paula poundstone on facebook: "Mackelmore & Ryan Lewis say their fame spread "organically," which means it's really expensive, and available at Whole Foods."
It's even worse than that: apparently, the only way to watch the actual broadcast, as opposed to the vapid "red carpet", "backstage" and "loading dock" feeds, is to have a television.
And the music "industry" wonders why it's becoming increasingly irrelevant. "Adapt or die", isn't just a quaint turn of phrase.
I finally found out why Macklemore is so beloved. Whenever anyone writes about him, someone keeps editing out the three words out of every sentence that make all the fawning make sense. Fixed-
Macklemore is a pioneering rap artist [because he's white]. Despite making his album without a label, he quickly achieved unprecendented popularity [because he's white]. He was unique [because he's white] in making politically-conscious rap. He almost immediately achieved prominent spots on nationwide talk shows, variety shows, magazines, and radio [because he's white]. All this while maintaining a family-friendly and media-friendly image [because he's white].
Also, Macklemore has a good listening face.
And the music "industry" wonders why it's becoming increasingly irrelevant. "Adapt or die", isn't just a quaint turn of phrase.
I don't get it.
For Pharrell's hat, I guess.
Lotta goth shit going on here. Man, this Katy Perry song is crap.
Taylor's a welcome antidote to the pop-music-by-numbers that I just heard from Beyonce and Katy Perry.