SassyBlack is Catherine Harris-White, half of Black Constellation's THEESatisfaction and cofounder of the popular Black Weirdo parties and movement.
Her new solo album, No More Weak Dates, is a spare, post-Afrofuturist, hiphop-soul-funk opus that glows and grows in the same universe as Mike Ladd's Welcome to the Afterfuture and Anti-Pop Consortium's Tragic Epilogue. Her voices, modes, and beats are best captured by forming in your mind the image of lovers (bubble helmets and red, gold, and green space suits) walking hand in hand on the scintillating rings of Saturn. You will dig this work.
SassyBlack's album-release show, with guests J'Von, ZELLi, and DJ Toya B, is Tuesday, May 17, at Barboza.