers raised.
Since then, I have taken to wishing particularly hateful people "happy holidays" with that gesture in mind.
Anyone who interviews her about this book and doesn't ask about buying 'powerful guns' in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting is not doing their job. It's typical that she cares about her kids, but no one else's.
In my years working with the public, I have never heard of an atheist taking offense at being told "Merry Christmas", but I learned to dread December for the Christians who would rip a strip off me and my staff if we failed to say "Merry Christmas". This year I notice that NOBODY out there is saying it. In no store have I been wished ANYTHING -- not happy holidays, not season's greetings, not merry Christmas. Nobody wants to offend the Christians by saying something that will set them off, and nobody wants to be thought a jerk who is about to go off on somebody for not getting exactly the response he wants. Thanks to Fox News, it's a much less merry December this year.
If you post the cookie recipe, I'll add it to the "Cookie Palooza" my sister and I do every year, distributing joy and sugar to friends of many faiths and some who I KNOW are not faithful but I'm not telling on them. 37 dozen this year, we're keeping the local dairies-- and gyms-- in biz.
Dan is 100% spot on with the "happy holidays" conversion. I used to say "merry Christmas" without even thinking about it, but now I say "happy holidays" or usually "have a good holiday" because I do not want people to think I am an asshole doing it for politcal reasons like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly.
Since she quit her post in Alaska, Palin hasnāt run for public office but still plays the part of politician who calls her constituents āfans.ā What exactly does she do other than essentially proposition her self and image to the highest bidder? Sounds like Sarah is Americaās highest paid escort! See how down and dirty sheāll get for the money at http://dregstudiosart.blogspot.com/2011/…
Fuck, you get away with doing a review by just reading the intro! Shit, I had to read ALL of American Savage to review it for this rag.
Where are my cookies?
that's the second time i've heard someone on the left wish SP to have something deadly happen to her. And they wonder why Conservatives don't like liberals and vitriolic bombasts like this to be in control of government. Merry Christmas, Author. Hope whatever happens to her, happens to you, if it's negative.
I converted to "Happy Holidays" a few years back, mostly for the reasons Our Dear Dan cites, but I am now in my post "happy Holidays" phase. I like to say "Merry Christmas", and then if anyone says something religious to me, I just look at them quizzically or mutter something like "oh, that, sure....."
The detail that most disturbed/resonated most clearly with me was Sarah's buying her Todd a rifle as an act of "civil disobedience." Unless I'm very wrong, she purchased the rifle legally in defiance of the outrage inspired by the Sandy Hook Massacre. In order to commit an act of civil disobedience, you must break the law. That's what it means. Being so blissfully unaware of the meaning of such a key term is prima facia evidence of being unfit for public office.
About the real reason she doesn't wear a wedding band:
If you ever look at Palin's skeletal hands, you'll see her skin is vitiligo-white and her knuckles are larger than Larry Niven's Protector's knuckles. A ring wouldn't fit.
It's speculated that for years she's been putting her entire hand down her mouth and throat in order to binge-purge. During the months she was allegedly "pregnant" in 2008, she was stuffing herself with fudge with both hands (http://vimeo.com/838922 watch the last couple of minutes).
She was running for major office, she held the position of governor, and she doesn't know what civil disobedience is.
My family used to say "Happy Merry" all the time. When I was growing up, the neighborhood was about half Jewish. Then Bloomingdales co-opted it, but whatever.
You know what's considered the secular side of Christmas around here? Santa Claus and Christmas trees. If it's not part of the religious side of Christmas, then it's secular. That's what "secular" means. Frankly, I like that Baby Jesus is for Christians but Santa Claus is for everyone. Who the heck doesn't like giving kids presents once a year? People going to complain about birthdays next.
What's a "hydrogen peroxide break"? Water is di-hydrogen oxide.
Darn. I was hoping Mr. Savage would get further into the book so that I could find out whether the Palins actually go to church on Christmas. Lots of Protestant churches have trouble filling the pews on the big day.
well, you know, if the true meaning of christmas isn't a ridiculously powerful gun bought in the spirit of civil disobedience, I don't know what is. also, ditto on the happy holidays.
About the real reason she doesn't wear a wedding band:
If you ever look at Palin's skeletal hands, you'll see her skin is vitiligo-white and her knuckles are larger than Larry Niven's Protector's knuckles. A ring wouldn't fit.
