I wonder if it is worse to be Hispanic or black in Eastern Washington politics.
Unfortunately, even if these Judicial contests were decided with the same (General Election) electorate, the closest thing we'd have to a comparison case is complicated by money, religion, etc.
@2 the answer is Hispanic. African Americans were so rare in my High School that the racisim against them was muted due to rarity. My Senior year at Kamiakin there were (I think) less than 10 black people out of 350, and one was the class president.
Awesome work, Eli. This is pretty sad state of affairs. Not a fan of Rob McKenna, but it's just fucking depressing to think even he wasn't racist or white enough for the likes of these racist Eastern Washington voters. And it's just fucking mind blowing to see all these racist comments on all the so-called mainstream news spewing racist hatred while claiming that everyone but them's the racist. Is The Stranger the only fucking sane newspaper left in our state?
Did you ask what our so-called not-racist Secretary of State Sam Reed whether he thinks there is widespread voter racism in our state? And whether he knew that when he decided not to mail out statewide voter pamphlets, because he was counting on the racist vote making decision on nothing but the whiteness of someone's name? Too bad it didn't work out the way these racist Republicans wanted to. Maybe they shoulda thought about voter suppression to prevent these brown voters from voting altogether. Oh wait. They DID think of that!!! We are so fucking screwed.
This sucks. I relocated to Wenatchee for the climate, family, and pace of life. Yes, there are some major delineations of perspective between white and latinos, but not all of us on this side of the mountains are racist. Me gusta le communidad mexicana en mi ciudad! That being said, there are a shit-ton of rednecks out here. Hey, Seattleites! come on over and help us make Wenatchee as great as it can be! Word.
Nothing illegal with voting your preference. If there is a problem, its a lack of registered Hispanic voters, or lack of voter education about the candidates. Labeling an entire county as racist will not solve this. And since Justice Gonzales won, can we now stop using this as justification to strip away the people's right to elect judges?
A few things about BumFuck, WA. First, it only votes Rethug. Second, it only votes white skin. Third, it is drowning (especially Yakima) in illegal Hispanics. Fourth, there was NO VOTER PAMPHLET!
So no surprise here that white voters voted for the white name, not the Hispanic name. Is Eastern WA racist- not necessarily. But is it Rethug- sad to say- yes. The proper question to ask is not "is E WA racist?", but "is E WA Rethug?"
Nobody should be silly enough to think that ANY Rethug county in the nation is going to vote Hispanic. Republicans are racists- hello! As a Yellow Dog Democrat, yes-it's hard to live here.
Bad article based on bad research, Eli. Ask the proper questions if you want the correct answers.
@6- You're right- about 1/3 of E WA is Dem/progressive, but don't live here if you can't stand the rednecks. You're surrounded, and Wenatchee, thanks to Seattle transplants, is less Rethug than most counties over here. Try living in Grant County!
The real result is that unqualified individuals get elected by an ignorant electorate. Because that is precisely what racism is-ignorance. Shameful. Disgraceful. Disgusting. Ignorance. And it is harmful to this state and nation. And it may be cliche, but it's about as un-American as treason.
The Gonzalez election exposed a disturbing divide in Eastern Washington. There is a heavy Latino population on this side of the state and has been for quite some time.
Unfortunately, that familiarity has not translated into harmony as it historically has done in this melting pot of a country. No, quite the opposite.
Why? Are the vast majority of white people in Eastern Washington simply racist. No more explanation needed? Is it a backlash against Latino gang activity that has been a blight on the livability of so many communities, Yakima especially?
Is it a language barrier that persists despite multiple generations of Latino families? If you watch the Latino assimilation from the youngest up you often see color- and race-blind youngsters befriending each other at the elementary school level.
Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, the Latino families often do not accommodate or even tolerate friendships outside their culture and those early friendships fade away. The product of this can be seen at the middle school and especially high school levels where the cultural divide begins taking on a hostile feel.
Of course this is not true in all cases. Nothing is ever that simple.
But whatever the cause of the blind bigotry in the Gonzalez election, the Latino assimilation into our society, or lack thereof, should be studied in the communities of Eastern Washington.
But it also could be an interesting case study to see why voters in King County so heavily and automatically cast their ballots for anyone with a "D" after their name. But that's for another day.
There's more than racism going on here though. That's too simple. To most EWA voters, my guess is that Latino is synonymous with Democrat. To flip things around, let's say there's an election in King Co. and the only info readily available to voters is "Candidate A is a Mormon and Candidate B is not". Is there any doubt which candidate would win? Mormon is synonymous with Republican (even though the highest ranking Mormon official ever is the Democrats' Senate Maj. Leader).
What I'm saying is, it's ridiculous to say race isn't a factor in this, but it's clearly not the only factor. Let's also take the likelihood that a fairly large number of voters might look at the internet, a newspaper etc. The easiest bit of info to find out about Gonzalez is that he was appointed by Gov. Gregoire. So here we have the two most readily available pieces of info about this candidate being: Latino=Democrat, and appointed by a Democrat. 1+1=Democrat. He's not going to get votes in EWA.
In any event, the bottom line?: electing judges is the dumbest thing ever. The Gov. should appoint the entire supreme court and county execs or commissioners should appoint county-level judges.
