I have heard you openly complain about staff payroll being too high. I have listened to you claim that finances are tight right now because of our planned expansion. I have seen you send employees home early on a slow day because you "can't justify the expense." I have watched you belittle and demean the value of my overqualified and incredibly talented colleagues because you think they could be "doing more." I have accepted a salary based on an agreed-upon schedule, only to be greeted with 55 to 60 hour workweeks that break down to a value of less than $15 per hour. I have coped with receiving only six days of PTO per year (including sick days), even if it has affected my relationships. I have empathized with my coworkers about our love for what we do, our depth of experience, and how odd it is that we still can't afford health insurance or rent. So when you paraded around the building the other day in your brand-new $800 Balenciaga sneakers, I decided to start looking for a new job.

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