Planet 51—an animated kids' flick about a human landing on a planet full of very nice aliens—could've been a huge waste of my time. Instead, with a balance of wit, humor, and cuteness, it not only avoids making Americans look stupid or superior but also manages to stay away from lame jokes about phallic antennae. In fact, there was only one antenna joke in the whole movie, it was at the end, and it was funny! Bravo!
The movie successfully pulls us into its world; a world with floating, glowing food and wheel-less cars that hover above the ground. We become one of the little green people, and when the human, Captain Charles T. Baker (voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson), lands on Planet 51, we see him as an alien just as they do. The little green people with no pants? They're the normal ones. They're our friends.
So when they try to capture/destroy the human because they assume he's there to eat their brains and take over their world, we're okay with that because (a) we're one of them and (b) he's sort of an asshole.
But then Lem, voiced by Justin "I'm a Mac" Long, reminds us that just because someone is different, it doesn't mean they're bad. He bravely befriends Captain Baker and attempts to save him from dissection. Awww, how sweet. But then there's a joke about shoving a cork up your ass to avoid anal probing, to offset the squeaky-clean moral. Bravo!
And you know what else is awesome? Jessica "Boring Face" Biel (who voices Lem's love interest, Neera) doesn't completely ruin the movie! I KNOW! I thought she would, too! So bravo, Planet 51, bravo. You've managed to not only surprise me with your charm, but also make Jessica Biel tolerable.