Whale Steak

(serves 4)

4 slices of whale meat, 3/4 pound each

Salt and pepper, preferably freshly ground

4 onion rings

2 teaspoons finely diced green or red peppers

1 teaspoon finely diced parsley

1 teaspoon finely diced gherkins

Carve the meat into slices, about one to two inches thick, and beat them with your hands until tender (this usually takes about 3 hours). Press steaks into desired shape. Preheat a frying pan and melt some butter in it. Brown the butter before adding the meat. Fry the steaks for 4 to 5 minutes on each side. Whale steaks taste best when they are medium rare, but they should always be warmed through and not eaten raw. Cooked steaks should be smartly arranged on your favorite servingware, and topped with an onion ring. For an especially decorative and delicious touch, fill each onion ring with peppers, parsley, and the chopped gherkins. Suggested accompaniment: scalloped potatoes and a crisp lettuce salad.

Joint of Whale Meat Steeped in Red Wine Marinade
(serves 6 to 8)

1 1/2 pounds whale meat

3 cups dry red wine

1/2 cup vegetable oil

3 ground cloves

1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper

2 teaspoons salt

Gravy: 3 cups whale meat juice, thickening agents (milk and flour), 4 teaspoons each of sour cream, sugar, salt

It may be a good idea to bind the whale joint to help it keep its shape. Place it in a small baking dish and pour mixture of wine, oil, cloves, pepper, and salt on top, being careful to cover the entire joint. Let it sit overnight, turning at regular intervals. Remove the prepared joint from the dish, dry well, and rub with salt. Cook until it turns a pleasant chestnut color, turn down the heat, and add 3 cups water. Let the joint simmer for about 20 minutes, turn it over, and cook for another 20 minutes. Scoop out approximately 3 cups whale juice, enough to make the gravy. Add the thickening agents to the drippings, and then the sour cream, sugar, and salt. Serve with boiled beans or other vegetables.