Sadly, this is the closing installment of Bug in the Bassbin here in The Stranger. Starting next week, Dave Segal's electronic-music column Data Breaker will return to this space. Over the last year and change, I've had a singular goal: to get people out to experience the amazing music on offer in Seattle (in both live and recorded forms). If I've managed to convince anyone to get off the couch or pick up a CD, then I've fulfilled my duty. Not to worry, I'll still be showing up in these pages from time to time (and more regularly online), although from here on out, it's as likely to be about instrumental post-rock as it is techno.
It'd be impossible to thank everyone that deserves it, so I'll keep things in general terms. For the readers: Thanks for the support—and the criticism. I hope you've discovered some new music thanks to my tenure. For my editors: Thanks for making me sound much more eloquent than I actually am. For the producers, promoters, and personalities I've talked to: Thanks for your time. I've been universally impressed by everyone who's given me an interview or sent me music.
This column has been humbling, because for every story that I've managed to tell, there have been a dozen that didn't get the attention they deserved. There are eight million stories in the Naked City, and just as many in Seattle's electronic music scene. Between all of the promoters and artists in our fair city (I'll even extend that praise to Portland), we've got one of the most fertile regions in the country, if not the world. Sure, we get the major headliners without the hassle of huge crowds, but just as important is our local talent pool, which seems to run unfathomably deep. Instead of getting burned out on going out and keeping up, I've grown increasingly excited and impressed at both the quality and quantity of what we have going on here—you should feel the same. Even if the world never catches on, be proud of the scene you have. Be sure to get out and take advantage, and when the time comes, vote to support it.
Here are some universal closing points:
• DJs/laptop performers: It's okay to look like you're enjoying yourself. Crack a smile, dance behind the table—anything to let us know you like your output as much as you expect us to.
• Support your locals. Everyone's got to start somewhere.
• Wear comfortable shoes. Dancing is much easier that way.
• Wear earplugs. If you want to be able to enjoy music as much when you're older, do yourself a favor now.
• Finally, some parting advice from my fav- orite T-shirt: Listen to Detroit techno.