News Sep 7, 2011 at 4:00 am

State Supreme Court Constrains Power of GOP Attorney General Rob McKenna


Those beady weasel eyes and that toothy mouth of sharp teeth! that wicked smile of incorrect values! Crazy Cracker extraordinarie! the perfect candidate to be the villain in a b-grade horror movies.
@1: I second that!
Quite the exaggeration on both points. McKenna was never a major player in the health care lawsuit, and as you noted, his limited involvement is likely to continue regardless of the ruling.

It seems obvious he's only in that game to build some street cred with the far right while claiming he's more interested in legal points regarding state rights.

On the second, he's being dragged into Goldmark's personal battle in the Methow Valley. It' seems obvious that will be a losing effort that will just waste more of the state's scarce money.

Goldy's dislike for McKenna and his fear of the man becoming governor should not be mistaken for news or legitimate analysis.
Why do conservatives faces always look like they are lacking an essential enzyme in their biological make up?
Citizens of Seattle have non-fond memories of another over-reaching elected attorney, our own City Attorney Tom Carr. When we proposed making marijuana enforcement our police's lowest priority, Carr campaigned against our Initiative. When he lost, he simply decided to keep prosecuting marijuana cases as if we had not changed our law. We eventually tired of his insubordination, and canned him at the next election. Let's hope citizens of Washington State have the same respect for the rule of laws, and not of a man, and perform the same service for Mr. McKenna.

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