Yes, whites are so prejudiced. I wonder why though, that we never seem to hear that 96% of black voted for Obama. Is it actually possible that blacks are capable of being racist as well?
Yes, whites are so prejudiced. I wonder why though, that we never seem to hear that 96% of blacks voted for Obama. Even after 3 terms, Marion Barry, the alcoholic, cocaine addict, convict, still was reelected mayor of Washington DC with 70% of the vote. Is it actually possible that blacks are capable of being racist as well? What is even more absurd is that by merely pointing out that fact, I will be labeled racist. Yes, I feel so ashamed about slavery...terrible thing. Caucasians have been conditioned to accept that we are racist bastards but one of the reasons is that for the present we are still the majority. In the not too distant future Caucasians will be the minority, and perhaps then it will become obvious that anyone of any race is quite capable of being racist.
I think a lot of you are conflating `burn a cross', `hurl an epithet' racism with the institutionalized forms of discrimination that keep minorities from holding office, for instance.
first those crying foul clearly said when Stranger said all of the danielson vote was racist, that's not fair -- only SOME of it is.
the new data confirms this. Some of the danielson performance matches standard GOP performance. in other districts and precincts, the danielson performance exceeds gop performance, in the story this is shown by the places where inslee voters voted for danielson. to that extent, yes e washignton is racist, as "those crying foul" clearly said. so in the end they were right and Strange was wrong in saying the mere fact he got 43% shows 43% are racist. What one crying foul said was clearly only about half those 43% are racist. So yes EW racist, yes STranger exagerated, and yes the new data proves this. So in the end the lumping together of nonracist with racist was the kind of overgeneralization we shouldn't make. being factually wrong.
98% of African Americans vote for a candidate whose skin looks (sorta) like there's.
They must be some deeply deeply racist assholes. Right?
Oooh, that's gotta hurt when Western WA brains process it.
The biggest disconnect I see is between the sheeple of Urbanized voting and the independence of Rural voting.
Urban voters NEED goberment programs because they have fouled their nest so throughly, where as the Rural voters are pretty much doing things on their own.
@15/20/21 Repeating yourself doesn't make your argument stronger.
Given Republican policies have been such that better than 90% of the black vote already goes to the Democrat, your argument only applies to a small fraction of a fraction of a small fraction of the overall population. If we simply conceded the point, it would still not be a true equivalence in numbers or more importantly, power.
Racism is bad on its face, but it isn't truly corrosive and dangerous until it is coupled with power:
The ability to project these beliefs into the future through indoctrination.
The ability to inflict the consequences of these beliefs on others.
The ability to enforce a narrative and shape reality.
Yes, whites are so prejudiced. I wonder why though, that we never seem to hear that 96% of blacks voted for Obama. Even after 3 terms, Marion Barry, the alcoholic, cocaine addict, convict, still was reelected mayor of Washington DC with 70% of the vote. Is it actually possible that blacks are capable of being racist as well? What is even more absurd is that by merely pointing out that fact, I will be labeled racist. Yes, I feel so ashamed about slavery...terrible thing. Caucasians have been conditioned to accept that we are racist bastards but one of the reasons is that for the present we are still the majority. In the not too distant future Caucasians will be the minority, and perhaps then it will become obvious that anyone of any race is quite capable of being racist.
Disturbing results, great follow up. And let's not throw our hands in the air and blame it on Eastern WA voters. There are systems in place - at large voting and failure to print statewide voting pamphlets - that perpetuate these drastic disparities in how people vote.
One solution: WA State Voting Rights Act. We almost got it through last session, we'll be pushing for it this session. Help out, get involved. Put the heat on jurisdictions that are just fine with the status quo with the threat of cases being brought by voters who can't elect people who will fight for them.
Yes, the biggest problem my black son had in Wenatchee was that he was mis-characterized as a Latino (strange, with that kinky hair and non-WASP nose). At only 14 a man pulled his car over as he was walking down the street in Wenatchee and yelled "get a job, cut your hair, and quit looking like a diry spic". Nothing but class out there.
"...the large populations of those Western Washington counties..."
And thank GOD for this! It's like we here on this side of the mountains have to drag the rest of the state, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century... I know that not everyone in Eastern WA is an ignorant racist, I actually know this for a fact... But it would appear that MOST of the folks 'over there' are, in fact, ignorant racists.
Of course, this study released by the UW will make no difference whatsoever to these folks because it's SCIENCE and they don't believe in that.
I'll be interested to see what happens with the WA Voting Rights Act.
My family homesteaded in Seattle in the mid 1800s. Lived there most of my life. It has been ruined by all of the $$ and people - I'll never go back.
Now I moved to E Washington - believe it or not, there are a lot of progressive democrats over here. Racism here is no more apparent here than it was in Seattle (where everyone says they're not racist, but only because there aren't enough minorities to be racist against...) Definitely not a "MOST" of the folks are ignorant racists.
You can keep the traffic, the clouds, rampant taxation, passive aggressive dbags, and constant gridlock. I'll take the sun, the snow, proximity to trout country, and great schools / neighbors. If there is "rampant" racism over here, I've not seen it in my dealings with some of the friendliest down to earth people in Washington state.
Interesting how people use their own experience to say that things are the same on both sides of the state, when the data in the article prove that this isn't the case.
