Mea culpa. There I was last week, moaning about having nothing to write about, when a few minutes of research on my part would have shown that July is in fact host to two very busy and well program-med chamber music festivals. In my own defense.... Nah, I've got nothing. It was just one big screwup.

SEATTLE CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL--Now there's a lot of stuff to run through, so pay attention. This collection of familiar but diverse chamber music starts off every night at 7 pm with a free recital that lasts half an hour; the concerts proper follow at 8. Friday's concert includes melodic works from Menotti, Milhaud, Shumann, and Françaix. Monday takes a Russian turn with Shostakovich and Prokofiev, plus Mozart for good measure. And Wednesday brings, um, more Mozart; also Elgar, Bloch, Dvoràk, and Ravel. Worried about a sell-out? Well, most shows are, it seems; but bring along a blanket and you can sit on the lawn and listen--for free! Lakeside School, 15040 1st Ave NE, Fri July 9, Mon July 12, and Wed July 14, 7/8 pm, $25/$30, 283-8808.

OLYMPIC MUSIC FESTIVAL--Or take a nice weekend drive down to Olympia and listen to music in a barn. Sonatas by Brahms (cello and piano) and Bartók (violin), and Dvoràk's quartet in E flamesat. And hey, if there's a sell-out, bring along a blanket and listen on the lawn--for only ten dollars! You better just call them for directions, I'm lousy at that kind of thing. Sat July 10 and Sun July 11, 2 pm, $10/$15/$18/$20, 527-8839.