The Stranger's I Saw U

Did you recently share a ✨moment✨ with someone on the bus—or at the movies, or at a show, or while standing in line at the supermarket? Do you want to try to reconnect but don’t know where to start? Well then post an I Saw U message with The Stranger! Every week we’ll publish select submissions on Slog and Instagram. Maybe your crush will see it and slide into the comments or your DMs? And then maybe you’ll fall in love forever? Or even for a whole weekend?

Read previous I Saw U submissions here!

Describe what you saw!
Please provide a headline.
Your message (max 150 characters). No links, no HTML, no phone numbers, please.
Please write a message up to 150 characters.
For verification purposes only. We won’t share or publish it.
Please provide a valid email address.
Only include this if you'd like us to tag you if we use your submission on Instagram.
Please provide a valid handle.