It's speculated that for years she's been putting her entire hand down her mouth and throat in order to binge-purge. During the months she was allegedly "pregnant" in 2008, she was stuffing herself with fudge with both hands (http://vimeo.com/838922 watch the last couple of minutes).
Nowadays she's skeletal all over. That should give you a clue about her tits, too (hint: waterbra).
I find that the people now who wish me "Merry Christmas" do it with an edge and as a challenge. They don't want me to have a merry Christmas they want me to know they have a political agenda. The people who wish me "Happy Holidays" want me to have a merry Christmas.
@26, My point was that Mr. Savage should be reprimanded and criticized by the majority of Gay Activists. If we, as a society are supposed to dissociate Mr. Savage's vitriol from the Gay Rights movement, we should expect gays to. As it stands today, liberals such as Bill Maher call Mr. Savage "Our un-official ambassador to gay-topia." Even the massively succesful "It gets better project" which brings together many gay celebrities, is headed by Mr. Savage! Shouldn't these celebrities have the spine to stand up to un-civil discourse from Mr. Savage? Shouldn't Mr. Savage be held accountable for his incredibly offensive, misogynist comments? I think he should.
Thanks for the primer, Dan. I think I've heard all I need to. I don't know if that story about buying the gun in defiance of public opinion in the wake of the Sandy Hook child massacre is true, and I'm not sure if it would be more or less sickening if she made it up. But either way, we can thank her for doing her part to make sure we're all still talking about Sandy Hook.
HAHAhahahahaha, I Googled it, and you're absolutely right. Now I'm going to do the same thing.
Your premise is flawed. Most of America does accept homosexuality. And don't forget, many of those that don't support it will be dead soon. The numbers will only grow.
There's a lot of words and phrases she doesn't understand but inexplicably tries to use anyway. (I like to think her ghost writers and speech writers are messing with her intentionally.) When mocked about it, she hides the evidence as best she can and compares herself to Shakespeare. Seriously.
@38, Sorry, I got carried away. In this specific article he didn't say anything misogynist, rather he published an Ad Hominem attack against Sarah Palin informed by a few paragraphs from the introduction to her book. In other articles, however, I think you have to agree that his comments are offensive and misogynist. This for example: http://www.womanist-musings.com/2010/11/…
Thank you for such an insightful and trenchant review of this book, about which I have been very curious. While I enjoyed reading the areas this article explores, in terms of how utterly sick and disgusting it is having a neo-Nazi milking yet a new area for money from the millions of others of her ilkā¦the article fails in its attempt to weigh the book on its literary and, by extension, gastronomical meritsā¦simply put--the review obscures the deeper issue at hand--can this Tea Party freak cook or what?
Yes, we all know Sarah Palin is a dyed-in-the-wool fascist who would have launched all of our nukes if fate hadn't dealt her the card she deserved. But I digress.
All joking aside, I really had hoped to have learned from a seasoned journalist the goods about her recipesā¦i,e, is Sarah P. a vegan, non-GMO, organic, free-range kind of gal around the family kitchen, or is she the same tough broad straight out of the movie Deliverance who thinks condiments are vegetables (Google: President Reagan Ketchup as a vegetable), and sugar and fat are finger-licking good?
I'm sorry to belabor my point, but I really wish someone who had taken the time to read the book (and duplicate her recipes) would weigh in here.
I've experienced that. And I just give em a real "Merry Christmas!" back and move on.
Fuck it - I'm not letting assholes keep me from saying Merry Christmas if I want.
I like it. And I like Happy Holidays too. And general feelings of good will.
And I don't believe in anything.
I'm not ready to give up Merry Christmas.
I don't think the fuckers should get to own it.
sarah palin is trying to make money.$$$$$$ She's not stupid, she is taking the republicans she supposedly supported for a ride. All she wants is money, and the republicans are stupid enough to give her the time to be the whore that she really is.
On a side note, I made a batch of Dan's cookie recipe. He's not kidding when he says the batter is thick. It almost burned out the motor on my hand-held electric mixer.
@31, I thought the same thing. How can her purchase of a legally obtained weapon be civil disobedience?