Sure, there are racists everywhere, and racist attitudes even among people who think of themselves as progressive. But in Western Washington, in elections, that prejudice is masked or overwhelmed by other factors, such as people voting for party as a proxy for how racist they are. But Eastern Washington has an additional bit of measurable bigotry that is not found in Western Washington, and is not about party differences (because it doesn't happen in races with only white candidates). That's reality. Deal with it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Split the state. Please. I don't care about the ramifications in Congress. Find another state to split the other way if necessary. Or add Puerto Rico as part of the deal.
I don't want the Good Name of the State of Washington to be associated with the largely spiteful eastern half (more like 2/3rds).
Besides, they are the beneficiaries of the state's tax flow. Cutting them off would actually boost our per-capita tax revenue by keeping our taxes here -- maybe even reduce them -- or use them to do the things they are supposed to do! Like, say, smaller class sizes, instead of adding lanes to 50-mile highways in the middle of nowhere.
Western Washington and Eastern Washington are diametrically opposite each other. We are effectively two states in terms of not only culture, but also biosphere. And more than once we have actually been effectively detached from them via land. It's stark just how different the two are. We should let that nature advise our borders.
@35, Now, that's some smart talking! I did notice that Eastern Washington gets an awful lot of our funds transferred to them. Isn't that called redistribution of wealth? Hello! Call the Marxist in the White House! Oh wait. No, it's only socialism if the money flows from Republicans to Democrats (and how often does that really happen, really?). But when money from our socialist western Washington to the limited government talking Eastern Washington... Well, we just won't talk about that, shall we? I propose we hold all transfer of funds from Western Washington to Eastern Washington until each of them writes a personal thank you note and promises not to Tea bomb us anymore.
I'm from Yakima and racism in the 50s,60s, and 70s was pretty normal. African Americans were "negros" (use of the other N word was shockingly common) and prejudice against Latinos, Asians, or any immigrants or minorities was almost universal among the local WASP folks. Native Americans from the Yakama tribe and others were openly hated, as were men suspected of being homosexual. Gay men and lesbians were hounded and bullied untill they left town or were beaten, or even murdered.
Although it's depressing that votes are based on bigotry, I don't quite understand what solution this article - or the WA Voting Rights Act - is proposing. If this legislation was enacted, how would it have addressed this situation (and I am truly asking)?
Contact the following(in this particular order);the Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs;the Washington State Human Rights Commission;the United States of America's Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division.'Nuff said . . . .
35: With that attitude, you'd have to spilt central Seattle off from practically the rest of the country, never mind state. But your views might change if you got out more.
I live in WI and our "Western WA" is Dane (Madison) and Milwaukee counties plus maybe Bayfield and a handful of other artsy communities out in the boonies. We don't have a mountain range to separate our clashing liberal and conservative views and while it has lead to very angry and ugly interactions between strangers and losses of friendships and family ties, I wouldn't have it any other way. At least we end up attempting debate and have to learn the patience to not cuss out a person with whom we strongly disagree.
I've even had to accept the awkwardness of friendhips with some conservative country bumpkins who speak of God like s(he)'s Santa and are always a risky invite to our very gay-friendly and racially-mixed parties. Why?! Because despite the difference in political views and the ignorant racism and the possibilty that I am sometimes used as an example of a crazy lesbian they know, they STILL somehow, for some wholly mysterious reason, are loving, caring, shockingly thoughtful people. I've stopped focusing on much of what they are saying and begun watching how they treat their friends and family. I don't just shrug off hearing them call Obama the N-word but have learned that there is a time and place to challenge their views. And I,in turn, know who I'm calling if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night.
Yet, this is all too over-simplified. The reality is that living in a liberal oasis is nice and fun and all, but it's not the next level of integrating back into the frustrating society that includes conservative folk (some of whom are a lot better spoken than given credit for). That's where people create change on the smallest level. Maybe that's the most meaningful level? Where homophobic, racist, sexist humans the "enemy" and find out they are their friends.
Just thought I'd mention something that complicates the convenience of calling Washington's East/West politics so blithely.
Geographically, Washington isn’t like Oregon, where East/West is obvious. Generally speaking, WA has four distinct regions: 1. Olympic peninsula; 2. Puget Sound corridor ;3. Central (Cascades to Columbia); 4. Eastern (east of the Columbia).
I happen to live in Central, and now we’re part of Bellevue’s Cong. district! Admittedly, we can be pretty primitive over here, but so are many in, say, eastern Snohomish, Skagit & Whatcom Counties, who make far eastern WA hardasses seem like midsummer night fairies.
I deem Seattle’s own Eastsiders (e.g. Kemper Freeman & Co. et al) more troublesome than a thousand dimbulbs from Adams County.
Pie charts and bar graphs are Beck-friendly, but it ain’t necessarily as convenient as that.
We can at least breathe easier with Gonzalez on the bench, and many of us in Central didn’t take the Anglo bait.
One more thing: remember Alberto Gonzales? Bad association. It might’ve confused ‘em in Moses Lake.
This is a big reason I'm uncomfortable with anyone outside of WA who speaks glowingly of "Washington State" when they're really referring to Seattle. The state of Washington, by and large, is just as closed-minded, ignorant and racist as other parts of the country.
35. "I've said it before and I'll say it again: Split the state. Please. I don't care about the ramifications in Congress."
