In Taken and its clones, bad guys realize they’ve messed with the wrong family when it turns out Liam Neeson has a particular set of skills. Skills gleaned from a lifetime of... I don’t remember, being a secret agent assassin or something.
In this gender-swapped version—pioneered first by Halle Berry in Kidnap and now genericized further by Gabrielle Union in Breaking In—the bad guys realize they’ve messed with the wrong family when it turns out the mom has a particular set of skills. Skills gleaned from a lifetime of... well, being a mom.
That’s really it. There’s no backstory. Moms are just moms, nothing more. Union turns into a badass when her kids are threatened because moms love their kids. And even within a framework that uninspired, Breaking In is still shockingly lazy. It's choreographed like someone was late for lunch and shot like an overdue homework assignment.