It's been 20 years since the pop rock band Veruca Salt hit the scene, sweetening up the grungy mainstream-alt-rock pot, but never getting too saccharine. The charming Chicago four-piece lit up the 1990s with Steve Lack on bass, Jim Shapiro on drums, and singer/guitarists Louise Post and Nina Gordon. Post and Gordon met in 1993 (introduced by their mutual bud, actress Lili Taylor) and alternated between lead and backup, never collaborating. Their first album, American Thighs, sparkles with band synchronicity, including their megahit "Seether."
Unfortunately, the two frontwomen had a falling-out and Gordon broke off to pursue her solo career after their well-received second album, Eight Arms to Hold You—and after a revolving door of replacements, Veruca Salt disbanded. Now reunited with the original lineup intact for the first time since the '90s, hatchets have been buried and the band has released a limited-edition 10-inch...