IN BIG DADDY [SEE REVIEW, PAGE 31], LESLIE MANN plays Corrine, a doctor who put herself through medical school by working as a waitress at Hooter's. Throughout the film, any number of jokes are made at the expense of her expansive chest. Adam Sandler's character, Sonny Koufax, is threatened by her presence in roommate Kevin's (Jon Stewart) life, and Corrine's Hooter's past is the only ammunition he has to work with. Sonny fucks up Corrine's surprise birthday party for Kevin, and faults Corrine's boobs. Later, Corrine testifies in court on Sonny's behalf, and the prosecutor makes a few jokes at her expense. Just about everything that goes wrong can be traced back and blamed somehow on Corrine's breasts.
Imagine my surprise when Mann walked into the interview room at the Beverly Hills Four Seasons, and she's--um, there's no delicate way to put it--flat as a pancake. An A-cup like me, with no sight of the Double D's her character boasts in the film.
Mann is the mother of a toddler, so I did the math and figured to myself that Big Daddy must have been filmed while she was still nursing. I thought again... no way. The pink T-shirt she wore today was very low cut, and I didn't see any tell-tale bra straps. The girl was flyin' 'em freestyle. There was no way she could she have ballooned so big and gone right back to petite and perky.
Finally, I had to ask: Excuse me, but the tits?
Mann, who played Brendan Fraser's love interest in George of the Jungle, laughed and revealed that the movie boobs were fake, "big jellies that just pop right into your bra." She went on to say that the fakeness of the breasts--despite the fact that they were hanging on the outside of her body--made no difference to the men of the cast and crew. They still drooled and giggled as if the jellies were living, breathing tits. "They all followed me around like schoolboys every time I was on the set," said Mann. "Men are full of it. They all say they don't care about size; they say that small boobs are just as exciting as large ones. They're full of shit."