The Myth of the Absolute Slut/South Seattle/Thurs May 10/3:00 am: Officer Moss reports: "According to complainant [black, female, 20] she used to be a close friend of suspect [black, male, 20]. After their friendship ended, he started harassing her by giving her number to unknown men and telling them that she would have sex with them if they called her. Because of this behavior, she obtained an anti-harassment order against the suspect. The order was served in court on April 10, 2007, and does not expire until April 10, 2009. The complainant stated the harassing behavior stopped for about a week after the order was served, but started up again around the 18th of April. Today she received two voice-mail messages on her cell phone from two different males. One of the messages is in the Somali language. The messages are from males who state that the suspect gave them her number and said she was easy and willing to have sex with them. They wanted to meet her that night or soon after the call. The complainant also stated the suspect is on a telephone chat line and gives out her phone number to males who believe they will get sex if they call her. She has reported these violations of the order in the past."

Deep in the male mind must be the root of the belief that somewhere out in the world there exists a species of beautiful women who will copulate with any man just at the asking. This type of imagined woman will stop whatever it is she is doing at a given moment (working, sleeping, eating) and have sex with the man who randomly calls for it (from a phone, from below her window, from across the street). She is the absolute slut, the ultimate sex creature. This kind of woman, of course, does not correspond with anything in reality, but with the internal drive, the impulse, the flame of sex itself. When the desire for satisfaction is suddenly ignited, she appears like something wondrous rising up with the smoke and fire of that desire.

The Daughter of Desire/Belltown/Sat May 5/6:27 pm: Officer Minor reports: "The complainant was retrieving a phone message on his home phone when he heard a message where the contents were of a very sexual nature. The caller mentioned his daughter's name toward the end of the message. The complainant is concerned due to the graphic content of the message and the fact that his daughter is harassed by a male student in such a way. I listened to the message that was left by the suspect: It appeared to be a young man's voice and the content of the message was sexual. I recommended that he contact the school and advise them of this situation." There is simply no way around the alarm that a father feels every time he hears his innocent daughter described in the blunt terms of a "very sexual nature." recommended