Dan, I don't think you are an asshole if you say, "Merry Christmas". I'm Jewish and when somebody wishes me a "Merry Christmas" I take it with a smile and simply say, "Thank you, and to you, too!" I recognize that we live in a country where Christianity is the majority, and many non-Christians celebrate Christmas as a cultural/secular holiday, so I don't get upset when people assume I celebrate Christmas. Besides, it's always nice to have people send goodness your way.
No, what makes somebody an asshole is if you say, "Happy Holidays," and the other person replies with anything other than, "Thank you, and to you, too," in one form or another: a lecture about how you should be saying, "Merry Christmas," or how you saying, "Happy Holidays," is somehow taking away from Christmas, or by punching you.
In addition, as a non-Christmas celebrating Jew, why am I expected to just deal with people wishing me a "Merry Christmas" and accept it as the well-wishes it is (which I'm happy to do), but when I say, "Happy Holidays," some Christians cannot return the courtesy of being grateful for my well-wishes to them without being upset about the precise wording? Why can't they be respectful of other people and the fact that not everybody wants to say, "Merry Christmas"? Why are we expected to accommodate them, but when we ask them to accommodate us, they freak out?
TL;DR: Whenever anybody wishes you goodness, regardless of wording, simply say thank you and return the sentiment. Why is that so hard to understand?
The term "Happy Holidays" originated from Christians who wanted a faster, easier way to say, "Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". The term was invented by Christians - lazy Christians - and was NEVER about inclusion until recently. The right-wingers have taken a Christian invented term and are using it as a wedge issue to make progressives appear as if they are anti-Christian.... and progressives CONTINUE to fall for it every year.
Sarah Palin is basically Nixon in a miniskirt-not so much the corruption aspect(that I know of)but the paranoia/persecution complex/endless self-pity combined with endless demonization of anybody who disagrees with her.
To Sarah, if you aren't in unquestioning support of all her opinions, you can never JUST have a different opinion...never JUST be wrong...you have to be EVIL...and you have to be OUT TO GET HER AND DESTROY THE COUNTRY...and you HAVE to have an unfair advantage(she still doesn't accept that Obama won fair and square, for God's sakes).
And a certain sector of the population will always buy into all of that, no matter what. That's the sector that will be the base of support for an extreme right-wing coup, if we actually have one.
I enjoyed that, Dan. I saw in the news, this morning, Sarah Palin defending free speech as she stood by Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson as he condemned gays and said they won't inherit the kingdom of god. Will she offer the same tolerance and defense of speech to Dan?
I'm a follower of Jesus - I can't say I'm a Christian, because I'm really not sure what the word means. I've replaced 'Happy Holidays' and 'Merry Christmas' with a phrase that I think better suits the season (and you can say it all year). Try this "Peace on Earth"...I think that's what we are all really trying to say...
I wrote this song, Good Tidings and Good Cheer, for a benefit called Singing for Shelter that took place on Dec. 3 of this year. I did not realize at that time that Sarah Palin had written something called Good Tidings and Great Joy: Whatever Other Word Salad I Can Muster. Now I hope I can be labeled the anti-Palin. Such a pleasant thought for the season.
Boo hoo! You obviously live a good life. Why are we to feel sorry for you? There are billions of people all over the world who canāt bake cookies or throw books in their nice houses. I love the way all you liberals, when writing or speaking, immediately begin to shout out profanity. One wonders why you celebrate Christmas anyway. You show no belief in the Christianās Jesus. Do us a favor and take down your tree. Weāre not interested in having you represent us. I have no idea what your long rant had to do with Sarah Palinās book. Geez, who cares what she writes? Methinks you care a little too much.
Interesting. I have always insisted on saying "Merry Christmas." I am also widely acknowledged by my friends to be something of an asshole. I think you may be on to something...
#61 - And you cared enough to write a comment on something that you clearly didn't enjoy or, more likely, comprehend.
Thanks for wasting your own time (you could have just closed the tab in your browser and gotten back to Breitbart or RedState or whatever right wing bullshit page you normally visit) and ours.
We're all a bit dumber having read your comments.
Since when has even one of you teabaggers cares about the "billions of people all over the world who can't bake cookies or throw books in their nice houses"? Now, kindly fuck off.
Hello. This is the book review that I was talking about earlier. I have just attempted to remove any text that I believe you would not enjoy reading from Mr. Savage's review of Ms. Palin's book. I have instead decided to save time by including only text that I do think you would enjoy reading. Please assume that the following has had the crud redacted out of it for cussing, stupidity, vehemence and detailed descriptions of stuff that you already know about and don't need to her again. The full version can be found here.