You should care about the impact on the Presidential election, as right now the Democrats are virtually assured of about a dozen electoral votes, whereas with a split several of those votes would swing red under a new Eastern Washington.
@46 "Generally speaking, WA has four distinct regions"
That you lumped the greater Spokane metro area unceremoniously and without comment into Eastern Washington makes it awfully hard to accept your analysis.
50. That's why I said 'geographically' as the type of regions I listed. I believe the Spokane metro region is akin to its greater surroundings in the environmental sense. Political analysts usually don't give a shit about geographical regions any more. Western Montana is hogtied to eastern Montana much more relentlessly than WA is, and with starker contrasts yet.
35-49. The last bifurcation of a US state was Virginia/W. Virginia in 1863. The expense is prohibitive - at least that's what will be whimpered first. Even California doesn't discuss it any longer.
I for one would be delighted if mass bifurcation occurred in this once semi-coherent nation. But history has always shown that empires get busted up. Stay tuned...
I read that Danielson's website billed himself as the more "conservative" candidate. This would be consistent with the premise of the UW Politcal Science professor who conducted the analysis which is the basis of the headline. For instance, the analysis compares the votes for Danielson against the votes of conservative or Republican candidates.
In Grant County , Gonzalez received 29.5% of non Latino votes, while Jay Inslee received 28.7%. Yet, the analysis compares Danielson's votes (70.4%) to McKenna (58.3%) instead of Gonzalez to Inslee. Why?
Also, the total of the percentages for the Supreme Court race adds up to 99.9%, while the percentages in the analysis in the governor or Senator race adds up to about 86% . Why is that?. I don't know the answer, but could the other approximately 14% of voters not accounted for in the Senate or Governors race in the UW professor's analysis have been another conservative alternative such as a 3rd party candidate who received votes that otherwise would have been cast for Baumgartner or McKenna?
Please see the link in the article for the analysis. It would be nice to get an answer from the UW professor, Matt Barreto.
I'm not trying to be racially insensitive or argue with his conclusion, but it would be enlightening to receive an answer to these questions.
Also, don't forget tha in 1990 an unknown lawyer with little in the way of campaigning but a friendly last name of Johnson defeated what most thought was a far more qualified incumbent with the unfortunate last name of Callow. Both were white, but the voters just went off a name. Danielson is within the same family tree and structure of last names as Johnson.
I read that Danielson's website billed himself as the more "conservative" candidate. This would be consistent with the premise of the UW Politcal Science professor who conducted the analysis which is the basis of the headline. For instance, the analysis compares the votes for Danielson against the votes of conservative or Republican candidates.
In Grant County , Gonzalez received 29.5% of non Latino votes, while Jay Inslee received 28.7%. Yet, the analysis compares Danielson's votes (70.4%) to McKenna (58.3%) instead of Gonzalez to Inslee. Why?
Also, the total of the percentages for the Supreme Court race adds up to 99.9%, while the percentages in the analysis in the governor or Senator race adds up to about 86% . Why is that?. I don't know the answer, but could the other approximately 14% of voters not accounted for in the Senate or Governors race in the UW professor's analysis have been another conservative alternative such as a 3rd party candidate who received votes that otherwise would have been cast for Baumgartner or McKenna?
Please see the link in the article for the analysis. It would be nice to get an answer from the UW professor, Matt Barreto.
I'm not trying to be racially insensitive or argue with his conclusion, but it would be enlightening to receive an answer to these questions.
Also, don't forget tha in 1990 an unknown lawyer with little in the way of campaigning but a friendly last name of Johnson defeated what most thought was a far more qualified incumbent with the unfortunate last name of Callow. Both were white, but the voters just went off a name. Danielson is within the same family tree and structure of last names as Johnson.
This article is totally irresponsible. Danielson is a conservative. He did better in Eastern Washington... where there are a lot of conservatives. Your entire premise is based on your assumption that because there was no voter pamphlet, those Eastern bumpkins couldn't possible have known anything other than the race of the candidates they were voting on. That and one person's opinion that Danielson wasn't qualified. The Stranger gives shit zero about reporting truth. It's as bad as Fox News in it's blatant propaganda.
The article makes a lot assumptions that I do not believe are necessarily supported; i.e., that one candidate was more qualified. Subjective at best. IMO why would anyone vote to keep a political insider in a political position. Specifically I believe that they all become corrupt after one term and need to be removed from any political position. Make them all go look for a real job.
Many of the same people and commenters that jump to the conclusion that a vote is cast based upon race appear to be doing the same thing in projecting voting for a specific party or candidate this year. In my experience there is no worse racist organization than the NAACP or the National Democratic Party when they call out Republican Blacks as Toms, Oreo's, or worse. Remember; MLK Jr was a Republican!
“White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.” ~Al Sharpton
A Hasidic Jewish driver in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section accidentally kills Gavin Cato, a 7-year-old black child, and antisemitic riots erupt. Al Sharpton races to pour gasoline on the fire. At Gavin’s funeral he rails against the “diamond merchants” — code for Jews — with “the blood of innocent babies” on their hands. He mobilizes hundreds of demonstrators to march through the Jewish neighborhood, chanting, “No justice, no peace.” A rabbinical student, Yankel Rosenbaum, is surrounded by a mob shouting “Kill the Jews!” and stabbed to death. Racism? By who?
