IT'S HARD TO REMEMBER all Seven Deadly Sins off the top of your head. Try it. Without peeking at the cover of this issue, close your eyes and name all seven. If you're like me, you get to five or six sins, then draw a blank. Did I say greed? Isn't greed the same as envy? Or is avarice the same as greed? For the record, there's envy, anger, greed, sloth, gluttony, and lust.
Oh, yes, and there's pride, of course.
The Seven Deadly Sins have been with us, in one form or another, for the last 1,500 or so years. That means pride has been a sin a lot longer than it's been a rainbow-striped lifestyle choice. Thirty years ago, borrowing a page from the women's and black power movements' playbooks, gay and lesbian activists determined that American queers needed a slogan of our own. Women had "Equal Rights," and African Americans had "Black Power." For better or worse, we got "Gay Pride," equal parts exhortation (to still-closeted gays and lesbians) and confrontation (of homophobic straights).
In this, The Stranger's 1999 Queer Issue, we've put pride back in its original context--pride as a deadly sin--and examined it and its sister sins to see how they impact and play out in gay and lesbian lives. Andrew Sullivan argues that gluttony is the gayest of sins; Urvashi Vaid comes out swinging for sloth; Spencer Bergstedt dissects female-to-male transsexual envy; Kevin Killian attempts to pin down lust; Susie Bright lays out some good ol' lesbian anger; and Mary Martone teaches us that greed--lesbian greed at least--is good. I take on pride, Riz Rollins ponders sins, and Adrian Ryan presents us with a nearly comprehensive list of other deadly sins.--Dan Savage