
Holy fuck this is good news. Please go 24 hours. Please.
Cue "two block radius" snark in 3...2...1...
About time! When I moved to Seattle in '89 the three things I missed were donuts, delis and thunderstorms.

Top Pot took care of the first problem, NY Deli seems to have a handle on the second. Maybe with global warming we'll finally get some decent thunderstorms.

This is the best news I will hear all day.
There goes my budget!
Every time I hear "I Love New York Deli" I am reminded that I can no longer buy my beloved pretzels from the Continental Store. I know it's not the fault of NY Deli, but the lack of pretzels is still very sad.
Packard Building maybe? It's 12th and Pine.
There's a space under renovation on Pike next to the new Usury Hut where the clubspace-of-death used to be. It's probably there. Much beef will be corned. Oh the humanity.
Nom nom nom, make mine a Soho.
I heard it is really good, but really overpriced. Can anyone confirm or deny? apparently rubens run at $11 ??
Wow. You fuckers will never EVER have to leave Cap Hill now.
I'm going to guess that Slogger "lizzie" doesn't love their Reubens sandwiches very much.

I heard the old club space was going to be a new club space, minus the part being taken over by Usurers-R-Us. In any case, there's all sorts of new retail opening up in the immediate vicinity of 12th & Pike/Pine, so it could be any number of locations.

And I can't wait for the Haters to begin kvetching about how CapHill having Seattle's only 24-hour New York-style delicatessen is just another sign of some vaguely articulated aesthetic/economic decay that proves how self-absorbed and out-of-touch with everything we are compared to their particular neighborhood, and how they absolutely will NOT patronize this establishment because its mere existence represents an affront to all decent non-Capitol Hill residing citizens.

Or, whatever.

To which I would respond: "Suck my salty matzoh balls, y'all."
@10 - I've had their reuben (I took the picture in the post, actually) and I've got to say I'm unimpressed. It was just... bland. I'd rather go to Other Coast.
Comte took the words out of my mouth...

Suck IT, losers...Capitol Hill RULZ!!!!
Nertz...I consider "The Other Coast" to be ok, so this isn't filling me with much hope for I Love New York...

I've yet to have a satisfactory deli experience in Seattle...I even emailed a local rabbi once whose email address I found on a kosher website asking him if Metro Seattle had a good Jewish deli. His response: "No, not really."
Am I the only one disappointed by their "flown in from NY" bagels? They're better than the bagel-shaped-bread you buy at the store, but nowhere close to bagel oasis.
This makes me happy I quit being a vegetarian. Mmm, scrumptious, yummy, bloody meat!
Um, so getting this sandwich shop proves how Capitol Hill RULZ, even though it's a branch of a CHAIN? It will be way better than the one on Roosevelt, then? All righty.

Hay, let me know when you guys get a Wal-Mart!

It's true that I Love New York is pretty lame by NY standards, but those are high standards. It's pretty decent as the West Coast goes (and definitely better than the Other Coast).

The new Avila in Wallingford (in the space that used to be Bella Cosa) makes a pretty mean reuben on their lunch menu. It's only $6. Their mushroom soup is to die for, as well.
George’s Delicatessen is close on first hill and their sandwiches are delicious.
@19 - Their straight up Coldcut is pretty fucking great too.
@16 - Having never had NY Deli, I can't compare it to the original. I _can_ say, however, that I couldn't taste anything for the horseradish on the sandwich I had and when I pulled out bits and pieces, I didn't really taste anything. The meat was... meat. The bread was bread. If all I'm supposed to taste is the horseradish then, yes, it was absolutely authentic. If not, then something is amiss.
Thanks for the shout out, Fnarf. :) Cow and pig products are evil, #1 cause of global warming, will kill you, etc.

Do they have Field Roast? Field Roast is very locally operated - their HQ is by 12th and Jackson. Georgetown Liquor Co has an excellent Field Roast Reuben (no cheese, please). Charlie's on Broadway also has one sometimes.…
Sady, I Love New York Deli is not all that. I've tried; they've failed. You have to go to NYC itself (or at least LA) to get the real deal.
@23 i just threw up in my mouth.
Capitol Hill is merely a suburb of Wallingford/U-District. Molly Moons... Rancho Bravo... I Love New York Deli... all expanded from NoShiCan (north of the ship canal). I've also heard a rumor that Guanaco's Pupuseria (41st and Brooklyn) is expanding to Capitol Hillvue soon.
Q: If we have a NY deli, are we finally world class?

A: Um, the question provides its own answer.

Comment: to be truly world class you have to have about 500 Greek diners where coffee is only $1 and the breakfast special (two eggs, toast, hash browns, butter and jam) is only $3.95.

When every breakfast in town is $9 ..... even at any old lame restaurant and pub....

you're not world class.
Exciting! Let's not forget Hillside Quickies (in the U-district & on 15th Ave) -- their sandwiches are like the east coast deli food I grew up eating, only VEGAN!
Yeah, I patronize the one on Roosevelt. Terrific pastrami sandwichs, bagels and lox. I used to frequent the Continental Deli too. It's nice to have these in my neighborhood.
I heart NY deli is fine and dandy.....but.....

Market House Corned Beef y'all.


A 60 year old Seattle institution!
Poor Seattle. I just ate a wonderful reuben from Abe's cafe in old downtown Littleton, CO, only $6.50. Apparently, though, it's bragging rights to have a half-assed, overpriced chain deli be in your neighborhood? Krazy.
luuuv 'em, luv luv luv. sure, they are a bit pricey, but probably won't go there 7 days a week. though i will not put that in writing.
1)my tongue was fully in cheek, fnarf...sheesh.

2)cheap breakfast places make a city world class? Someone call Joplin Missouri and Lagos Nigeria and let them know they are "world class"!

3)I don't think three links make a chain...
Was excited to try it yesterday. Underwhelming. Too expensive.
I'm a big fan of the Little Italy breakfast sandwich at the U-District I Love New York deli. The kaiser roll is so tasty!
Andy Squirrel - Yes, they Ruebens are that expensive, and they are not very big. Buffalo Deli in Belltown gives you a much bigger sandwich for about $8.
Market House, just down the hill, has cheap and fabulous corned beef sandwiches.
Um unless the have Bacon Egg and Cheeses it is no New York deli. Best Hangover food for under $5. Please god let them have BEC's.
@26, I prefer NoShCa.

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