When the United House of Prayer, a black landlord in Harlem, raises the rent on Freddy’s Fashion Mart, Freddy’s white Jewish owner is forced to raise the rent on his subtenant, a black-owned music store. A landlord-tenant dispute ensues; Al Sharpton uses it to incite racial hatred. “We will not stand by,” he warns malignantly, “and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Sharpton’s National Action Network sets up picket lines; customers going into Freddy’s are spat on and cursed as “traitors” and “Uncle Toms.” Some protesters shout, “Burn down the Jew store!” and simulate striking a match. “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers,” says Sharpton’s colleague Morris Powell. On Dec. 8, one of the protesters bursts into Freddy’s, shoots four employees point-blank, then sets the store on fire. Seven employees die in the inferno. Racism? By who?
Jesse Jackson said that he’s grateful the rest of the country has sat up and taken notice of the slaying of Trayvon Martin. As he said this another trial was starting across town from where the Martin slaying took place, the trial started for Shawn Tyson, a black youth who is accused of murdering two white British tourists in Miami. Tyson made the two tourists strip off their shirts then shot them dead… Don’t expect any major headines on this story. It doesn’t fit the main stream media narrative. Racism?
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” ~ Jesse Jackson Racism?
Jesse Jackson grew up in Greenville, South Carolina. While in high school, he worked at a fast food restaurant, where, as he later boasted to black audiences, he took pleasure in spitting in white people’s food before it was served to them. Racism? Hate?
“[Spitting into the food of white customers at a hotel in Greenville, South Carolina] gave me a psychological gratification.” ~Jesse Jackson (source Life magazine) Racism? Hate?
Christopher Allen Horton you are wrong. You need to stop being a sheeple and think for your self. I understand that you want to believe that things are black/white, good/evil, but is is not that simple. Use your time wisely, learn how to read and think for your self.
In “A Covenant With Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy”, Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., states:
“My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or ‘Daddy King’, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican.”
See the video of Dr. Alveda C. King affirming her uncle was a Republican at: www.NBRA.info
Oh, don't forget the 800,000 people murdered during the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, afterwards US President Bill Clinton claimed to have not fully understood the severity of the situation. Wasn't that racist? Maybe just bad intel like the Libya terrorist attack.
MJT, Christopher Allen Horton,
You guys are both seriously a disturbed and deranged dudes. You are entitled to your views, but just do us a favor and take some meds. OK?
How many of you have truly lived in both parts of the state? I've lived in Spokane, Walla Walla, Yakima, Vancouver, and Seattle. Stop overgeneralizing East vs. West. Both sides have great things going for them. Yes, the West is the big city with everything 'city' going on. But just because you choose that life doesn't mean slower paced country life is wrong. People on both sides of the state are paying taxes! More people mean more taxes, which of course gets spread to the whole state. But you can thank the east (or central as it truly is) for your agriculture and a lot of your fabulous wine.
I love both parts of the state because it allows me to enjoy the diversity of the land. What other state has rain forest to desert and everything in between? Find your way across the Cascades and enjoy the other side of the state, no matter which side you live on. And remember, you are blessed to live in Washington.
The only racism that I see is the publication of the this story and the comments that have gone with it. Maybe if the latino's would stop trying to make this country like Mexico or other southern counties and join the United States the people who live and have grown up here would be more receptive towards them. Learning english is a good start and learning what this country stands for is another. The demographics show that garbage type polution, graffiti and crime have quadrupled since the influx of hispanics. (Drive by shottings were non-existent .) Maybe they should stop the poor me act and help solve these problems instead of burying there heads in the sand or run away when things get really bad like they have ran from there countries.
So, the state decides to save money by NOT PRINTING A VOTERS pamphlet and then is shocked to find that people who are forced to choose a candidate based soley on their name will often not pick the best choice?
Print a pamphlet next time. The voters in these counties were ignorant because the were not offered the information they needed. If there is a charge of voter fraud it needs to be leveled AT THE STATE for depriving people in poor counties of the opportunity to fully participate in this process.
Wow. This has turned into a contest to see who's the biggest douchebag; the naive, ignorant westsiders or the racist, my-dick-is-so-small-I have-to-sit-down-to-pee lunatics from Bellevue? Kennewick? Walla Walla? Wherever.
The Seattle Metro area drains far more tax dollars than all of eastern Washington. Keep your taxes. Those of us on the east side of the state will be happy to use our own billions in ag and industry tax dollars for our far smaller population. We'll even stop shipping our multi-billion dollar wheat and apple crops from the Port of Seattle. We can do it just as easily from any of our own ports on the Columbia.
This is one of the most ignorant articles I have
read. Wonder why the likes of a scumbag like patty murray win elections ?? patty panders
to illegals to get thier vote and morons like
sam reed wonder why ? Giving illegal driver licenses and register them to vote and sending
illegal ballots. It is illegal for a non citizens to vote.
Below is another ignorant statement by seattles
dumbest poster....yes andrew bush. what a stupid
idiot. Enjoy ;)
Andrew Bush · Top Commenter
Go Michelle Obama!!!
I think she is one of the prettiest first ladies we have ever had.
@56 Your comprehension failure is similar to #85 (and 15/20/21/28/29).
Obama gets about as much of the black vote as the average Democratic candidate. We can speculate that he gets some benefit from these voters from being black, but his vote total is predictable by the D after his name.
