I, Anonymous Dec 18, 2024 at 2:00 pm
Steven Weissman



Sorry, but citizens are required to stare gape-mouthed at their phones at all times, no exceptions. You may not like it, but it's the law.


I feel your pain IA, I saw Cyndi lauper at the Key a few weeks ago and I admit it's been quite some time since i've gone to a major venue for a big show, needless to say I was shocked at all the fucking phones, recording and taking pictures. I would prefer to not have a reminder of how dumb and self absorbed people are when I spend good money on concert tickets. 10/10 IA not notes, at the ballet no less! (clutches pearls)


Live performances deserve more respect from the audience - I support this IA rant (nicely done)


The Nutcracker is not the ballet.


@2 A concert is not quite the same. Everyone wants to take a few photos and / or video clips to remember the event by. Plus at one point Cyndi ASKED the audience to all take out their phones and turn on their flashlights.


This is why I no longer attend live performances: expensive, parking hassles, rude audience, mostly just crap performances (not nutcracker in this catagory).


I don’t understand why so many people insist on taking videos at shows when you can go home and literally find a video of the show on You Tube the next day that is high quality and way better than anything most of you standing in the middle or back of the room could take.

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