A selection of shots from the Cinerama Drag Becomes Him documentary premiere and Re-Bar after-party.

Jinkx Monsoon arrives at Cinerama for the premiere of Drag Becomes Him, a biographical documentary starring this beloved drag queen. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Boylesque star Waxie Moon walks the red carpet. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Mama Tits, who helped introduce the film, yuks it up in the lobby before the show. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Jinkx gave a three-song live performance before the lights went down and the film began. Brooklyn Benjestorf

After the show, the party moved to Re-bar, where guests danced the night away to tunes provided by DJ Skiddle. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Queen Mothers Aunt Betty Malone and Gertie Loins come out to show their support. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, who had a song featured in the film, strikes a pose at Re-bar. Brooklyn Benjestorf

The always-incandescent Robbie Turner lights up the room with her smile. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Garrett Vance snuggles up behind Maxwell Brisben at the after-party—Vance also had a song featured in the film. Brooklyn Benjestorf

Alex Berry, who directed Drag Becomes Him, boogies down on the dance floor to celebrate his resounding success. Brooklyn Benjestorf