Danielson, conversely, did much better than conservatives in the precincts cited. His success also can not be predicted by his campaigning (he didn't), his qualifications (virtually nonexistent), etc. The explanation that best fits the facts is that the difference is Anglo vs. Hispanic name preference.
It's worth remembering that not all racism is the burn a cross, hurl an epithet type.
@81 Of course, the Greater Seattle area uses more tax dollars than Eastern Washington, we have more people and we chip in more money. You're the asshole who only chips in a buck or two, but then gets pissy when the guy who paid for most of the pizza doesn't give you half. Seriously. We've also noticed you buy cheap beer and then drink our good stuff. Shut your piehole.
Have you ever BEEN there?
Huge surprise.
I'll alert the media.....
Unfortunately, even if these Judicial contests were decided with the same (General Election) electorate, the closest thing we'd have to a comparison case is complicated by money, religion, etc.
Did you ask what our so-called not-racist Secretary of State Sam Reed whether he thinks there is widespread voter racism in our state? And whether he knew that when he decided not to mail out statewide voter pamphlets, because he was counting on the racist vote making decision on nothing but the whiteness of someone's name? Too bad it didn't work out the way these racist Republicans wanted to. Maybe they shoulda thought about voter suppression to prevent these brown voters from voting altogether. Oh wait. They DID think of that!!! We are so fucking screwed.
So no surprise here that white voters voted for the white name, not the Hispanic name. Is Eastern WA racist- not necessarily. But is it Rethug- sad to say- yes. The proper question to ask is not "is E WA racist?", but "is E WA Rethug?"
Nobody should be silly enough to think that ANY Rethug county in the nation is going to vote Hispanic. Republicans are racists- hello! As a Yellow Dog Democrat, yes-it's hard to live here.
Bad article based on bad research, Eli. Ask the proper questions if you want the correct answers.
@6- You're right- about 1/3 of E WA is Dem/progressive, but don't live here if you can't stand the rednecks. You're surrounded, and Wenatchee, thanks to Seattle transplants, is less Rethug than most counties over here. Try living in Grant County!
Have you ever BEEN there?
Huge surprise.
I'll alert the media.....
98% of African Americans vote for a candidate whose skin looks (sorta) like there's.
They must be some deeply deeply racist assholes. Right?
Unfortunately, that familiarity has not translated into harmony as it historically has done in this melting pot of a country. No, quite the opposite.
Why? Are the vast majority of white people in Eastern Washington simply racist. No more explanation needed? Is it a backlash against Latino gang activity that has been a blight on the livability of so many communities, Yakima especially?
Is it a language barrier that persists despite multiple generations of Latino families? If you watch the Latino assimilation from the youngest up you often see color- and race-blind youngsters befriending each other at the elementary school level.
Unfortunately, for whatever reasons, the Latino families often do not accommodate or even tolerate friendships outside their culture and those early friendships fade away. The product of this can be seen at the middle school and especially high school levels where the cultural divide begins taking on a hostile feel.
Of course this is not true in all cases. Nothing is ever that simple.
But whatever the cause of the blind bigotry in the Gonzalez election, the Latino assimilation into our society, or lack thereof, should be studied in the communities of Eastern Washington.
But it also could be an interesting case study to see why voters in King County so heavily and automatically cast their ballots for anyone with a "D" after their name. But that's for another day.
What I'm saying is, it's ridiculous to say race isn't a factor in this, but it's clearly not the only factor. Let's also take the likelihood that a fairly large number of voters might look at the internet, a newspaper etc. The easiest bit of info to find out about Gonzalez is that he was appointed by Gov. Gregoire. So here we have the two most readily available pieces of info about this candidate being: Latino=Democrat, and appointed by a Democrat. 1+1=Democrat. He's not going to get votes in EWA.
In any event, the bottom line?: electing judges is the dumbest thing ever. The Gov. should appoint the entire supreme court and county execs or commissioners should appoint county-level judges.
first those crying foul clearly said when Stranger said all of the danielson vote was racist, that's not fair -- only SOME of it is.
the new data confirms this. Some of the danielson performance matches standard GOP performance. in other districts and precincts, the danielson performance exceeds gop performance, in the story this is shown by the places where inslee voters voted for danielson. to that extent, yes e washignton is racist, as "those crying foul" clearly said. so in the end they were right and Strange was wrong in saying the mere fact he got 43% shows 43% are racist. What one crying foul said was clearly only about half those 43% are racist. So yes EW racist, yes STranger exagerated, and yes the new data proves this. So in the end the lumping together of nonracist with racist was the kind of overgeneralization we shouldn't make. being factually wrong.
98% of African Americans vote for a candidate whose skin looks (sorta) like there's.
They must be some deeply deeply racist assholes. Right?
Oooh, that's gotta hurt when Western WA brains process it.
The biggest disconnect I see is between the sheeple of Urbanized voting and the independence of Rural voting.
Urban voters NEED goberment programs because they have fouled their nest so throughly, where as the Rural voters are pretty much doing things on their own.
Seattle would weep if he saw his land now.
Given Republican policies have been such that better than 90% of the black vote already goes to the Democrat, your argument only applies to a small fraction of a fraction of a small fraction of the overall population. If we simply conceded the point, it would still not be a true equivalence in numbers or more importantly, power.
