About a year ago, I dropped off my 17-year-old in his new city, Seattle. It was once mine as well, but life took me away. As I walked away from him at the Capitol Hill Light Rail entrance, he was sobbing and I was trying to be the stoic dad holding it together. I took one last look back, waved, and then headed into the station. As I turned the corner, I lost it.
Standing there bawling, I heard this voice ask me if I was okay. I turned and looked to see this beautiful, tall man looking down at me—I’m 6-foot tall. His eyes told me it was okay. I said, ”Nope. I’ve just dropped off my son in his new town, and I am headed back to Arizona, and my heart is breaking.” He smiled and said, “Would you like a hug?”
That five-second hug that felt like an hour was the warmest and kindest thing that I’ve ever received from a stranger. I wish I had at least asked your name. Anyway, thank you.
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