Yes, I know, censorship, but I was discussing this review with older relatives on the way to Church. They were laughing, but I doubt they'd get past the part about Mr. Savage taking the book to a [REDACTED] before reading it.
65 (& 66) - Don't you mean either "I didn't read one word" or "I didn't take one second"...
Come on, little Teabilly, get it right. Also, too, you need more random capitalization, you betcha.
Lastly, your final sentence is a question and should be followed by one (or many) question marks not exclamations.
Now, back to Dumbfuckistan for you.
I think it would be nice if we all went back to an old, traditional Christmas.
The one where a young guy wears a Yeti suit and bells, snarls a lot, and humps the Chosen One--a girl who looks exactly like Christkind or Santa Lucia--and is then ritually shot and ritually resurrected.
Then we all have orgies and feasts and fight and fuck in the streets.
Now that's an old fashioned, traditional Christmas.
Why are liberals so infatuated with the word fucking. I see it so often in liberal spiel. Do they use it as a point of emphasis or just out of anger? I used to think it was cool to use this word when I was 12 years old. Then, I turned 13 that infatuation went away.
What "war on Christmas?" You can't turn the TV on at any time of the night or day without seeing 9,000 Christmas movies, specials and cartoons in the listings. Hallmark was selling Christmas cards right after Labor Day - they practically skipped Halloween! Every TV commercial (which I always mute anyway) is related to Christmas. Am I boo-hooing because I never see a Chanukah commercial? Do I cry because some years there's only one Chanukah show on TV? Ms. Sarah thinks she knows persecution? G-d help me! She has so much white privilege, she wouldn't know real persecution if it hit her in-between the eyes! She is one of the most self-absorbed, spoiled brat on our American scene and I just wish that people would stop paying attention to her.
I think this is completely a straw man set up by the far right. I live in Texas. It doesn't get much more conservative than here. I have never once been extolled to use "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. I've never heard of or been party to any occasion in which Christmas parties were turned into "Winter Celebrations" or any of this crap that the far right claims is happening all over. I am a conservative, but there are people to the right of my political spectrum that frankly alarm me. I firmly believe that this is nothing but Islamaphobia thinly disguised.
@75 I am from the east coast, and public schools and workplaces do tend to have "holiday parties" and "winter concerts." That's because a good chunk of the students and employees are non-Christian. But this has been the case since I was a small child. No one ever told me I had to say "happy holidays." It was just another set of words in my December vocabulary.
@73 If you will allow me to brightside this holiday season: If people continue to pay her attention (and money), then she will continue her current work as a clown rather than returning to her previous work as one of our country's mid-level rulers.
"merry merry" is what I say. And my first thought in reading Dan's quotes from her book was that she was not committing an act of Civil Disobedience because she was not breaking the law. I usually comment on articles about Palin by saying "Sarah who?" because why is she still relevant?
The Winter Solstice is the reason for the season. Period. All you Jeezers and Jews and Festivus wankers need to stop pushing your perverted made-up holidays on a universe that doesn't CARE whether you've been naughty or nice. Get Over It, people!
Thanks John MacCain. You are the reason Mr. Savage is inspired to write such a spectacular article. Dan, what exactly does she say about her tits, because I will not spend dollar one for this book .
Christmas every day -- ha ha. Have you seen "Elmo Saves Christmas"? It's actually quite nice -- features Maya Angelou as the narrator and Harvey Fierstein as the Easter Bunny; what's not to like?
You're better man than I am, Dan Savage, if you can even stand to be in the same room as Sarah Palin's book.
Christmas every day -- ha ha. Have you seen "Elmo Saves Christmas"? It's actually quite nice -- features Maya Angelou as the narrator and Harvey Fierstein as the Easter Bunny; what's not to like?
You're better man than I am, Dan Savage, if you can even stand to be in the same room as Sarah Palin's book.