Racism is bad on its face, but it isn't truly corrosive and dangerous until it is coupled with power:
The ability to project these beliefs into the future through indoctrination.
The ability to inflict the consequences of these beliefs on others.
The ability to enforce a narrative and shape reality.
You're a racist idiot. A perfect Rethuglican.
One solution: WA State Voting Rights Act. We almost got it through last session, we'll be pushing for it this session. Help out, get involved. Put the heat on jurisdictions that are just fine with the status quo with the threat of cases being brought by voters who can't elect people who will fight for them.
And thank GOD for this! It's like we here on this side of the mountains have to drag the rest of the state, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century... I know that not everyone in Eastern WA is an ignorant racist, I actually know this for a fact... But it would appear that MOST of the folks 'over there' are, in fact, ignorant racists.
Of course, this study released by the UW will make no difference whatsoever to these folks because it's SCIENCE and they don't believe in that.
I'll be interested to see what happens with the WA Voting Rights Act.
Great reporting, Eli, thank you.
Now I moved to E Washington - believe it or not, there are a lot of progressive democrats over here. Racism here is no more apparent here than it was in Seattle (where everyone says they're not racist, but only because there aren't enough minorities to be racist against...) Definitely not a "MOST" of the folks are ignorant racists.
You can keep the traffic, the clouds, rampant taxation, passive aggressive dbags, and constant gridlock. I'll take the sun, the snow, proximity to trout country, and great schools / neighbors. If there is "rampant" racism over here, I've not seen it in my dealings with some of the friendliest down to earth people in Washington state.
Sure, there are racists everywhere, and racist attitudes even among people who think of themselves as progressive. But in Western Washington, in elections, that prejudice is masked or overwhelmed by other factors, such as people voting for party as a proxy for how racist they are. But Eastern Washington has an additional bit of measurable bigotry that is not found in Western Washington, and is not about party differences (because it doesn't happen in races with only white candidates). That's reality. Deal with it.
I don't want the Good Name of the State of Washington to be associated with the largely spiteful eastern half (more like 2/3rds).
Besides, they are the beneficiaries of the state's tax flow. Cutting them off would actually boost our per-capita tax revenue by keeping our taxes here -- maybe even reduce them -- or use them to do the things they are supposed to do! Like, say, smaller class sizes, instead of adding lanes to 50-mile highways in the middle of nowhere.
Western Washington and Eastern Washington are diametrically opposite each other. We are effectively two states in terms of not only culture, but also biosphere. And more than once we have actually been effectively detached from them via land. It's stark just how different the two are. We should let that nature advise our borders.
I've even had to accept the awkwardness of friendhips with some conservative country bumpkins who speak of God like s(he)'s Santa and are always a risky invite to our very gay-friendly and racially-mixed parties. Why?! Because despite the difference in political views and the ignorant racism and the possibilty that I am sometimes used as an example of a crazy lesbian they know, they STILL somehow, for some wholly mysterious reason, are loving, caring, shockingly thoughtful people. I've stopped focusing on much of what they are saying and begun watching how they treat their friends and family. I don't just shrug off hearing them call Obama the N-word but have learned that there is a time and place to challenge their views. And I,in turn, know who I'm calling if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night.
Yet, this is all too over-simplified. The reality is that living in a liberal oasis is nice and fun and all, but it's not the next level of integrating back into the frustrating society that includes conservative folk (some of whom are a lot better spoken than given credit for). That's where people create change on the smallest level. Maybe that's the most meaningful level? Where homophobic, racist, sexist humans the "enemy" and find out they are their friends.
Just thought I'd mention something that complicates the convenience of calling Washington's East/West politics so blithely.
Geographically, Washington isn’t like Oregon, where East/West is obvious. Generally speaking, WA has four distinct regions: 1. Olympic peninsula; 2. Puget Sound corridor ;3. Central (Cascades to Columbia); 4. Eastern (east of the Columbia).
I happen to live in Central, and now we’re part of Bellevue’s Cong. district! Admittedly, we can be pretty primitive over here, but so are many in, say, eastern Snohomish, Skagit & Whatcom Counties, who make far eastern WA hardasses seem like midsummer night fairies.
I deem Seattle’s own Eastsiders (e.g. Kemper Freeman & Co. et al) more troublesome than a thousand dimbulbs from Adams County.
Pie charts and bar graphs are Beck-friendly, but it ain’t necessarily as convenient as that.
We can at least breathe easier with Gonzalez on the bench, and many of us in Central didn’t take the Anglo bait.
One more thing: remember Alberto Gonzales? Bad association. It might’ve confused ‘em in Moses Lake.
You should care about the impact on the Presidential election, as right now the Democrats are virtually assured of about a dozen electoral votes, whereas with a split several of those votes would swing red under a new Eastern Washington.
That you lumped the greater Spokane metro area unceremoniously and without comment into Eastern Washington makes it awfully hard to accept your analysis.
35-49. The last bifurcation of a US state was Virginia/W. Virginia in 1863. The expense is prohibitive - at least that's what will be whimpered first. Even California doesn't discuss it any longer.
I for one would be delighted if mass bifurcation occurred in this once semi-coherent nation. But history has always shown that empires get busted up. Stay tuned...
