A Kenny Amongst Us

Eyes of Fire

Sat April 10, 10:20 pm: A young man wearing a dark hooded jacket sprayed something mysterious into the face of a woman walking down the sidewalk. When the warm liquid stream struck her cheek, it made her eyes burn like crazy. The man stared at her, as if to study her reaction--which was to demand to know what the hell he'd sprayed in her face. He didn't say a word, but pulled out an empty container, showed it to her, and walked away. The woman headed for a nearby restaurant, rinsed her eyes and cheeks, and called the cops. An area check failed to produce the man with the secret venom.

I'm a Cop, You're a Cop
Unknown location

Mon April 12, 12:04 am: An unknown person broke into the passenger side of a black Ford owned by a police officer, and stole his silver police badge (dollar value $50). The brazen thief also took the cop's black suede badge wallet (value not reported), and his police identification card. The officer's name was not listed in the police report.

Knock, Knock...
Green Lake

Mon April 12, 10:30 pm: A married couple were home eating dinner when they heard a knock at the door. The man of the house answered and discovered a stranger in his 30s standing on the stoop, wearing a blue wind breaker. The stranger asked for "the king and queen of the house" and announced that he represented an organization that promotes "better neighborhoods." The man of the house, who had until this point been mute, demanded that the stranger clearly state his business or go away so he and his wife could continue their meal. The stranger replied, "I don't have to put up with this attitude," and left. The king and queen resumed their dinner and then called the police because they were suspicious of the stranger's intentions.

The Love Seat
Lake City

Tues April 13, 11:30 pm: When Detective DiTusa called the number in an ad for an escort service, a sexy-sounding female answered the phone. He requested an escort and was told the price was $200 an hour--cash only. DiTusa said he'd pay, and headed over to a Lake City apartment building, where a voluptuous blonde was waiting. When the officer arrived, the woman checked his ID and collected the fee. She then led him to a sparsely-furnished bedroom with a love seat against one wall. The woman asked DiTusa to take off his clothes and explained that she could dance, masturbate, or rub his shoulders, but that sex or body contact was out of the question. Disappointed, the detective asked for his money back, but she refused. Just then, two other detectives and the woman's security guard burst into the room. The cops learned that, out of the $200, the escort received only $75, the security guard earned $8 an hour, and the rest went to the madam. No arrests were made.

Hung Jury
Capitol Hill/Taiwan

Date and time unknown: The 19-year-old SCCC student who, a few weeks ago, armed himself with two meat cleavers and a bag full of Molotov cocktails and took his English teacher hostage, has skipped out on his $100,000 bail bond. No one knows exactly where Kai Ting Hung (also known as Kenny) has gone. Prosecutors suspect that he fled to his homeland, Taiwan. Though considered a criminal by police and by his teacher, Kenny is somewhat of a hero to those in the international community (including this writer), who have experienced the horrors of being an international student in this very expensive country.

In honor of Hung's heroism, Police Beat leaves you with these words he uttered shortly after being arrested: "I don't have a future. The teacher would not listen to me. I just wanted her to listen. She was not fair. She wanted to fail me and I just wanted to talk to her. I drank half a bottle of beer today. The teacher is not fair. She does not think about me. I feel sorry to everybody."

Trenchcoat Madness
Seward Park

Fri April 23, 7:18 pm: A 12-year-old white male wearing a black trenchcoat was approached by a 20-year-old black male on 37th Ave S, and told, "Don't wear that trench coat around me, or I'll beat you up." The boy ran to his father and explained that he had been threatened by a black male with a small ponytail and a black "pick" comb high up on the back of his head. His father called the cops. When police arrived, they tracked down the black male and told him they needed to talk. "What the fuck for?" the black male asked. At this point, the police determined they were dealing with a "hard head," and a struggle ensued. The police blasted the man with pepper spray, which settled him right down. As they transported him to the South Precinct, they asked if he wanted to tell his side of the story. The black male explained to Sgt. Hicks that when he saw the white kid wearing the black trench coat, he told him "very forcefully" that he shouldn't wear it, that he associated it with the recent shooting in Littleton, Colorado. After telling his story, the black male was booked into King County Jail.