I think Palin should take a hint from Rush and move to Costa Rica. Here everyone says "Merry Christmas!" They don't know what the fuck a Jew is, let alone a Muslim. In the government buildings one finds statues of Mother Mary and/or Christ on the Cross. Christianity is the national religion. Come on down, Sarah. You don't deserve to live in a place where there is religious plurality.
if I say merry Christmas I just end up feeling stupid as most of my community isn't Christian and, this year, all the stupider cuz Hanukkah was a month ago so there aint nuthin left but Kwanzaa which, for all intents and purposes, is Merry Black Christmas as most of my black relatives and friends are Christians so they aint gonna be offended even if I had a holiday greeting gaff. I said Happy Holidays a week ago to a friend who was Jewish-regretting the words as they lolly gagged outa my mouth cuz I knew they didn't apply. He offered that his holidays were long gone but they were going to visit w/family and enjoy each other. I haven't said Merry Christmas in forever and now even rethink Happy Holidays. Hanukkah messed me up this year and Ramadan always messes me up-and can you be happy during Ramadan if you are hungry as shit all day for the entirety of the holiday-I think they wanna slap the cookies right outa my hand.
oh, BTW, loved the book review- I would surely gag if I had to read the book. Id not finish it either. Id throw it on the floor, jump on it, want to pee on it but then id make a mess-would want to burn it but because that would only make a statement to myself for possessing such a vile piece of shit, that I would have to go through the whole thing, drawing mustaches on all the faces, drawing a dick on her forehead, putting a gun in her rack, and use about a zillion rolls of white out tape to rewrite the book for my own juvenile purposes....ummmm, maybe I will get (steal) a copy
If someone says Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa or Happy Holidays - thank them and say the same to you.....problem solved! It is really quite simple!
How is it civil disobedience to buy a gun she is perfectly entitled to purchase legally?
No, this isn't civil disobedience. This is rubbing the face of each of those killed since Sandy Hook and their loved ones faces in the dirt. This is another scope site over Gabby's Congressional District. This is telling the non-white-non-American in the White House he better be watching out.
This book is not a celebration of Christmas or American values. It is a cheap and tawdry excuse of a tome. Designed only to infuriate the very people she thinks give a rat's-behind about her.
How is it civil disobedience to buy a gun she is perfectly entitled to purchase legally?
No, this isn't civil disobedience. This is rubbing the face of each of those killed since Sandy Hook and their loved ones faces in the dirt. This is another scope site over Gabby's Congressional District. This is telling the non-white-non-American in the White House he better be watching out.
This book is not a celebration of Christmas or American values. It is a cheap and tawdry excuse of a tome. Designed only to infuriate the very people she thinks give a rat's-behind about her.
I love your columns and I agree that Sarah Palin is appalling, monstrous even. I won't let her take Merry Christmas from me and I won't let conservative idiots appropriate the American flag either. My dad and uncle fought in the invasion of Leyte and Iwo Jima respectively. My father was a lifelong progressive and my uncle a socialist. I hang my American flag from my porch for every political holiday in their memory. So that said, I wish you and your lovely family a Merry Christmas--from my heart. And, like Angie-w, if someone wants to greet me out of their own tradition and with good will in their hearts, I say thank you--and I mean it.
Please tell me you are writing another book, Dan! Also, god bless Terry. Also, after reading this I checked my library catalog, and I was pleased to see that Sarah's book is on order, but will not make it in for circulation before christmas, and has NO waiting list. I live in a conservative community, so this is especially pleasing. Also, I noticed we do have this book: Deer in the headlights : my life in Sarah Palin's crosshairs / Levi Johnston.(yay!) and this book: The persecution of Sarah Palin : how the elite media tried to bring down a rising star / Matthew Continetti (gross). I will probably be reading Levi's book in snippets at work (at the library) after christmas. Happy Solstice!
Never would have thought of that before Fox News made it a big deal.
Seriously, wish one of these Christmas Warriors a merry one the day before Epiphany and watch their confusion.
And then she said something like "I don't care what they say, it's about the meaning of the ring, not what it's made of." The crowd roared, with that Republican-blood-lust sound they make, like when someone talks bad about unions or socialized medicine.
Suddenly Democrats were people who didn't care about love, only big diamonds. I thought it was interesting that (a) it would occur to somebody to make such a remark, and (b) that it worked on the crowd.
And #8, Amen. They all tear down their trees on December 26th and look at you like you grew an extra head if you, say, exchange gifts with your family on Epiphany.
Since then, I have taken to wishing particularly hateful people "happy holidays" with that gesture in mind.
I bet she would seek out blood diamonds.
