Part of a series of restaurant recommendations offered in The Stranger’s 2017 Guide to Food and Drink (International Edition).
Altstadt Bierhalle & Brathaus
Altstadt, owned by former Belltown street taco entrepreneur Lex Petras, is arguably Seattle's first stab at upscale German food. And it hits the mark. Certainly the Pioneer Square restaurant still resembles a bierhall, if an exceptionally handsome one, but the food is a cut above your average pub grub. Chef Megan Coombes won my heart with her Oktoberfest mackerel special, served whole and stuffed with lemon and herbs, the fish perfectly flaky and accompanied by a liberal heap of her excellent sauerkraut. TOBIAS COUGHLIN-BOGUE
Bavarian Meats
I once described this downtown mainstay as a "glorious panoply of sausage," and I stand by that description. I've also called Gabby, the store manager, and her employees "no-bullshit-taking-yet-somehow-sweet-as-pie." These two attributes contribute to an exceptional and efficient German deli experience, as well as my continued addiction to landjaeger. Though Bavarian Meats is primarily a deli—one from which you can piece together an amazing picnic lunch—they also serve highly recommended hot lunches. You'll find currywurst, schnitzel, spätzle, an excellent Reuben, and even Kassler Rippchen—a superlative smoked pork chop plate. If you're in the mood for something snackier, grab a couple links of the spicy landjaeger and a beverage, head over to Victor Steinbrueck Park, and partake while enjoying the gorgeous ferry-studded view of Puget Sound and the Olympics. TOBIAS COUGHLIN-BOGUE
The name of this Lake City bakery translates to "coffee gossip," aka the best way to spend any weekend afternoon. As the daughter of a German immigrant, I grew up eating homemade pflaumenkuchen (plum crumb cake) and mohnkuchen (poppy seed cake) made from my oma's hand-written recipe book. And I have good news: Kaffeeklatsch's cakes and pretzels are legit. This bakery also has more American fare, like flaky biscuits (which are also available as sandwiches), chocolate chip cookies, and big sourdough boules. It's worth the seemingly yearlong bus ride up north. ANA SOFIA KNAUF
Prost! Tavern
A regional chain of German bierhalls, Prost can trace its humble beginnings to Phinney Ridge, a flagship that is now joined by outposts in West Seattle and Portland. They also own Die Beirstube in Ravenna, as well as an SLU offshoot called Feierabend. The Prost group's menus are mostly based on German classics similar to what you'd find at Bavarian Meats. Indeed, most of Prost's meat is sourced from Bavarian, and many of the dishes at the actual Prost locations are almost identical to Bavarian Meats' lunch menu. This is not a complaint—if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unlike Bavarian Meats, Prost has draft beer and an old-world German pub atmosphere that will make you want to stick around a bit longer than it takes to wolf down some currywurst. TOBIAS COUGHLIN-BOGUE
Rhein Haus
Twentysomethings jostle for position around this prefab German beer hall's sprawling main bar. Inoffensive pick-up lines and mini bottles of Underberg are swiftly dispensed amid the fusillade of cheers and high fives erupting from five pristine indoor bocce courts. If navigating this weekend-warrior melee isn't your bag, come earlier for the sausage party on the Capitol Hill hotspot's menu. The array of dressed-up wursts provide sustenance for day-drinkin', ball-tossin' sessions when large groups can more comfortably guzzle beer by the liter. With 10,000 square feet, three bars, and two hulking fireplaces, the nouveau brew lodge dazzles like a luxury apartment building's party room during Oktoberfest, with about as much soul. MICHAEL RIETMULDER