Anna Minard claims to "know nothing about music." For this column, we force her to listen to random records by artists considered to be important by music nerds.


Forever Changes

Back, after a brief break, to the spirit of this column: I really have never heard of Love (ha-ha, cue sad spinster joke). Grant handed me this CD, and I didn't even know which was the album title and which was the band name. But the cover is great! Look at it! It's like a trippy coloring-book page.

I know it's funnier when I hate everything, but I loved this album from the very first second I pressed play. That doesn't mean I know what this genre is called1, or what year this is from2, or what the music nerds say about it3, but the first track, "Alone Again Or," pretty much sounds like a young version of your dad hanging out in a field with his best friend, his VW bug parked nearby with an acoustic guitar lashed to the front bumper. It sounds like honey and tall grass, and also right away there is so much TRUMPET! I love trumpets!

The lyrics are funny, sometimes in a great way and sometimes in a ridiculous way and sometimes perfectly in between—"Then you feel your heart beating thrum-pum-pum-pum" ("Andmoreagain"). Track 10, "Bummer in the Summer," contains so many sharp lyrics, it makes me grin at strangers, especially the repeated line "I ain't got no papers on you."

But seriously, track 5, "Old Man," what is this Lord of the Rings shit? Really? A man gave you a "tiny ivory bowl" and a "small brown leather book" and then you fell in love with a lady, blah blah blah. This is ridiculous. Also, lead singer on this track: Why are you pronouncing "loving you" like "lauving yew"? That's not even a real accent, weirdo.

Those things aside, this album will make you want to go on a road trip immediately, which is perfect for this time of year when everyone keeps saying, "Let's quit our jobs and our grown-up lives and just go be outside ALL THE TIME!" Put this in your ears while you lie on a blanket near a body of water as the sun goes down and you will not regret any of your life choices.

One tiny moment of triumph: The liner notes refer to Captain Beefheart. You should see my face light up when I actually get a music reference, guys. I don't high-five myself, but only because I have poor coordination and I'm worried about missing. Woo-hoo! Learning is fun!

I give this a "let's get in our cars and drive into the sunset" out of 10. recommended

1. "Psychedelic," aka "sike" (ewww, spell better, y'all).

2. 1967.

3. Resident vinyl-and/or-plastic-circle hoarder Mike Nipper says, "It's considered, to some, the American Sgt. Pepper, even tho' the relative weight of Forever Changes has come in the last 10 years, after the Rhino remaster reissue..." (and then I fell asleep).