You can read the first few pages on Amazon for free. It's the same dumb joke she's making for years about "he got the gun, I got the rack".
And people wonder why conservatives are accused of bigotry.
Fuck, you get away with doing a review by just reading the intro! Shit, I had to read ALL of American Savage to review it for this rag.
Where are my cookies?
If you ever look at Palin's skeletal hands, you'll see her skin is vitiligo-white and her knuckles are larger than Larry Niven's Protector's knuckles. A ring wouldn't fit.
It's speculated that for years she's been putting her entire hand down her mouth and throat in order to binge-purge. During the months she was allegedly "pregnant" in 2008, she was stuffing herself with fudge with both hands (http://vimeo.com/838922 watch the last couple of minutes).
Nowadays she's skeletal all over.
My family used to say "Happy Merry" all the time. When I was growing up, the neighborhood was about half Jewish. Then Bloomingdales co-opted it, but whatever.
You know what's considered the secular side of Christmas around here? Santa Claus and Christmas trees. If it's not part of the religious side of Christmas, then it's secular. That's what "secular" means. Frankly, I like that Baby Jesus is for Christians but Santa Claus is for everyone. Who the heck doesn't like giving kids presents once a year? People going to complain about birthdays next.
What's a "hydrogen peroxide break"? Water is di-hydrogen oxide.
Darn. I was hoping Mr. Savage would get further into the book so that I could find out whether the Palins actually go to church on Christmas. Lots of Protestant churches have trouble filling the pews on the big day.
If you ever look at Palin's skeletal hands, you'll see her skin is vitiligo-white and her knuckles are larger than Larry Niven's Protector's knuckles. A ring wouldn't fit.
It's speculated that for years she's been putting her entire hand down her mouth and throat in order to binge-purge. During the months she was allegedly "pregnant" in 2008, she was stuffing herself with fudge with both hands (http://vimeo.com/838922 watch the last couple of minutes).
Nowadays she's skeletal all over. That should give you a clue about her tits, too (hint: waterbra).
Assuming that she's a face-stuffing bulimic who lied about her skin, her boobs and being pregnant, that's misogynist.
HAHAhahahahaha, I Googled it, and you're absolutely right. Now I'm going to do the same thing.
Your premise is flawed. Most of America does accept homosexuality. And don't forget, many of those that don't support it will be dead soon. The numbers will only grow.
There's a lot of words and phrases she doesn't understand but inexplicably tries to use anyway. (I like to think her ghost writers and speech writers are messing with her intentionally.) When mocked about it, she hides the evidence as best she can and compares herself to Shakespeare. Seriously.
Yes, we all know Sarah Palin is a dyed-in-the-wool fascist who would have launched all of our nukes if fate hadn't dealt her the card she deserved. But I digress.
All joking aside, I really had hoped to have learned from a seasoned journalist the goods about her recipesā¦i,e, is Sarah P. a vegan, non-GMO, organic, free-range kind of gal around the family kitchen, or is she the same tough broad straight out of the movie Deliverance who thinks condiments are vegetables (Google: President Reagan Ketchup as a vegetable), and sugar and fat are finger-licking good?
I'm sorry to belabor my point, but I really wish someone who had taken the time to read the book (and duplicate her recipes) would weigh in here.
Fuck it - I'm not letting assholes keep me from saying Merry Christmas if I want.
I like it. And I like Happy Holidays too. And general feelings of good will.
And I don't believe in anything.
I'm not ready to give up Merry Christmas.
I don't think the fuckers should get to own it.
I wouldn't call Sarah Palin a cunt.
That would imply that she had warmth, depth, and served a purpose.
@32 + @35 --- oooh, maybe she has cancer!
Dan, I don't think you are an asshole if you say, "Merry Christmas". I'm Jewish and when somebody wishes me a "Merry Christmas" I take it with a smile and simply say, "Thank you, and to you, too!" I recognize that we live in a country where Christianity is the majority, and many non-Christians celebrate Christmas as a cultural/secular holiday, so I don't get upset when people assume I celebrate Christmas. Besides, it's always nice to have people send goodness your way.
No, what makes somebody an asshole is if you say, "Happy Holidays," and the other person replies with anything other than, "Thank you, and to you, too," in one form or another: a lecture about how you should be saying, "Merry Christmas," or how you saying, "Happy Holidays," is somehow taking away from Christmas, or by punching you.