In Grant County , Gonzalez received 29.5% of non Latino votes, while Jay Inslee received 28.7%. Yet, the analysis compares Danielson's votes (70.4%) to McKenna (58.3%) instead of Gonzalez to Inslee. Why?
Also, the total of the percentages for the Supreme Court race adds up to 99.9%, while the percentages in the analysis in the governor or Senator race adds up to about 86% . Why is that?. I don't know the answer, but could the other approximately 14% of voters not accounted for in the Senate or Governors race in the UW professor's analysis have been another conservative alternative such as a 3rd party candidate who received votes that otherwise would have been cast for Baumgartner or McKenna?
Please see the link in the article for the analysis. It would be nice to get an answer from the UW professor, Matt Barreto.
I'm not trying to be racially insensitive or argue with his conclusion, but it would be enlightening to receive an answer to these questions.
Also, don't forget tha in 1990 an unknown lawyer with little in the way of campaigning but a friendly last name of Johnson defeated what most thought was a far more qualified incumbent with the unfortunate last name of Callow. Both were white, but the voters just went off a name. Danielson is within the same family tree and structure of last names as Johnson.
In Grant County , Gonzalez received 29.5% of non Latino votes, while Jay Inslee received 28.7%. Yet, the analysis compares Danielson's votes (70.4%) to McKenna (58.3%) instead of Gonzalez to Inslee. Why?
Also, the total of the percentages for the Supreme Court race adds up to 99.9%, while the percentages in the analysis in the governor or Senator race adds up to about 86% . Why is that?. I don't know the answer, but could the other approximately 14% of voters not accounted for in the Senate or Governors race in the UW professor's analysis have been another conservative alternative such as a 3rd party candidate who received votes that otherwise would have been cast for Baumgartner or McKenna?
Please see the link in the article for the analysis. It would be nice to get an answer from the UW professor, Matt Barreto.
I'm not trying to be racially insensitive or argue with his conclusion, but it would be enlightening to receive an answer to these questions.
Also, don't forget tha in 1990 an unknown lawyer with little in the way of campaigning but a friendly last name of Johnson defeated what most thought was a far more qualified incumbent with the unfortunate last name of Callow. Both were white, but the voters just went off a name. Danielson is within the same family tree and structure of last names as Johnson.
Many of the same people and commenters that jump to the conclusion that a vote is cast based upon race appear to be doing the same thing in projecting voting for a specific party or candidate this year. In my experience there is no worse racist organization than the NAACP or the National Democratic Party when they call out Republican Blacks as Toms, Oreo's, or worse. Remember; MLK Jr was a Republican!
In “A Covenant With Life: Reclaiming MLK’s Legacy”, Dr. Alveda C. King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., states:
“My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or ‘Daddy King’, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican.”
See the video of Dr. Alveda C. King affirming her uncle was a Republican at: www.NBRA.info
Here, I will help you, since you probably have a difficult time thinking for your self;
If you really want the truth all you really have to do is look for the real facts and interpret them honestly. Good luck.
You guys are both seriously a disturbed and deranged dudes. You are entitled to your views, but just do us a favor and take some meds. OK?
I love both parts of the state because it allows me to enjoy the diversity of the land. What other state has rain forest to desert and everything in between? Find your way across the Cascades and enjoy the other side of the state, no matter which side you live on. And remember, you are blessed to live in Washington.
Print a pamphlet next time. The voters in these counties were ignorant because the were not offered the information they needed. If there is a charge of voter fraud it needs to be leveled AT THE STATE for depriving people in poor counties of the opportunity to fully participate in this process.
The Seattle Metro area drains far more tax dollars than all of eastern Washington. Keep your taxes. Those of us on the east side of the state will be happy to use our own billions in ag and industry tax dollars for our far smaller population. We'll even stop shipping our multi-billion dollar wheat and apple crops from the Port of Seattle. We can do it just as easily from any of our own ports on the Columbia.
a Hispanic name ? I was in the Navy with a guy
named Gomez. He had blonde hair and blue eyes..
read. Wonder why the likes of a scumbag like patty murray win elections ?? patty panders
to illegals to get thier vote and morons like
sam reed wonder why ? Giving illegal driver licenses and register them to vote and sending
illegal ballots. It is illegal for a non citizens to vote.
Below is another ignorant statement by seattles
dumbest poster....yes andrew bush. what a stupid
idiot. Enjoy ;)
Andrew Bush · Top Commenter
Go Michelle Obama!!!
I think she is one of the prettiest first ladies we have ever had.
Obama/Biden 2012
Obama gets about as much of the black vote as the average Democratic candidate. We can speculate that he gets some benefit from these voters from being black, but his vote total is predictable by the D after his name.
Danielson, conversely, did much better than conservatives in the precincts cited. His success also can not be predicted by his campaigning (he didn't), his qualifications (virtually nonexistent), etc. The explanation that best fits the facts is that the difference is Anglo vs. Hispanic name preference.
It's worth remembering that not all racism is the burn a cross, hurl an epithet type.
@81 Of course, the Greater Seattle area uses more tax dollars than Eastern Washington, we have more people and we chip in more money. You're the asshole who only chips in a buck or two, but then gets pissy when the guy who paid for most of the pizza doesn't give you half. Seriously. We've also noticed you buy cheap beer and then drink our good stuff. Shut your piehole.