In addition, as a non-Christmas celebrating Jew, why am I expected to just deal with people wishing me a "Merry Christmas" and accept it as the well-wishes it is (which I'm happy to do), but when I say, "Happy Holidays," some Christians cannot return the courtesy of being grateful for my well-wishes to them without being upset about the precise wording? Why can't they be respectful of other people and the fact that not everybody wants to say, "Merry Christmas"? Why are we expected to accommodate them, but when we ask them to accommodate us, they freak out?
TL;DR: Whenever anybody wishes you goodness, regardless of wording, simply say thank you and return the sentiment. Why is that so hard to understand?
Am I the only one who reads that as an allusion to titty fucking?
The End.
To Sarah, if you aren't in unquestioning support of all her opinions, you can never JUST have a different opinion...never JUST be wrong...you have to be EVIL...and you have to be OUT TO GET HER AND DESTROY THE COUNTRY...and you HAVE to have an unfair advantage(she still doesn't accept that Obama won fair and square, for God's sakes).
And a certain sector of the population will always buy into all of that, no matter what. That's the sector that will be the base of support for an extreme right-wing coup, if we actually have one.
Thanks for wasting your own time (you could have just closed the tab in your browser and gotten back to Breitbart or RedState or whatever right wing bullshit page you normally visit) and ours.
We're all a bit dumber having read your comments.
Since when has even one of you teabaggers cares about the "billions of people all over the world who can't bake cookies or throw books in their nice houses"? Now, kindly fuck off.
Yes, I know, censorship, but I was discussing this review with older relatives on the way to Church. They were laughing, but I doubt they'd get past the part about Mr. Savage taking the book to a [REDACTED] before reading it.
Merry [REDACTED] Christmas, everyone. Here's hoping that Ms. Palin [REDACTED] [REDACTED] cinnamon bun.
Come on, little Teabilly, get it right. Also, too, you need more random capitalization, you betcha.
Lastly, your final sentence is a question and should be followed by one (or many) question marks not exclamations.
Now, back to Dumbfuckistan for you.
The one where a young guy wears a Yeti suit and bells, snarls a lot, and humps the Chosen One--a girl who looks exactly like Christkind or Santa Lucia--and is then ritually shot and ritually resurrected.
Then we all have orgies and feasts and fight and fuck in the streets.
Now that's an old fashioned, traditional Christmas.
The first Christmas greeting card said "Seasons Greetings."
@73 If you will allow me to brightside this holiday season: If people continue to pay her attention (and money), then she will continue her current work as a clown rather than returning to her previous work as one of our country's mid-level rulers.
Btw, before shaking her hand just after using the bathroom, where I forgot to wash my hands.
Dan, that motto would be, Latine:
Omniane pro me, qui non fuisti tam bonus?
You're better man than I am, Dan Savage, if you can even stand to be in the same room as Sarah Palin's book.
You're better man than I am, Dan Savage, if you can even stand to be in the same room as Sarah Palin's book.
Love the review.
No, this isn't civil disobedience. This is rubbing the face of each of those killed since Sandy Hook and their loved ones faces in the dirt. This is another scope site over Gabby's Congressional District. This is telling the non-white-non-American in the White House he better be watching out.
This book is not a celebration of Christmas or American values. It is a cheap and tawdry excuse of a tome. Designed only to infuriate the very people she thinks give a rat's-behind about her.
No, this isn't civil disobedience. This is rubbing the face of each of those killed since Sandy Hook and their loved ones faces in the dirt. This is another scope site over Gabby's Congressional District. This is telling the non-white-non-American in the White House he better be watching out.
This book is not a celebration of Christmas or American values. It is a cheap and tawdry excuse of a tome. Designed only to infuriate the very people she thinks give a rat's-behind about her.
I love your columns and I agree that Sarah Palin is appalling, monstrous even. I won't let her take Merry Christmas from me and I won't let conservative idiots appropriate the American flag either. My dad and uncle fought in the invasion of Leyte and Iwo Jima respectively. My father was a lifelong progressive and my uncle a socialist. I hang my American flag from my porch for every political holiday in their memory. So that said, I wish you and your lovely family a Merry Christmas--from my heart. And, like Angie-w, if someone wants to greet me out of their own tradition and with good will in their hearts, I say thank you--and I mean it.